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研究生(外文):Ho-Jung Chen
論文名稱(外文):On the Design of an Efficient Distributed ALE Middleware
指導教授(外文):Chua-Huang Huang
外文關鍵詞:Reader ProtocolDistributed ALELow Level Reader ProtocolRFIDmiddlewareEPCglobalApplication Level Events
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無線射頻識別 (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)是非接觸式自動識別的
一種技術。在RFID 系統架構可以分成三個部分:前端是由讀取器 (Reader,或
稱為發送器,Transceiver)及標籤 (Tag,或稱為感應器,Transponder ) 所構成,
後端則是使用者應用程式 (Host application ),兩者之間可由中介軟體
(Middleware )串連而成。ALE 提供了比較高階的通訊標準介面可以讓不同的應用
資料,經過過濾、收集,然後形成有用的EPC 標籤資料。
計的中介軟體符合EPCglobal ALE1.1 標準,並且提供LLRP、RP 通訊協定和
Customized API。根據我們所設計的中介軟體架構,我們可以分成user interface
module、event process module、data process module、report generator module、reader
control module。
Radio Frequency Identification is a non-contact automatic identification
technology. The RFID system architecture can be divided into three parts: the front
end is composed of a reader (or a transceiver) and tag (or a transponder). The back
end is host application. The middleware can be linked between the front end and back
end, and it provides a relatively high level communication standard interface. This
interface allows different applications to achieve data collection easily through
middleware. The standard interface is used to collect a large number of tags data with
the use of readers; and after filtering and grouping these would result to useful EPC
tags data.
This paper proposes a distributed ALE middleware modular architecture system,
using each module to communicate and operate with each other in order to achieve
load balancing function. Although we design good modular, but in order to conform
with the international principles and commonality, the ALE middleware is designed to
meet the standards of EPCglobal ALE 1.1, and support Low Level Reader Protocol
(LLRP) Standard, Reader Protocol (RP) Standard, and customized API. We can divide
our designed middleware architecture into five layers: user interface layer, event
process layer, and data process layer, report generator layer, reader control layer. With
the characteristics of module feature, we can directly expand or modify certain single
modules in the future. We can also focus on certain modules which have heavy
loadings and assign some jobs to other modules which have lesser workloads; we can
improve middleware performance and scalability through this method.
誌謝................................................................................................................................ i
摘要............................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract ....................................................................................................................... iii
Contents ....................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures .............................................................................................................. vi
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 2 Related Works ............................................................................................ 3
2.1 EPCglobal Network Architecture ........................................................................ 3
2.2 RFID Infrastructure Simulation Platform ............................................................ 5
2.3 Application Level Events (ALE) Middleware ..................................................... 5
2.4 Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP) AND Reader Protocol (RP) ....................... 6
Chapter 3 System Architecture of Distributed ALE Middleware ........................... 8
3.1 User Interface Layer ............................................................................................ 9
3.2 Access Control Module ...................................................................................... 11
3.3 Reading Module ................................................................................................. 12
3.4 Writing Module .................................................................................................. 13
3.5 Tag Memory Specification Module ................................................................... 15
3.6 Logical Reader Configuration Module .............................................................. 15
3.7 Dispatcher Module ............................................................................................. 15
3.8 Event Process Layer ........................................................................................... 17
3.9 Data Process Layer ............................................................................................ 19
3.10 Report Generator Layer ................................................................................... 16
3.11 Reader Control Layer ....................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4 Implementation of Distributed ALE Middleware ................................. 18
4.1 Distributed Process ............................................................................................ 18
4.2 Register Process ................................................................................................. 19
4.3 Update Process ................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Load Balancing Process ..................................................................................... 26
4.5 ALE Process ....................................................................................................... 27
4.6 User Interface Layer Process ............................................................................. 23
4.7 Event Process Layer Process ............................................................................. 29
4.8 Data Process Layer Process ............................................................................... 27
4.9 Report Generator Layer Process ........................................................................ 28
4.10 Reader Control Layer process .......................................................................... 28
Chapter 5 Experimental Results ............................................................................... 31
Chapter 6 Conclusions and future Work ................................................................. 35
Bibliography ............................................................................................................... 36
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