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研究生(外文):Shih-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Fast Handoff Authentication Mechanism with Ticket in the 802.11i Wireless LANs
指導教授(外文):WB Lee
外文關鍵詞:802.11iWLANsSecurity AuthenticationFast Handoff
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目前IEEE 802.11i標準已在無線網路中提出多個安全且快速換手認證的協定方法。為了達到安全性,透過可信的認證伺服器線上輔助行動設備與基地台之間完成交互認證(Mutual Authentication)。然而,每次換手認證皆需要認證伺服器線上的輔助將導致嚴重影響效能的認證延遲。因此,本論文保留802.11i快速換手認證方法之安全性,提出一個植基於認證票的快速認證換手機制,允釵瘞妘]備利用認證票直接與基地台完成交互認證,無須認證伺服器的線上輔助,達到快速換手認證之目的。
IEEE 802.11i standard and many fast handoff authentication protocols have been proposed. For the security purpose, the trusted authentication server is required to on-line assist in mutual authentication between the wireless device and the visited access point. However, the authentication server is required to on-line assist in the mutual authentication, which leads to serious authentication delays. Therefore, in this paper, we shall to propose a new lightweight ticket that has fast handoff method for 802.11i secure wireless network. Compared with other existing protocols, our protocol dose not touch authentication server in roam to new access point, meanwhile has low computation cost. This protocol is not only simple and quick but can also secure from various known attacks. Therefore, we believe that it is more suitable for in secure wireless network environment.
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
誌 謝 3
目 錄 5
圖目錄 7
第一章、導論 8
1.1前言 8
1.2各章摘要 10
第二章、相關研究背景 11
2.1三層式無線網路架構 11
2.2換手Handoff/Handover 12
2.3 802.1X與RADIUS協定 13
2.4擴展認證協定EAP 14
2.5 PMK金鑰 15
2.6 IEEE 802.1X/EAP-TLS標準協定 16
第三章、提出的方法 22
3.1 初次認證 23
3.2 換手認證 26
第四章、分析與討論 30
4.1 安全性分析 30
4.2 效能分析 33
第五章、結論 36
參考文獻 37
作者簡介 39
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