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研究生(外文):Ming-che Chen
論文名稱(外文):Multivariable Chaotic Systems Synchronization Based on Interval Type-2 Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control
指導教授(外文):Tsung-chih Lin
外文關鍵詞:synchronizationsliding mode controlmulti-input multi-outputchaotic systemadaptive controlinterval type-2 fuzzy neural network(FNN)
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This thesis presents an interval type-2 adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller (IT2AFSMC) which included Lyapunov stability method to control a multivariable chaotic slave system to synchronize a uncertain dynamic multivariable chaotic master system and attenuated the effects from the external disturbance of the master system and the internal noise. By utilizing adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control theory, the propose is made the slave system approach an uncertain nonlinear dynamic chaotic system, so the adaptive laws will be derived. To deal with and attenuated the effects from the internal noise and the external disturbance of the nonlinear chaotic system, this thesis design an IT2AFSMC, which tracking performance in comparison with type-1 adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller (T1AFSMC), IT2AFSMC manifested the stability in close loop and the function of the synchronization trajectory-tracking. Simulation results exhibited that the interval type-2 fuzzy logic system can deal with the training data corrupted by unpredicted internal noise or rule uncertainties involving external disturbances. To achieve the equal tracking performance, T1AFSMC need to expend more control effort to deal with the training data corrupted by internal noise and external noise.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 論文架構 3
第二章 第一型與第二型模糊邏輯系統 5
2.1第一型模糊邏輯系統 5
2.2第二型模糊邏輯系統 7
2.2.1 降階演算法(Type Reduction Algorithm) 11
第三章 適應性滑動模式控制之同步化 14
3.1滑動模式控制之同步化 14
第四章 第一型適應性模糊滑動模式控制之同步化 19
4.1 間接適應性模糊滑動模式控制之同步化 19
4.2直接適應性模糊滑動模式控制之同步化 24
4.3混合適應性模糊滑動模式控制之同步化 30
第五章 區間第二型適應性模糊滑動模式控制之同步化 36
5.1 間接適應性模糊滑動模式控制之同步化 36
5.2 直接適應性模糊滑動模式控制之同步化 40
5.3 混合型適應性模糊滑動模式控制之同步化 46
第六章 適應性模糊滑動模式同步化控制器模擬結果與分析 52
6.1 間接適應性模糊滑動模式控制: 52
6.1.1無內部雜訊干擾 56
6.1.2受內部白高斯雜訊10dB影響 59
6.2 直接適應性模糊滑動模式控制: 63
6.2.1無內部雜訊干擾 66
6.2.2受內部白高斯雜訊10dB影響 69
6.3 混合適應性模糊滑動模式控制: 73
6.3.1無內部雜訊干擾 77
6.3.2受內部白高斯雜訊10dB影響 82
第七章 結論 89
7.1 結果討論: 89
7.2 未來研究方向: 92
參考文獻 93
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