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研究生(外文):Tzung-min Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Design of 125 KHz and 13.56 MHz RFID Reader
指導教授(外文):Chow-Yen-Desmond Sim
外文關鍵詞:13.56 MHzTag125 MHzAntennaRFID Reader
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無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)技術蓬勃發展至今,生活的各個角落隨處可發現RFID應用蹤影。因早期台北市政府成功推行「悠遊卡」之賜,RFID開始普及,便利民眾生活。RFID在全世界共發展出3大主流需求:門禁系統、電子錢包、物流系統。一般民眾不是很懂自己手中拿著的薄薄一張卡片,或是具有IC保密功能,不用直接觸碰就可感應的生活應用其實就是RFID。
目前台灣地區教授RFID相關課程或系所的學校不很多,課程也較少涉及RFID Reader硬體設計方面專業知識。有鑑於此,本篇論文從闡述RFID概論到125 KHz Reader設計,乃至13.56 MHz Reader模組組裝、13.56 MHz Tag天線設計,及最後的商業化13.56 MHz Reader設計等,皆涵蓋於本碩士論文中。其中125 KHz Reader部分,在各主要電路輸出入端節點,均設有探測點,有助於在未來發展成教學套件使用。13.56 MHz Reader模組組裝與Tag設計部分也易於讓學習者很快了解主流Reader運作情形與Tag簡易設計。希望對未來想從事RFID相關領域的入門能提供較低的RFID Reader Design進入門檻與設計參考資料。
The rapid growth in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) can be found in every corner of our life. Due to the early development of employing the RFID technique into the Mass Rapid Transit by the Taipei City Government, RFID are becoming more popular and brings convenience to the public. Currently, there are 3 major systems developed by the RFID; security system, electronic cash system, and logistic management system. Most of the general public does not realized that the card that they are holding might have an RFID IC chip embedded with security measures ability.
Presently, RFID related courses are not commonly taught in the university, and even if they do, very few of these courses will involve hardware applications and designs. Therefore, this thesis will begin by discussing a 125 KHz reader design, follow by a 13.56 MHz reader module and 13.56 MHz tag antenna design. Lastly, a commercialized 13.56 MHz reader design will also be included and discussed. As for the 125 KHz reader, the input and output node of each major section of the circuit are inserted with a pin so that a probe can be connected to observe the input and output signals, so that it will aids in developing an RFID teaching package in the near future. The 13.56 MHz module and the tag design will also allow the user to learn the basic operation on RFID system. Finally, the objective of this thesis is to provide a more systematic way to those who wants to learn RFID in a more convenient way.
1-1 研究背景.....................................................................................1
1-2 研究動機.....................................................................................2
1-3 國內外相關研究.........................................................................3
1-4 內容提要.....................................................................................3
2-1 前言.............................................................................................5
2-2 RFID簡介...................................................................................6
2-2-1 架構..................................................................................6
2-2-2 RFID分類.........................................................................7
2-2-3 RFID感應方式...............................................................11
2-2-5 RFID 編碼傳輸方式......................................................14
2-2-7 RFID應用.......................................................................17
第三章、125 KHz RFID Reader設計......................................................18
3-1 低頻125 KHz Reader電路設計..............................................18
逢甲大學 e-Thesys( 98 v 學年度)
第四章、13.56 MHz RFID Reader設計...................................................33
4-1 13.56 MHz Reader模組套件組裝...........................................33
4-2 13.56 MHz Tag 天線設計........................................................37
4-2-1 測試..............................................................................43
第五章、商用13.56 MHz RFID Reader設計..........................................45
5-1 (TI) TRF 7960 RFIC & MSP 430 MCU 電路設計.................45
5-2 問題與解決...............................................................................51
5-3 測試...........................................................................................58
5-3-1 TRF7960 EVM Control程式介面..............................62
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