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研究生(外文):Chun-Te Chou
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Willingness of Knowledge Sharing in Hospital Quality Control Circle
外文關鍵詞:willingness of knowledge sharingteam atmosphere for innovationteam interaction
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醫院品管圈 (簡稱醫品圈) 可以說是醫療機構中較為具體並具結構性的團體,在實施醫品圈活動過程中其核心任務就是在進行知識的分享,知識需求者向知識分享者取得知識後,必須透過重建的過程,將所獲得的知識進行轉化,因此知識經過分享後不但保有其原本的價值,更能激發出其新的價值。回顧以前有關品管圈的活動重點多著重於方法或流程的改善,本研究則著重於圈員間知識分享之過程及影響其分享意願之相關因素。
Hospital quality control cycle can be said to possess more specific structural groups in medical institutions. The core mission during the process of performing the activities of hospital quality control circle is knowledge sharing. When the knowledge demander acquires the knowledge from the knowledge sharer, the acquired knowledge requires to transformation through the reconstruction process. Thus such knowledge been shared not only maintains its original value, but brings out a new value. Recalling the previous studies about the activities of quality control circle, they almost emphasized the method or process improvement. Thus this paper focuses on the process of knowledge sharing among team members and the influencing factors about the willingness of knowledge sharing.
The study group is the staffs that join the activities of the hospital quality control circles. This study is to explore the process of knowledge sharing between team members and prove the relationship between team interaction, team atmosphere for innovation and willingness of knowledge sharing. We further discuss how team atmosphere for innovation influences the relationship between team interaction and willingness of knowledge sharing.
We used the questionnaire to collect the information, then the data was analyzed via correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and other statistical analysis.
The analysis results are showed as follows: team interaction has significantly positive influence to willingness of knowledge sharing; team interaction has significantly positive influence to team atmosphere for innovation; team atmosphere for innovation has significantly positive influence to willingness of knowledge sharing. Team atmosphere for innovation plays the role of mediator between team interaction and willingness of knowledge sharing; that is team atmosphere for innovation will influence the relationship between team interaction and willingness of knowledge sharing.

第一章 緒論............................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..................................1
第二節 研究目的........................................5
第三節 研究流程........................................6

第二章 文獻探討........................................8
第一節 團隊的定義及品管圈團隊結構之定義................9
第二節 知識分享意願的定義及相關文獻....................12
第三節 探討團隊互動與知識分享意願之相關文獻............14
第四節 探討團隊互動與團隊創新氣氛相關文獻..............15
第五節 探討團隊創新氣氛與知識分享意願之相關文獻........17
第六節 探討團隊創新氣氛影響團隊互動與知識分享意願兩者之關係之相關文獻........................................19
第七節 探討團隊認同與知識分享意願之相關文獻............20

第三章 研究方法........................................23
第一節 研究樣本與資料收集..............................24
第二節 施測程序........................................27
第三節 問卷量表的設計..................................28
第四節 資料分析方法....................................36

第四章 研究結果........................................38
第一節 研究變項之相關分析..............................39
第二節 理論模式之探討..................................41
第三節 結果分析........................................42

第五章 結論............................................45
第一節 研究結論........................................45
第二節 管理實務上的意涵................................45
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向..........................46

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