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研究生(外文):Jui-Jung Kao
論文名稱(外文):Color Constancy based on Automatic Adjustment of Image Luminance
指導教授(外文):Cheng-ho Hsin
外文關鍵詞:gray worldcolor constancyretinexwhite patch
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我們置入Gray world與White patch理論於所發展的演算法裡,並提出兩種光源估測評估方法,對兩組影像資料庫做估測誤差,與其他方法做比較。
Appropriate brightness, clear image details, and close to human perceived colors characterize a fine color image. However, an incorrect color appearance may occur due to different illumination. Humans can perceive constant color appearances of objects without affection of various illuminating conditions. This phenomenon is called chromatic adaptation or color constancy. The objective of this thesis is to develop an algorithm of image lightness adjustment and color balance by mimicking the mechanism of human vision. Global lightness adjustment produces an appropriate brightness level for a given image. Subsequent local lightness adaptation increases the visibility of image details. We Proposed an algorithm of automatic adjustment the image luminance to achieve color constancy. We have embedded both the gray world and the white patch color constancy theories in our algorithm. We also developed two methods in estimating the color of the light source. The performance of the Proposed algorithm was evaluated for two sets of image database, and it was also compared with other methods
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究方法 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1色彩恆常性 7
2.2 von Kries Chromatic-adaptation Model 8
2.3 Gray world assumption 9
2.4 Standard Deviation Weighted Gray World(SDWGW)[5] 11
2.5 Shade of Gray World[6][7] 13
2.6 General Gray World[6-8] 15
2.7 White patch approach 17
2.8 Maximal-RGB Value[10] 18
2.9 Maximal-RGB Value 5%[10] 19
2.10 Retinex 21
第三章 色彩恆常性架構 23
3.1參數調整 24
3.2.1調u值 25
3.1.2 調k值 28
3.2 明暗度調整機制 31
3.2.1 全域調整法 ( global ) 31
A. Gray world全域型準位調整 32
B. White patch全域型準位調整 33
3.2.2 Global降 36
3.2.3 區域調整法 ( local ) 38
第四章 估測誤差 43
4.1標準光源法 44
4.2 反射估測法 47
第五章 影像實驗結果 49
5.1 線性影像 50
5.1.1標準光源法 57
5.1.2反射法 61
5.2 sRGB影像 63
5.2.1標準光源法 67
第六章 結論與展望 70
文獻回顧 71
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[3]J. A. Worthey and M. H. Brill, “Heuristic analysis of von kries color constancy”, Journal of Optical Society of America A, vol. 3, pp. 1708-1712, 1986.

[4] G. Buchsbaum, “A spatial processor model for object colour perception,” J.Franklin Inst., vol. 310, no. 1, pp. 337-350, 1980.

[5] H. K. Lam, O. C. Au, and C. W. Wong, “Automatic white balancing using standard deviation of rgb components,”in proc. IEEE Conf:Circuits and Systems, 2004, Vol. 3, pp. 921-924.

[6]G. D. Finlayson and E. Trezzi, “Shades of gray and colour constancy,” IS&T/SIDTwelfth Color Imageing Conference, pp. 37–41, 2004.

[7] K. Barnard, L. Martin, A. Coath, and B. Funt, “A comparison of computational color constancy algorithms-part ii: experiments with image data,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 985–996, September 2002.

[8] J. van de Weijer, Th. Gevers, A. Gijsenij, “Edge-based color constancy,”
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 16, pp.2207~2214, September

[9]J. J. McCann, “Color sensations and color perceptions,” Proc. 24th Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, vol. 1, pp 408-412, 1990.

[10]Tzan-Sheng Chiou, “Automatic white balance for digital still camera,” MScthesis, National Taiwan University, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (2001)

[11]E. H. Land, and J. J. McCann, “Lightness and retinex theory,”
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[13]K. Barnard, "Data for computer vision and computational colour science ",

[14]P. Gehler, "Bayesian color constancy revisited,"
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