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外文關鍵詞:home care assignmentjob assignmentant colonyvehicle routing problemTravelling Salesman Problem
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The increasing population of elderly people makes home care service becomes important. Home care is a provision of health care, and it provides support and service to assist people who have physical problems in their own homes. The organizations which provide home care service have to determine optimization routes for each care worker in order to minimize the traveling cost and to maximize the profit. This staff scheduling problem is one type of multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP). The previous researches of solving mTSP have shown that the heuristic method outperform the others in considering the performance, so Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is adopted to solve home care assignment problem in this research, and construct an intelligent home care assignment decision support system, the evaluation of assignment quality is multi-criterion, which contains working time, overtime, and demanding satisfaction. Two models are implemented in order to solve single-day and multi-day home care assignment situation, and we use two approaches to solve multi-day situation from different ways of using human resource. The proposed system is tested with some scenarios, and configuration of priority of criterion is also been tested. The results show that the system can solve single-day and multi-day situations, and provides data to support decision making. The priority of criterion can affect the process of optimization to fits the user’s demand. The performance of two approaches using in multi-day situation are also compared.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 台灣地區居家照護背景 5
2.2 居家照護的工作派遣問題 7
2.3 蟻群最佳化演算法介紹 10
2.3.1 蟻群最佳化演算法基本架構 11
2.3.2 多目標或多衡量指標的最佳化策略 12
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1研究環境設定 16
3.2模式Ⅰ—單日程工作派遣模式 17
3.3模式Ⅱ—多日程工作派遣模式 25
第四章 實驗設計與驗證方法 33
4.1模式Ⅰ之實作及驗證 34
4.1.1 驗證範例Ⅰ-1 36
4.1.2 驗證範例Ⅰ-2 39
4.1.3 驗證範例Ⅰ-3 43
4.2 模式Ⅱ之實作及驗證 46
驗證範例Ⅱ-A-1 48
4.2.1 驗證範例Ⅱ-A-2 52
4.2.2 驗證範例Ⅱ-A-3 56
4.2.3 驗證範例Ⅱ-B-1 59
4.2.4 驗證範例Ⅱ-B-2 63
4.2.5 驗證範例Ⅱ-B-3 67
4.3 模式Ⅱ兩種運算方法的差異探討 70
4.4 多指標權重設計實驗 72
第五章 結論 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 後續研究方向 75
參考文獻 76

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