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研究生(外文):Tu, Maohung
論文名稱(外文):The study of issues and trilateral collaboration among RD, Customer and Supplier through NPD process in IPC industry - the comparison of case studies based on different product newness
指導教授(外文):Wuang, Minsun
口試委員(外文):Weng, WanghuiChou, Yuchao
外文關鍵詞:IPC industryNew product development processTrilateral collaborationProducts newnessTechnical issuesNon-technical issues
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本研究以工業電腦產業為例,以個案研究的方式,依不同產品新穎性,全新性與延伸性二種類型。並就不同的產品新穎性,探討新產品開發流程中不同階段,包括新產品規劃階段(New product planning stage)、設計與開發階段(Design and development stage)、打樣與驗證階段(Making samples and Verification stage)及試產與量產階段(Pilot run and Mass production stage)所發生的問題,以及針對不同問題分析研發、客戶與供應商三方合作提供的支援,進行六個研究個案的分析比較。
本研究發現在技術問題中,全新產品的三方合作所提供支援以參與設計為主;延伸產品的三方合作所提供支援以參與設計為主。技術問題中的組裝問題,全新產品的三方合作所提供支援以參與設計為主;延伸產品的三方合作所提供支援以參與設計為主。技術問題中的電路問題,全新產品的三方合作所提供支援以資訊分享及參與設計為主;延伸產品的三方合作所提供支援以資訊分享為主。非技術問題中全新產品的三方合作所提供支援以資訊分享為主;延伸產品的三方合作所提供支援以資訊分享為主。非技術問題中的資訊問題,全新產品的三方合作所提供支援以資訊分享為主;延伸產品的三方合作所提供支援以資訊分享為主。非技術問題中的採購問題,全新產品的三方合作所提供支援以生產支援為主; 延伸產品的三方合作所提供支援以生產支援為主。

It is very competitive in IPC (Industrial PC, IPC) industry. Innovative products are a crucial foundation stone for enterprise sustainable development. Enterprises will confront with different issues of each activity when different stage of NPD in progress. It is important how to solve these issues effectively during NPD. It will rely on trilateral collaboration among RD (Research and Development, RD), Customer and Supplier.
The application of IPC has been developing in different field and new products are coming out continually. There will be different issues and different supports from trilateral collaboration during NPD process when product newness as different. The role of RD becomes important, not only integrate the resource of internal company also utilize the power and resource of external company. Trilateral collaboration helps NPD successfully and enhances company’s competitive advantage.
The study focuses on both the really new products and the extension products as variable factor, what kind of issues and trilateral collaboration will be at each stage through NPD process. There are six cases in this study and NPD process will be divided into four stages as following: new product planning stage, design and development stage, making samples and verification stage and pilot run and mass production stage. Conclusion this study, in technical issues, it is the joining design support of trilateral collaboration for really new product; it is the joining design support of trilateral collaboration for extension product. In assembly issue, it is the joining design support for really new product; it is the joining design for extension product; in electronic issue, it is the information sharing and joining design for really new product; it is the information sharing support for extension product. In non-technical issues, it is the sharing information support for really new product; it is the sharing information support for extension product. In information issues, it is the sharing information support for really new product; it is the sharing information support for extension product; in purchasing issue, it is the production support for really new product; it is the production support for extension product.

目 錄
第 壹 章 緒論------------------------1
第 一 節 研究動機--------------------1
第 二 節 研究目的--------------------2

第 貳 章 文獻探討--------------------3
第 一 節 新產品開發流程--------------3
第 二 節 新產品開發問題--------------8
第 三 節 研發、客戶及供應商三方合作-10
第 四 節 產品新穎性-----------------17

第 參 章 研究方法-------------------21
第 一 節 研究架構與初步命題---------21
第 二 節 研究變數-------------------23
第 三 節 研究設計-------------------25
第 四 節 研究對象-------------------27
第 五 節 資料來源與蒐集-------------27
第 六 節 研究限制-------------------28

第 肆 章 個案分析與整理-------------31
第 一 節 工業電腦產業及特性---------31
第 二 節 台灣工業電腦產業現況-------34
第 三 節 公司與個案介紹-------------35
第 四 節 新產品開發個案分析---------36

第 伍 章 細部命題發展---------------79

第 陸 章 研究結果與建議-------------93
第 一 節 研究結果-------------------93
第 二 節 建議-----------------------96


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