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研究生(外文):Feng-Wen Fang
論文名稱(外文):A Study at Patent Strategy and Management from the Pespechive of U.S. Patent Litiqation
外文關鍵詞:Innovative Creativity Patent Design AroundPatent InfringementDamage CalculationInvalidity IssuePatent Search
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知識經濟的發展下無形資產的重要性隨之增加,在科技進步以及研發技術日益發發展的情況下,智慧資產管理(Intellectual property management)、智慧資本(Intellectual capital)的結合形成企業競爭不可或缺的條件,其中以專利權(Patent)的規劃to plan與佈局a layout最為企業所重視與青睞,專利與高科技產業(high-tech)關係密切,早期台灣多數科技產業為代工生產(ODM)、而伴隨政府培植與科技產業的投入現今台灣科技業已具備研發生產製造的規模,高科技產業最為重要的莫屬創新研發(R&;D)的能力,而專利就是研發創新能力的保護傘,在這保護傘下企業不但能專心致力於創新研發工作,更能藉重於專利權法的保護築起防範對手的護城河、城牆,所以專利的佈局與建構對於企業來說是成功與否相當重要的一環,固現今企業將更著重於專利的運用與規劃,專利將不只是一個訴訟的法律名詞,更成為企業規劃發展、營運競爭上不可缺少的關鍵因素。企業在發展專利上需注重、創新性之專利迴避設計、專利侵權要件與損害賠償計算、專利舉發、專利檢索等專利要素,需善用這「進可攻、退可守」的競爭利器。相較於美、日政府積極推動「智慧財產」、我國政府更應加速我國的司法、教育研究發展、經濟發展等體系的智慧資產推動、加強政府科技研發的規畫與智財經營,公司經營者在面對創新、速度與市場的競爭要素顯然需調整公司的研發、技術、智財管理的經營理念、作業程序與專利的佈局,並放眼於全球市場考量建立其發展高科技產品或服務的綜合方法、界定公司的核心技術、建立技術整合與研發融合能力、為創新產品建立一個技術平台、將無形的智慧財產轉為有形的價值。因此企業專利戰爭中所要面對不單只是專利訴訟,企業面對訴訟是一種策略的思考,因為專利訴訟將更是企業的一種策略,用來進行專利戰,攻擊對手或自我防禦,面對訴訟該有何策略抵禦,又該利用何種策略來自形侵害訴訟,因此管理專利,將專利策略會將會是未來公司更須重視的一環。
With the increase of intangible assets and rapid technology research in the development of knowledge economic, the combination of intellectual property management with intellectual capital has become an irreplaceable condition as one of business competition. Within that, patent plan and layout is the most important one for enterprises. It is obvious of the strong relation between patent and high-tech. For example, most of high-tech industries were original design manufacturing (ODM) in early Taiwan. With government assistances and enterprises involvements, high-tech industries have had the abilities of research and development (R&D) and output. There is no doubt that the ability of R&D is the most important competition for high-tech industry, and patents are the protection for R&D. Under such protection, enterprises can not only concentrate on R&D, but build a wall to against competitors, therefore, patent plan and layout is one key factor of success. Patent is not merely for litigation, but the irreplaceable factor of enterprise planning, developing, and operating. For such reason, nowadays enterprises pay more efforts on applying and planning patents.
While developing patent, enterprises need to focus on innovative design around patent, element for patent infringement and damage calculation, invalidity issue, and patent search as their competitiveness. Comparing with America and Japan which devoting to intellectual property, Taiwan needs to step forward for establishing intellectual property from various domains, such as laws, education, R&D, economic development, government technology development and intellectual property managing, etc. Besides, while facing to the rapid innovation and market competitive factors, enterprises need to readjust their R&D, techniques, intellectual property management, operation processes, and patents layouts. In addition, based on global market view, they need to further building an integrating method for developing high-tech products or services, establishing enterprises’ core technique, integrating technologies and R&D ability, building a platform for innovative products, and transforming intangible intellectual properties into tangible values. Therefore, patent competition is not merely patent litigation. On the contrary, enterprises face a strategic think, because patent litigation is one strategy for attacking competitors or defending enterprises themselves. How to applying such strategies for attacking or defending will become one important issue in patents managements and business strategies.
Abstract iii
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景1
第二節 研究目的與動機2
第二章 文獻探討6
第一節 智慧財產的基本概念6
第二節 專利的基本概念18
第三節 專利行銷24
第四節 專利管理27
第三章 研究方法38
第一節 研究設計38
第二節 研究貢獻與限制39
第三節 研究架構流程圖39
第四章 個案分析41
第一節 Festo v. SMC41
第二節 Philips v. 巨擘案45
第三節 HP v. 宏碁案50
第四節 Quanta v. LG案54
第五節 Anvik v. Nikon案59
第六節 Vizio v. 船井案62
第七節 Apple v. 宏達電65
第五章 結論與建議68
第一節 結論68
第二節 建議69
表2-1 GCI評比方式8
表2-2 全球競爭力報告(GCI)排名8
表2-3 全球競爭力報告(BCI)評比排名10
表2-4 洛桑管理學院(IMD)評比11
表2-5 各國研究開發經費11
表2-6 主要國家研發經費占GDP比率12
表2-7 主要國家研發經費年增率12
表2-8 智慧財產局年報13
表2-9 台灣研究人員人數表14
表2-10 台灣科技成果指標14
表2-11 智慧財產行銷要素26
表2-12 專利地圖分類模式32
圖2-1 專利檢索流程圖31
圖2-2 特定的阻絕與迴避設計33
圖2-3 策略型專利34
圖2-4 地毯式專利佈局35
圖2-5 專利圍牆35
圖2-6 包圍式專利36
圖2-7 組合式專利佈局37
圖3-1 研究流程架構圖40
圖3-2 研究架構圖40
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