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研究生(外文):Chi-ta Tien
論文名稱(外文):Learning Styles and Keyword Method on EFL Vocabulary Retention
指導教授(外文):Ching-chung Guey
外文關鍵詞:Learning StylesChunkingKeyword MethodKeyword Associations
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此研究的目的主要是探究學習風格與關鍵字記憶法對台灣學生英語詞彙保留量的影響。此研究主要探討三個問題:1.學習者是否對於與自己學習型態相同的關鍵字連結法有較佳的學習效果?2.群組單字的保留量是否大於隨機單字保留量?3.學習風格和群組單字與隨機單字之間是否有任何關聯? 總共有148位英語能力初級到中級的台灣學生參加此實驗。獨變項含學習風格「視覺, 聽覺, 視覺加聽覺」, 字型「視覺」 與字音「聽覺」關鍵字聯結,以及群組和隨機單字呈現方式。依變項則是立即與延宕詞彙保留量測驗。所有的數據都使用3 x 2 x 2 變異數分析處理。根據本研究結果顯示, 學習者對於與自己學習型態相同的關鍵字連結法有較佳的學習效果,並且對於群組單字有比較多的保留量。根據實驗結果,本研究提供教學者未來教學之參考與建議。
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of learning styles and keyword method on Taiwan EFL learners'' vocabulary retention. The study addressed the following questions: 1. Do learners of different learning styles benefit from their corresponding keyword associations? 2. Do learners benefit more from words presented in chunks than those presented word by word? 3. Is there any relationship between learning styles and word presentation model (chunking vs. word by word)? A total of 148 beginning to intermediate Taiwan EFL learners joined this study. The independent variables included learning styles (Visual, Auditory, and both, as measured by VARK Questionnaire), and presentation of target words (chunking, or word by word). Dependent variables included instant and delayed vocabulary retention measures. All the data were processed and analyzed by Three-Way (3 x 2 x 2) ANOVA on SPSS for Windows. The research results showed that learners of different learning styles benefit from their corresponding keyword associations, and learners benefit more from words presented in chunks. Based on the research results of this study, pedagogical implications and suggestions for future study were discussed and presented.
Acknowledgements i
Abstract (Chinese) ii
Abstract (English) iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables and Figures vi
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Purposes and Questions of the Research 3
1.3 Research Hypotheses 3
1.4 Significance of the Study 4
2.1 Keyword Method 5
2.2 Learning Styles 6
2.3 Chunking 10
2.4 Learning Styles, Keyword Method, and Chunking 12
3.1 Participants 16
3.2 Materials 17
3.2.1 VARK Questionnaire: Version 7.0 17
3.2.2 Instruments 18
3.3 Procedure 18
3.4 Statistical Analysis 21
3.5 Summary of the Research Design 22
4.1 Instant Recall 24
4.2 Delay Recall 31
5.1 Discussions of the Major Findings 40
5.2 Pedagogical Implications 46
5.3 Suggestions for Future Study 48
Appendix A: The VARK Questionnaire (Version 7.0) 55
Appendix B: Permission from Neil Fleming 62
Appendix C: The First and Second Measures of Vocabulary Retention 65
Appendix D: The 40 Pre-selected Words 66
Appendix E: The 24 Questions 67
Appendix F: The Presented Ways of the 24 Words 69
Appendix G: The Translated Version of VARK 71
1 Procedures of the Experiment 19
2 Descriptive Statistics of the Instant Recall Test 24
3 Test of Within-Subjects Contrasts of the Instant Recall Test 25
4 Pairwise Comparisons of the Instant Recall Test 29
5 Descriptive Statistics of the Delay Recall Test 32
6 Test of the Within-Subjects Contrasts of the Delay Recall Test 33
7 Pairwise Comparisons of the Delay Recall Test 38
8 Three Groups (V, A, V+A) x Visual, Audio Associations 41
1 Visual Association x Audio Associations 26
2 Groups (V, A, V+A) x Visual, Audio Associations 27
3 Chunking Association x Random Association 28
4 V x A x V+A 29
5 Three Groups (V, A, V+A) x Chunking and Random Associations 30
6 Visual, Audio Associations x Chunking, Random Associations 31
7 Visual x Audio Associations 34
8 Groups (V, A, V+A) x Visual, Audio Associations 35
9 Chunking Association x Random Association 35
10 Visual, Audio Associations x Chunking, Random Associations 36
11 Groups (V, A, V+A) x Chunking, Random Associations 37
12 V x A x V+A 38
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