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研究生(外文):Yi-Fan Li
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange dye
指導教授(外文):Hsiu-Ling HsuRosilda Selvin
外文關鍵詞:Nano TS-1Nano ZnOMethyl OrangePhotocatalyticNano TiO2
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MO溶液加入觸媒並持續的均勻攪拌和打入空氣,在開啟紫外光源之前,使充分的被MO溶液吸附,之後由穩定的波長365nm紫外光源照射,在不同的時間下擷取5 mL的樣品進行分析。樣品經過離心及分光光譜測量分析在波長474nm左右吸附率最高。為了測試MO溶液在加入ZnO觸媒期間之光觸媒降解,進行三個不同情況的實驗,即在黑暗中與ZnO進行光降解反應、紫外光照射但不加上ZnO觸媒和加入觸媒ZnO並且經由紫外光源照射。結果顯示,MO溶液在未加入ZnO觸媒而直接以紫外光源照射將會沒有任何脫色或降解;在黑暗中與ZnO進行光降解反應,MO溶液則會在很小的程度上被吸附;另一方面,經由紫外光源照射,ZnO觸媒會活性化,觀察到MO溶液會完全的脫色與降解。
本研究得知在觸媒重量1.5g/L,MO溶液pH為10,MO溶液初始濃度400μM為光觸媒降解最佳條件。而將製備與市售之觸媒在最佳條件下進行光觸媒降解實驗,得知光降解反應遵循著ㄧ級反應動力學與Langmuir-Hinshelwood 機制。
The present study explores the effectiveness of various photocatalytic materials for the degradation of methyl orange (MO) in aqueous solution as model compound. The catalysts which are tested include commercial ZnO, nano ZnO, TiO2, nano TiO2 and titanium silicalite- 1 (TS-1). Preliminary studies were performed to optimize the reaction parameters such as photocatalytic degradability of MO, pH, amount of photocatalyst and initial concentration of the dye solution. The photocatalysts were fully-characterised using XRD to confirm the phase purity, SEM and TEM to findout the particle size and BET technique to measure the surface area.
The aqueous dye solution with photocatalyst was continuously stirred and purged with O2. Prior to irradiation the solution was allowed for adsorption. The solution was irradiated by a steadystate 365 nm monochromatic radiation. The samples (5 mL) were taken at different times during the irradiation for analysis. The sample was centrifuged and analyzed spectrophotometrically at 464 nm. In order to test the photocatalytic degradability of MO over ZnO catalyst, experiments were performed under three conditions, viz. reaction in dark with ZnO, UV irradiation without ZnO and UV irradiation with ZnO. The result shows that the dye did not undergo any decolorisation or degradation under direct UV irradiation in absence of the ZnO photocatalyst. The dye was adsorbed only to a small extent by the photocatalyst in darkness. On the other hand when ZnO was activated with UV radiation complete decolourization of the dye was observed.
The optimum catalyst weight, pH of the dye solution and initial dye concentration were 1.5 g/L, 10 and 400 ?嵱, respectively. Comparison of photocatalytic activity of commercial and the photocatalysts prepared in our laboratory were made. The photo degradation reaction followed first order kinetics and obeyed Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism.
摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 研究動機 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1 ZnO製備反應回顧 3
1.2.2 TiO2製備反應回顧 5
1.2.3 TS-1製備回顧 7
1.3 研究目的 9
第二章 實驗原理 10
2.1 觸媒製備原理 10
2.1.1 溶膠-凝膠法 11
2.1.2 水熱合成法 11
2.1.3 其他製備方式原理 12
2.2 觸媒鑑定之原理 13
2.2.1 X光繞射儀 13
2.2.2 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 14
2.2.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡 15
2.2.4 比表面積分析儀 15
2.3 光觸媒反應原理 15
2.3.1 光觸媒反應機構 16
2.3.2 光觸媒降解反應 17
第三章 實驗藥品、儀器與步驟 20
3.1 製備觸媒實驗藥品 20
3.2 製備觸媒實驗儀器 25
3.3 鑑定觸媒儀器 26
3.3.1 XRD 26
3.3.2 SEM 27
3.3.3 TEM 27
3.3.4 BET 28
3.4 光觸媒反應實驗裝置 28
3.5 光降解分析儀器 29
3.6 實驗步驟 29
3.6.1 合成奈米ZnO觸媒 29
3.6.2 合成奈米TiO2觸媒 33
3.6.3 合成奈米TS-1觸媒 37
3.6.4 進行光觸媒反應 39
第四章 結果與討論 46
4.1 觸媒鑑定 46
4.1.1 製備奈米ZnO檢測分析結果 47
4.1.2 製備奈米TiO2檢測分析結果 61
4.1.3 製備奈米TS-1檢測分析結果 68
4.2 光觸媒降解反應結果 70
4.2.1 檢量曲線 70
4.2.2 光觸媒降解空白實驗結果 72
4.2.3 不同紫外光源的光降解結果 74
4.2.4 不同重量之觸媒的光降解結果 75
4.2.5 不同pH值的甲基橙溶液之光降解結果 77
4.2.6 不同濃度的甲基橙溶液之光降解結果 80
4.2.7 各種不同觸媒的光降解活動之比較 89
第五章 結論 92
參考文獻 94
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