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論文名稱(外文):The predicaments of education through technological rationality
外文關鍵詞:technological rationalitysurplus-repressioncalculative thinkingenframing education
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技術理性社會(the society of technological rationality)會將升學視為很合算的經濟投資,而國家則將教育視為推動社會與經濟發展的一個關鍵性因素。在這樣的社會中,不僅依最有效率的方式來開發資源,更將人視為極度有待開發的「人力資源」(human resources)。這套企業化、技術化與科學性的語言與思考模式,藉由提升效能與改善生產力來取得群眾的支持與擁護;更將教育人員、知識份子和廣大經濟秩序的價值系統予以銜接。如此應運而生的技術理性教育方式,一方面協助生產並維持現存主宰經濟、政治與文化所需的知識類型,另一方面更進而合理化這套經濟和文化權力分配的模式。


技術理性能成為思維的主流模式,不僅得力於其能大大提升生產力、改善民眾生活與增加社會財富,進而獲得民眾的認同與取得合法性而已,同時也得力於數學與科學為其合理性的撐腰,對此的瞭解與批判主要應歸功於Marcuse與Husserl的貢獻。此外,作為技術批判先行者的Heidegger,則對算計性思維(calculative thinking)展開追根究柢的哲學性反思,就過度張揚的主體性、對象化的世界、技術成為時代的形上學(metaphysics)也有發人深省與獨到之處。藉由前述等學者的論述,本研究展開嘗試性地探索與追問,希望有助於技術理性框架性教育的鬆解。


This study aims to analyze what lies behind Taiwanese students’ brilliant performances on international assessment. Though our students surpass in math and science, they don’t seem to enjoy learning or have enough confidence in their own learning. On the contrary, Taiwanese students show very low interest in learning. The gap between students’ academic performances among one another has been widening. Throughout the process of deduction, this study excludes the Chinese cultural element of being humble. It is believed that surplus-repression, like the heavy study load caused by entrance exams and long school hours coupled with the common phenomenon of going to cram schools after school, leads to diverse results of students’ learning as well as immense influences on both their mental and physical development. These are parts of the educational predicaments we have to face them now.

The society of technological rationality considers advanced education as a good investment while the government treats education as a key component to promoting economic development. In this kind of society, the resources are used in the most efficient ways. Human beings, known as human resources, are considered potential resources waiting to be developed. This enterprise and technology driven, and scientifically thinking pattern, has gained support and popularity from the public by improving efficiency and productivity, so as to cast a link among educationalists, intellectuals, and the value system of the tremendous economic order. This generated education of technological rationality, in one way, assists production and maintains the knowledge genre that the present dominant economy, politics, and culture need. On the other hand, the education rationalizes the pattern that the economic and cultural power dominates.

Under this circumstance, education has gradually become a managing business; emphasizing on management, benefits, and expense. To implement the enterprise managing pattern into education, administration is to carry out designated policy and reach goals with the best efficiency. What the thus-gestated curricula viewpoints is trying to pursue is the elevation of social efficiency with its curricula arrangement. Hence, curricula would no longer mean context or content waiting to be comprehended, but the strategies to attain appointed objectives. In teaching, the focus would switch to make the most of information technology, thus making it the greatest tool to boost teaching efficiency and to transfer teaching into teaching engineering instead of adopting traditional teaching methods to improve teaching. These’re not only the educational predicaments but also the alienations of education.

The reason technological rationality has become the main stream in thinking is because it not only advances productivity excessively, shapes up public life, accumulates public wealth, and earns the public’s identity to get legitimacy, but it wins support for its rationality from math and science. Marcuse and Husserl should be honored for their devotion to figuring it out thoroughly. Nonetheless, Heidegger, the pioneer to conduct technological criticism, has initiated philosophical reflections over calculative thinking to go into whys and wherefores. He has got thought-provoking and unique opinions toward over-exaggerating subjectivity, objectized world, and technology becoming the era’s metaphysics. Based on the statements given by the previous scholars, this thesis is attempting to launch some explorations and queries, in hope of assisting the relief to the enframing education through technological rationality.

keywords: technological rationality, surplus-repression, calculative thinking, enframing education

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 問題緣起:亮麗成績的背後 2
第二節 研究目的:對教育存有另一種價值與想像 7
第三節 研究的價值 9
第二章 研究取向、方法與限制 13
第一節 研究取向 13
壹、價值與意義的突顯 14
貳、理論(或知識)與價值(或意義)的不可分離 17
叁、教育哲學作為一種教育的批判 19
第二節、研究方法 21
第三節 研究限制 24
第三章 工具化的教育 26
第一節、亮麗成績背後的問題 26
壹、有優異的數學與科學表現,但卻不喜歡學習或對其評價甚低 27
貳、有優異的數學、科學表現,但卻缺乏自信心 34
叁、優異的成績表現,學習落差卻加大 40
第二節、冗長的學習時間及其影響 44
壹、冗長的在學時間 44
貳、普遍的課後補習 46
叁、學生身心健康的惡化 48
第三節 繁重的課業 49
第四節、繁重課業壓力的原因-工具化的升學主義 54
第四章 技術理性化的教育 62
第一節 技術理性社會 62
第二節、技術理性教育的合理化 66
第三節 經濟取向的教育思維 69
壹、人力資源化的教育思維 69
貳、學習科技以適應未來生活與企業界的需求 73
第四節 企業思維取向的教育行政與政策 75
第五節 開發的課程觀 79
第六節 視資訊科技為提升教學效率的利器 84
第五章 技術理性的形成 90

第一節、理性的起源-作為宇宙分有的「理性」 90
第二節、主體理性的形成:科學技術的萌芽與對理性的悄然影響 93
壹、主體理性的確立 95
貳、科學與技術的結合 98
叁、思辨理性的反動 99
第三節、合理性的升起 101
第四節、技術理性的成形 109
第六章 科學與技術思維的反思 118
第一節 科學的危機 118
壹、從危機說起 119
貳、自然數學化的過程及其結果 120
叁、意義的喪失 123
第二節Heidegger對技術與算計性思維的省思 127
壹、人成為世界的主體 131
貳、成為圖像的世界 133
叁、哲學與形上學的完結:技術時代的來臨 134
肆、作為時代精神的算計性思維 137
伍、算計性思維底下的教育及其省思 140
第七章 技術理性教育的貧困 148
第一節 技術理性社會中的教育 151
壹、技術理性社會中的升學與學習 151
貳、教育工業的形成 154
第二節 技術理性教育學習的貧困 156
壹、學習的異化 156
貳、教育價值與意義的反轉 159
第三節 技術理性教育的反思 161
壹、張揚主體的技術理性教育 162
貳、誤置價值中立的技術理性教育 164
叁、框架化的技術理性教育 167
第四節 結語:教育學的想像 169
參考文獻 172

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