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論文名稱(外文):Multivariate Fuzzy Time Series Analysis with Change Periods Detection
外文關鍵詞:Fuzzy relationfuzzy markov relative matrixmultivariate fuzzy time seriesfuzzy rule baseaverage forecasting accuracy
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In recent years, along with the technological advancement and commercial development, the creation and improvement of forecasting techniques have more and more attention. Especially at the economic developments, population policy, management planning and control, forecasting gives necessary and important information in the decision-making process. Regarding stock market as the example, these numerals of closing price are uncertain and indistinct. Again, the factors of influence on quantity are numerous, such as turnover, exchange rate etc. Therefore, if we consider merely the closing price of front day to build and forecast, we will not only misestimate the future trend, but also will cause unnecessary damage.
Owing to this reason, we propose the procedure of multivariate fuzzy time series model constructed and theory structure by fuzzy relation equation. Combining closing price with turnover, we apply our methods to build up multivariate fuzzy time series model on Taiwan Weighted Index and predict future trend while examine the predictive results with average forecasting accuracy.
A fuzzy time series is defined on averages of cumulative fuzzy entropies of the tree time series. Finally, an empirical study about change periods identification for Germany, France and Greece major macroeconomic indicators are demonstrated.

多變量模糊時間數列分析與轉折區間檢測 1
第一章 前言 4
第二章 多變量模糊時間數列模式建構與預測 7
2.1 多變量模糊時間數列模式建構 7
2.2 如何由模糊規則庫進行屬性判別 8
2.3 多變量模糊時間數列之預測 11
2.4 平均預測秩階準確度 12
第三章 模糊決策過程 14
3.1 模糊轉折 14
3.2 群落中心 15
第四章 實證分析 19
第五章 結論 23
參考文獻 24

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