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論文名稱(外文):Material flux and cycling in riverine-estuary system: a constrain from decay-series disequilibria in Pearl-River sediments
指導教授(外文):Shangde Luo
外文關鍵詞:radioactive disequilibriumU-Th-Ra isotopesestuary sedimentsubterranean groundwaterweathering
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Estuary is an important land-sea interface where active biogeochemical processes occur as a result of river in-fluxes of dissolved and particulate weathering materials from the continent to the ocean. To assess these in-fluxes and the associated biogeochemical processes, a core was collected from the estuary of Pearl River in south China and was measured for the distributions of the decay-series radioisotopes with depth. The sedimentation rate was dated by using excess Pb-210 to be 4.4±1.2 cm/yr (α-spectrometer) and 3.8±1.2 cm/yr (γ-spectrometer), respectively. The thorium isotope measurements exhibit significant deficiency of Th-228 relative to Th-232, implying a significant out-flux of Ra-228 out of sediments by subterranean groundwater discharge. The Th-230/U-234 activity ratios are mostly greater than one, resulting from preferential loss of uranium relative to thorium during the weathering of source rock in the drainage region. Excess U-234 relative to Th-230 as found at some depths indicates an enrichment of authigenic uranium in sediments under reducing conditions. These results, together with the measurements of U-238/Th-232 and U-234/U-238 in the same core, clearly recorded a concordant change in the continental weathering flux, the POC flux, and the redox conditions in Pear-River sediments during the past decades, a change which may attributed to the dual causes of the decadal wet/dry climate changes in the region as well as the anthropogenic contaminations of the Pearl River associated with the rapid regional industrial/economic development. Our study shows that the decay series radioisotopes in estuarine sediments provide a useful tool for understanding the physical, chemical, and biological processes occurred in the continents and/or at the land-sea boundary.
摘要 ... I
Abstract ... II
Table of Contents ... III
List of Tables ... V
List of Figures ... VI
Chapter 1. Introduction ... 1
Chapter 2. Materials and Methods ... 2
2.1. Study area and sampling ... 2
2.2. Sampling processing ... 4
2.3. TC and TOC analysis ... 7
2.4. 210Pbex analysis ... 7
2.4.1. Alpha spectrometric methods ... 7
2.4.2. Gamma spectrometric methods ... 8
2.5. U and Th isotope analysis ... 8
Chapter 3. Results ... 9
3.1. TOC and TIC ... 9
3.2. 210Pbex ... 10
3.3. U- and Th isotopes ... 13
Chapter 4. Discussion ... 16
4.1. Dating of sedimentation rate with 210Pbex ... 16
4.2. Th-230/U-234 vs. U-234/U-238 relationship in sediment core ... 18
4.3. Mechanisms controlling Th-230/U-238 vs. Th-228/Th-232 in sediments ... 20
4.4. Mechanisms controlling the distribution of TOC in sediments ... 22
4.5. Concordant changes of TOC, Th-232 fluxes and redox condition in sediments ... 23
4.6. Subterranean groundwater discharge revealed by using Th-228/Th-232 and Ra-228/Th-232 ... 27
Chapter 5. Conclusions ... 28
Reference ... 29
Appendix ... 33
Appendix A: Supplementary research background on the U-series studies in riverine-estuarine system ... 33
Appendix B: Supplementary background on analytical methods. ... 36
Appendix C: U-238, U-235 and Th-232 decay series. ... 39
Appendix D: A presentation on 2009 ocean science meeting of National Science Council. ... 41
Appendix E: A presentation on 2009 fall meeting of American Geophysical Union (AGU). ... 42
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