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研究生(外文):Hsing- FuKuo
論文名稱(外文):Influence Factors of Environmental Transformation Efficiency for Urban Land Development
指導教授(外文):Ko-Wan Tsou
外文關鍵詞:environmental transformation efficiencyurban land developmentnatural environmental impactDPSIP
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Changing land use and urban expansion are key drivers of global environmental change, and inevitably consequences of economic and social development for most cities. Although most land use changes alter natural environmental conditions from the perspective of conserving the natural environment, it is crucially important to reduce impacts and increase efficiencies. Based on the principle that urban land use changes in multi use negatively impact the natural environment, this study attempts to design a systematic model named DPSIP(Driving Forces- Pressure- State- Impact- Policy & Pattern) for assessing environmental transformation efficiency based on the planning perspective and employing data envelopment analysis and geographically weighted regression.
This study adopted Tainan as the study area and described nine important indicators to evaluate the relative efficiency of 233 lis in Tainan. On the output side, population, production, income, service quality of infrastructure and accessibility are variable benefits of urban land development; and the inputs utilized are heat island effects, run-off , habitat diversity and water consumption for variable costs or environmental impact indicators which have been used from recent studies. The analytical results demonstrated that the average environmental transformation efficiency was 89.44% which had clear spatial differentiation.
The key indicators affected efficiency score were area, population density, location, mix land uses, floor area ratio and impervious ratio. This study represents a practical and useful method of implementing spatial development strategies to increase environmental transformation efficiency by comparing the efficiency distributions and urban development patterns. Relevant policy implications for the case study are given.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範疇界定 5
第三節 研究流程、內容與方法 11
第二章 文獻回顧 15
第一節 都市發展的永續性評估理論與方法 15
第二節 都市土地發展對自然環境之衝擊與影響 28
第三節 環境效率評估理論與方法 33
第三章 研究設計 39
第一節 研究架構與效率評估模型設計 39
第二節 都市土地發展之環境轉變效率評估指標建構與量測 46
第三節 都市土地發展之環境轉變效率評估程序設計 59
第四節 都市土地發展之環境轉變效率影響因素建構 69
第四章 實證分析 85
第一節 實證地區基本分析 85
第二節 都市土地發展之環境轉變效率投入產出指標分析 89
第三節 都市土地發展之環境轉變效率評估 104
第四節 都市土地發展之環境轉變效率影響因素分析 113
第五章 結論與建議 131
參考文獻 141
附錄 都市土地發展之環境轉變效率評估投入產出資料 153
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