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論文名稱(外文):Exposure assessment and metabolic rate of Polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs) in serum for workers in synthetic resin industry
指導教授(外文):Ching-Chang Lee
外文關鍵詞:synthetic resin industryworkersserum PBDEshalf-lifethyroid related hormones
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多溴二苯醚(polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs)是含溴耐燃劑,常用於樹脂、橡膠、電子、建築材?及紡織等產品。環保署自2003?起?管十溴二苯醚為毒性化學物質,2005?起?管五溴及八溴二苯醚。彙整環保署毒性化學物質管?系統之申報資?後發現,國內業者申報PBDEs使用?至2008?仍以樹脂業為最大宗,且依據2007?「樹脂製造及應用產業?工多溴二苯醚??評估研究」結果顯示,樹脂製造業?工於製造過程中??PBDEs情形嚴重,甚至干擾甲?腺素分?,該研究顯示PBDEs與T3/T4比?呈現正相關,也證實T4濃?可能隨著PBDEs濃?上升而下?。然因過去尚未有文獻曾證實高溴?多溴二苯醚確實會對人體具有甲?腺毒性,因此尚需深入研究以證實PBDEs可能產生的危害。但該廠仍依據研究建議於2009年4月14日停止使用PBDEs。
由四次荷爾蒙檢測結果顯示,經過6個月後,T4及FT4濃度分布仍有顯著下降的現象(p=0.017、p <0.001),而T3及E2之濃度分布則有顯著上升(p<0.001、p <0.001);若將18名員工以工作部門區分,?發現行政部門員工及加工課操作勞工在甲狀腺荷爾蒙各項指標皆未有統計上的顯著差異,但製造課勞工則發現TSH、T4及FT4濃度有顯著下降。此外,比較9名可計算BDE-209半衰期的作業勞工之四次荷爾蒙檢驗結果發現,各項甲狀腺指標濃度變化的趨勢雖未達統計上的顯著意義,但T4與FT4濃度經過6個月後有顯著下降(p=0.012),而T3及T3/T4濃度則呈顯著上升(p=0.008、p=0.004)。然此結果與96?度發現的影響結論一致。這也說明該廠勞工停止使用10溴二苯醚,其體內的甲狀腺荷爾蒙仍持續受到影響。

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are blended with polymers which are used in electrical and electronic equipment, plastic products, building materials, and textiles. In Taiwan, Environmental Protection Administration had announced Deca-BDE, Penta-BDE, Octa-BDE as toxic chemicals in 2003 and 2005, respectively. According to registered data, the highest amount of Deca-BDE was used in synthetic resin industry during 2003 to 2008 in Taiwan. Previous studies reported that serum PBDEs of resin industry workers were negatively associated with thyroid hormones T4. In addition, the significantly positive correlation between serum PBDEs and T3/T4 was found. Therefore, this plant declared that they had phased out the PBDEs in their products from April, 2009.
The aims of this longitudinal study are (1) to determine the association between serums PBDEs and thyroid hormone disruption after cease of PBDEs use; (2) to evaluate the metabolic rates and half-lifes of serum PBDEs congeners in workers; (3) to examine the variations of thyroid hormones after cease of PBDEs use.
18 selected workers in a flame retardative resin manufacturing plant were recruited as study subjects. 108 serum samples of workers were collected once a month for six months. The results shows that high brominated diphenyl ethers such as BDE-196, BDE-197, BDE-207, BDE-209 were the dominant congeners for all serum samples. However, we found serum deca-BDE of nine workers showed decreased trend, and the serum deca-BDE of other workers were not decreased significantly. Therefore, we used measured serum PBDEs data of nine workers to calculate metabolic rate and half-life. Apparent half-life for BDE-209 among official workers、process workers and manufacture workers were 26.0-117.5、90-128.3 and 1155-3465 days, respectively. The present study showed that serum BDE-209 levels of nine workers were positively associated with serum levels of BDE-207 and BDE-206. After six months, serum BDE-209 levels of these nine workers were also positively associated with serum levels of BDE-207, BDE-206, BDE-197, BDE-196. Significantly negative association were found between the levels of T4, FT4 with serum PBDEs respectively; otherwise, significantly positive association were found between the levels of T3 with serum PBDEs. We also found the ratio of T3/T4 was significant increased during six months (p<0.001). All results showed that the effects on related thyroid hormones still existed for those PBDEs exposed workers.
This research indicated serum BDE-209 levels were continued elevated in manufactured workers, even thought this resin manufacturing plant had cease to use deca-BDE as flame retardant. Further environment and manufactured machines should be cleaned up to reduce the PBDEs exposure potential of workers. We also suggested that occupational PBDEs exposed workers should regularly examine their thyroid related hormones level.

Abstract iii
第一章 緒論1
第二章 文獻回顧4
第三章 材料與方法20
第四章 結果與討論31
第五章 結論與建議39
附件一 樹脂製造及應用產業勞工健康調查問卷105
附件二 人體試驗委員會審查通過證明文件116
附件三 臨床試驗同意書117
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