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研究生(外文):Chia-Jung Chang
論文名稱(外文):Eating Attitude, Menstrual Status, and Bone Mass Density among Collegiate Female Athletes in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Kuei-Hui Chan
外文關鍵詞:oligomenohrreairregularity menstrual cyclesfemale athlete triad
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目的:探討國內大專女性運動員飲食態度、體組成、月經週期與骨密度之狀況。方法:134名國立體育大學運動專長的大學部女性運動員 (平均年齡、身高及體重分別為20.1±1.49歲、163.2±6.29公分及61.2±11.09公斤) 先進行月經週期狀況及飲食態度 (EAT-26) 問卷調查,之後測量骨密度及體脂率。研究將受試者分為碰撞運動、限制碰撞運動、激烈運動、中度激烈運動及非激烈運動五種類型。所得資料以單因子變異數分析、卡方百分比同質性檢定,分析不同運動類型運動員間之差異。結果:134名女性運動員平均之體脂率為25.2%±5.7%,非激烈運動型運動員之體脂率顯著高於碰撞運動型運動員 (p< .05)。飲食態度平均分數為9.6±7.8,異常 (大於20分) 之比例為10.4%,而五種類型運動員間無差異。月經週期狀況方面,所有運動員中經期規律、有時不規律及非常不規律的比例分別為34.3%、56.7%及9.0%;而所有經期異常之發生比例佔整體的20.1%,激烈運動型運動員有時不規律之比例顯著高於其他運動類型;原發性無經症、續發性無經症、寡經症及黃體期過短者之比例分別為0%、3.0%、14.1%及3.0%。骨密度分面,所有女性運動員平均之波速、波衰減、硬度指數及T值分別為1642.8±42.4 m/s、129.2±16.5 db/MHz、125.9±17.6及1.6±1.0;而非激烈運動型之SOS值顯著低於碰撞運動型、激烈運動型及中度激烈運動型 (p< .05);非激烈運動型之SI值亦顯著低於碰撞運動型、限制碰撞運動型、激烈運動型及中度激烈運動型 (p< .05)。本研究就飲食態度、月經週期及骨密度三者之關係顯示台灣女性運動員飲食態度、月經週期及骨密度均正常者佔69.4%,而有2.9%的女性運動員有合併飲食態度及月經週期異常之情形,而沒有任何運動員有低骨密度的問題。結論:國內女性運動員有經期不規律、經期異常與飲食態度不良的情形,但骨質密度皆正常,所以並未發現女性運動員三綜症之個案。
Purpose: To investigate the eating attitude, body composition, menstrual status, and bone mass density (BMD) among collegiate female athletes in Taiwan. Methods: One hundred and thirty four female athletes (age: 20.1±1.49 years, height: 163.2±6.29 cm, weight: 61.2±11.09 kg) were recruited from National Taiwan Sport University. Subjects completed questionnaires of menstrual status and eating attitude. The BMD and body fat percentage were also assessed. Subjects were classified into contact/collision (CC), limited contact (LC), strenuous (ST), moderately strenuous (MS), nonstrenous (NS) sports. One-way analyses of variance and Chi-squared of test of homogeneity were used to compare the variables among difference sports. Results: The average body fat of all athletes were 25.2±5.7%. The body fat percentage in athletes of NS sport was significantly higher than in CC sport (p&lt;.05). The average score of eating attitude for all athletes were 9.6±7.8 and 10.4% of athletes was abnormal (higher than 20). There were no differences among the sports. Self-reported for regular, irregular and occasional irregularity menstrual cycles were 34.3%, 56.7%, and 9.0%, respectively. Menstrual dysfunction was self-reported in 20.1% subjects. The prevalence in athletes of ST sport was higher than in other sports. The prevalence of primary amenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea, oligomenohrrea, and shorted luteal phase was 0%, 3.0%, 14.1%, and 3.0% respectively. Speed of sound (SOS), broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), stiffness index (SI) and T-score for all athletes were 1642.8±42.4 m/s, 129.2±16.5 db/MHz, 125.9±17.6, and 1.6±1.0, respectively. The SOS in athletes of NS sport was significantly lower than in CC, ST and MS sports (p&lt;.05). The SI in athletes of NS sport was also significantly lower than in CC, LC, ST and MS sports (p&lt;.05). In general, 69.9% subjects of the study had regular menstrual cycle, normal eating attitude and BMD. A combination of two components was only found in 2.9% subjects. No subjects had low BMD. Conclusion: The occurrence of irregularity menstrual cycles, menstrual dysfunction and eating attitude disorder appeared in some female athletes in Taiwan. However, all athletes had normal BMD. The case of female athlete triad was not found in the study.
第壹章 緒論……………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究動機…………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………… 3
第貳章 文獻探討 ……………………………………………… 4
第一節 月經症候群………………………………………… 4
第二節 女性運動員月經失調之原因及盛行率………… 8
第三節 月經失調之相關病症 …………………………… 12
第四節 國內女性運動員月經週期、體脂率、骨密度之
情形…………………………………………………… 20
第五節 總結 ………………………………………………… 20
第參章 研究方法……………………………………………… 22
第一節 研究對象 …………………………………………… 22
第二節 實驗方法與步驟 ………………………………… 23
第三節 研究工具 …………………………………………… 24
第四節 資料處理 …………………………………………… 27
第肆章 結果與討論…………………………………………… 28
第一節 受試者基本資料 ………………………………… 28
第二節 不同運動類型女性運動員之體脂率及飲食態
度……………………………………………………… 31
第三節 不同運動類型女性運動員之月經週期………… 33
第四節 不同運動類型女性運動員之骨密度 ………… 36
第五節 女性運動員飲食態度、月經週期及骨密度異常
之關係……………………………………………… 39
第伍章 結論與建議…………………………………………… 45
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………… 46
附錄………………………………………………………………… 57

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