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研究生(外文):Tai-Ping Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Different Nutrient Intake on Rapid Endurance
指導教授(外文):Jia-Tzer JangYuan-Shuo Chan
外文關鍵詞:Track event of short distanceEleutherococcusRapid toleranceCardiovascular Endurance
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本研究目的係探討攝取不同營養食品對快速耐力之影響。研究以10名有規律訓練之高中男性短距離徑賽運動選手為研究主要對象。實驗執行測試共五日,間歇一天,以平衡次序法分配分別攝取不同營養食品:肌酸(Cre)、鎂(Mag)、三葉刺五加(Es)、肌酸+鎂(Cre+Mag)與安慰劑(placebo),應用2x 150m方法快速耐力測試。採集参數為心跳率(HR)、乳酸(La)、血氨(NH3)、速度(S),以重複量數單因子變異數分析(one-way Repeated-Measures ANOVA)各項增補數值之差異,四種不同型態補充劑於2x 150m測試速度均未達顯著差異。運動後心跳率顯示攝取不同的營養食品中以三葉刺五加對增進心肺功能的效果較為顯著。攝取Es血液乳酸堆積均顯著(p<0.05)低於其他攝取方式。攝取鎂乳酸產生最高。而血氨濃度以攝取肌酸與三葉刺五加較攝取安慰劑降低,而攝取鎂與肌酸+鎂則明顯升高;因攝取鎂會增進三羥酸循環酸和電子傳導系統途徑中能量轉換的效率,使身體循環代謝加速。結論:攝取不同營養食品,速度平均值比較均未達顯著差異。速度測試比較以攝取肌酸速度最快;攝取鎂在運動測試後的平均心跳率與乳酸濃度最高;攝取肌酸+鎂運動後的血氨濃度最高;攝取三葉刺五加於運動測試後的平均心跳率與乳酸、血氨濃度達顯著差異。顯示攝取三葉刺五加可增進心肺耐力,增加攝氧量、促進能量代謝途徑之改變,降低運動中乳酸、血氨濃度的上升幅度,延緩運動中疲勞的發生,並可促進恢復期乳酸、血氨濃度之代謝,有助於疲勞代謝產物的清除。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of different nutrient supplements on blood metabolic chemicals, post-exercise heart rates and sprint speed in young athletes after sprint. The main research objects were 10 regular training short track male senior high school athletes, Five nutrient supplements, Creatine (Cre), Magnesium (Mag), Eleutherococcus senticosus (Es), Cre+Mag and placebo, were provided in a counter-balanced pattern to all subjects, in which subjects successively intake assigned different nutrients in five days and followed by one day interval. Heart rate (HR), blood lactate (La), blood ammonia (NH3) and sprint speed(S) of subjects were collected before and immediately after two 150-meter sprints as study parameters . Results: there were no significant differences in sprint speeds among five nutrient supplements. However, Es significantly reduced heart rates immediately and five minutes after sprints. Blood lactate accumulation after Es intake was significantly (p &lt;0.05) lower than the others. Mag supplement produced the highest lactic acid. Cre and Es supplements produced lower blood NH3max than placebo, and students who took Mag and Cre+Mag significantly increased their blood NH3max. Conclusion: The intake of different nutrient supplements had no significant differences in average speed. Speed dose not change.In the 2x150m test, intake of Cre increased the speed most; intake of Mag had highest heart rate and Lamax ; intake of Cre + Mag had the highest NH3max after exercise.The most important, intake of Es had significant differences with others in average heart rate and Lamax, NH3max. It shows Es can enhance cardiorespiratory endurance, increase oxygen consumption (VO2), lower the Lamax and NH3max during exercise and delay the occurrence of exercise fatigue. It also improve the metabolism of Lamax and NH3max in recovery period and help to remove metabolic products of fatigue.

第壹章 緒論1

第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 名詞解釋3

第貳章 文獻探討4

第一節 刺五加增補4
第二節 肌酸增補7
第三節 礦物質-鎂9
第四節 心跳率、血乳酸、血氨11
第五節 文獻總結16

第参章 研究方法17

第一節 研究對象17
第二節 實驗設計17
第三節 實驗方法與步驟19
第四節 實驗器材20
第五節 統計分析20

第肆章 結果分析與討論21

第一節 運動負荷心跳率之分析21
第二節 乳酸與速度之分析22
第三節 血氨與速度之分析29

第伍章 結論36



附 錄 -------------------------------------------------------- 45

運動能力診斷疾病調查表------------------------------------ 45

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