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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Han Wu
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Aqua-Training on Reaction Time in Children with ADHD
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Shuo ChanChin-Shan Ho
外文關鍵詞:AerobicsADHDdopaminenerve conduction
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日常生活中,注意力分配能力在訊息接收工作過程中扮演非常重要角色,而訊息接收的完整度是影響學習的關鍵。國外盛行率約3-5%,而國內約7.09%-12.04%,顯示臺灣存在著嚴重ADHD的問題,其病徵可能是影響兒童學習的重要原因之一。 目的:(一)ADHD學童在八週水中運動訓練後,對於反應能力是否有影響。(二)ADHD兒童在八週水中運動訓練後,對於反應能力的變異情況是否有影響。(三)ADHD兒童年齡與單純反應時間(SRT)/選擇反應時間(CRT)之間相關性。方法:對16名經兒童心智科醫師診斷或特教轉介之ADHD男童。訓練共八週,每週兩次、每次90分鐘;並於訓練前後進行SRT及CRT檢測。本研究以描述統計表示實驗參與者年齡及前後測反應時間之改變,以Wilcoxon 符號檢定考驗兩組反應時間前、後測之差異。結果:ADHD兒童在八週水中運動訓練後,在選擇性反應時間和標準差顯著改善。另外,在年齡和前測的SRT呈中度負相關。結論:(一)CRT反應時間降低的原因可能是水中運動訓練課程結合知覺及有氧訓練,促進生理上神經傳遞物質和神經突觸改變,而提升認知訊息處理速度。(二)課程運動元素關鍵應是有氧運動提升持續注意力所需正腎上腺素,水中環境的感覺刺激為輔,進而加入反應遊戲訓練刺激神經傳遞訊息處理路徑,使ADHD兒童在難度較高的CRT測試,穩定度提升。(三)ADHD兒童隨年齡增長而反應時間縮短,因成熟過程讓神經功能提升,發展趨勢與一般正常兒童相似。
In daily life, the ability to distribute attention plays a very important role in the process of receiving messages, and the key factor of learning efficiency is the completeness of messages received. The prevalence of ADHD is 3%-5 % abroad, while it is 7.09 %-12.04 % in our country, which has showed the problems of ADHD are serious in Taiwan. The symptoms of ADHD might be one of important reasons which affect children’s learning. The Objectives of this paper are to probe: (a) the response ability of children with ADHD would be affected after eight-week-long aquatic exercise training. (b) The variation of response ability of children with ADHD would be affected after eight-week-long aquatic exercise training. (c) The correlation between the age of children with ADHD and their SRT (simple reaction time)/CRT (choice reaction time). Method: performed eight-week-long aquatic exercise training on 16 boys with ADHD who had been diagnosed by pediatric psychiatrists or who were referred from special education institutions. The training lasted for eight weeks: twice a week, 90 minutes each time. The examinations of SRT and CRT were done before and after the training. In this study, we use descriptive statistics to display the ages of participants in this experiment and to display the changes of their reaction time in pretest and post-test. Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to exam two groups’ changes of reaction time in pretest and post-test. Results: after eight weeks of aquatic exercise training, the children with ADHD had significant improvement on CRT and standard deviation. Besides, moderate negative correlation was shown on ages and the SRT of pretests. Conclusions: (a) the reason of the decrease of CRT might be the aquatic exercise training courses which combine perceptual and aerobic training. These courses help physical neurotransmitters and nerve synapse change, and therefore enhance the speed of cognitive information processing. (b) The key element in the exercises courses ought to be aerobic exercises that increase adrenaline which sustained attention required, meanwhile, the sensory stimulation in the water environment as a supplemented element as well. Furthermore, reaction games are added in the training, which train the processing path of signal transduction of neural excitors, and that help the children with ADHD enhance their stability in more difficult CRT tests. (c) The developmental trend of children with ADHD is similar to general normal children that the reaction time becomes shorter with the growth of age because maturation process has improved nerve function.
第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與假設 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 4
第四節 名詞解釋 5
第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 ADHD兒童動作控制 7
第二節 兒童反應時間相關研究 10
第三節 水中運動訓練對於動作控制的影響 12
第四節 反應時間測量方式探討 14
第五節 文獻總結 17
第参章 研究方法與步驟
第一節 研究對象 18
第二節 實驗時間地點 18
第三節 實驗儀器與設備 19
第四節 研究設計 26
第五節 資料蒐集與統計分析 30
第肆章 研究結果
第一節 水中運動訓練介入之平均反應時間 32
第二節 水中運動訓練介入之反應時間變異情況 34
第三節 年齡與反應時間之相關 35
第伍章 討論
第一節 運動訓練對於ADHD兒童反應時間之影響 40
第二節 水中運動訓練對ADHD兒童反應時間變異情況之影響 43
第三節 ADHD兒童年齡與CRT、SRT 45
第陸章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 47
第二節 建議 47
參考文獻 48
附件一 健康情況問卷 56
附件二 活動同意書 59
附件三 簡易課程內容介紹 60
附件四 人體試驗審查通過證明函 61

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