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研究生(外文):Chih, Kuan-Yi
論文名稱(外文):60 GHz Broadband High Gain Cavity-Backed Antenna and Transceiver System Measurement
指導教授(外文):Chung, Shyh-Jong
外文關鍵詞:60GHzCavity_backed antennatransceiverbroad-bandhigh-gain
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本論文設計一隻可應用於60 GHz高速傳輸收發機天線,透過微帶天線激發出在共振頻率在60GHz的背腔式共振腔模態,不僅能達到頻寬上的需求,並且對於微帶天線本體的輻射也能提升增益,其參數的分析與探討於內文中。
上述寬頻高增益天線以及60GHz收發機電路,都已實際驗證出良好特性,可應用於60GHz 無線個人區域網路。

In this thesis, a broadband high-gain cavity-backed antenna for 60 GHz Wireless Personal Area Network(WPAN) has been developed. Because the function of the cavity-backed structure is different from other antennas’, which is used to act as a
shielding wall , it provides another resonant frequency to achieve wider bandwidth requirement. As a result, the proposed cavity-backed patch antenna remains high gain because of the utilization of cavity-backed structure.
The 60GHz microwave transceiver system measurement has been done in the last chapter. To validate the circuit performance of each transmitter module and receiver module, we have measured conversion gain, bandwidth, P1dB, output power...etc. All of the measurement results have met with the 60GHz wideband and high transmission quality requirement.
The broadband high-gain cavity-backed antenna and 60GHz microwave transceiver mentioned above have been verified with good identities which are capable of 60GHz wireless personal area network application.

第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 60 GHz 收發機系統架構 ----------------------------------------------- 2
1.2 相關文獻探討 ------------------------------------------------------------- 3
第二章 微帶天線簡介 --------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1 微帶天線 -------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.2 微帶天線理論 -------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.3 微帶天線阻抗匹配 -------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.4 微帶天線的輻射場型 ----------------------------------------------------- 8
2.5 微帶天線的表面波 -------------------------------------------------------- 9
第三章 轉接濾波器 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11 3.1 共平面波導到微帶線轉接電路設計與實作 ------------------------ 11
3.2 共平面波導到微帶線的轉接濾波器設計與實作 ------------------ 13
第四章 寬頻高增益背腔式天線 ----------------------------------------------- 15
4.1 設計概念 --------------------------------------------------------------- 15
4.2 天線結構介紹 --------------------------------------------------------- 16
4.3 背腔式共振腔 --------------------------------------------------------- 17
4.4 嵌入式微帶天線 ------------------------------------------------------ 18
4.5 背腔式微帶天線 ------------------------------------------------------ 18
4.6 U型縫隙寬頻高增益背腔式天線 ---------------------------------- 19
4.7 參數探討 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 20
4.8 實作與量測 ------------------------------------------------------------- 26
第五章 60GHz收發機系統量測 ------------------------------- 31

5.1 60GHz發射/接收模組測試 -------------------------------------------- 32
5.2 60GHz接收模組搭配電源模組測試 -------------------------------- 33
5.3 60GHz發射模組搭配電源模組測試 -------------------------------- 35
5.4 60 GHz毫米波系統對傳測試 ---------------------------------------- 37
第六章 結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40

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