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研究生(外文):Yu-mei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Functional Flexibility as a Mediating Variable Between High Performance Work System and Service Performance
指導教授(外文):Nien-chi Liu
外文關鍵詞:Functional FlexibilityHigh Performance Work SystemService Performance
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High performance work system (HPWS, also named as high performance work practice or best practice), with the model of commitment-oriented by inducing employees’ commitment and involvement to the organization goal, has been the principal of the human resources management. Most of the companies have extensively adapted HPWS as the strategy for improving the competitiveness.

The employees with functional flexibility possess variety of knowledge & skill, as well as easily adapt to the change of working environment. They can effectively complete the assignment and bring advantages to the organization as well.

The research focused on the 166 stores of one famous quick service restaurant to discuss how the high performance work system influences service performance, and the mediation effect of the collective functional flexibility to the correlation between HPWS and service performance. The result shows positive correlation for the following variables: HPWS to functional flexibility, functional flexibility to service performance and HPWS to service performance. It also proves the mediation effect of the collective functional flexibility.

According to the research result, it is recommended that the company should be more proactive to put the human resource practices into effect and aligned the HPWS with the company strategy to maximize the value. Besides, in accordance with the literature that the functional flexibility should be utilized especially in the service industry, and the proved mediation effect of functional flexibility, the service-oriented firms should pay more attention and devote to the effectiveness of functional flexibility to optimize the advantage.
與動機的中介效 果」,人力資源管理學報,冬季號第二卷第四
期 PP 015-032。
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