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研究生(外文):Kuan-Liang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Relief Effect on Backscattering and Emissivity from Rough Surface
指導教授(外文):Kun-Shan Chen
外文關鍵詞:relief effectbackscatteringemissivityadvance integral equation model
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在真實情況下,存在坡度地表所造成的傾斜效應;為了瞭解傾斜效應的影響,本研究將使用先進積分方程模型,並且加入坡度地表的考慮,進而分析傾斜效應所造成的影響。傾斜效應包含兩個角度的影響分別為,傾斜角度和旋轉角度。傾斜角度和旋轉角度會造成入射角度改變以及極化上的轉變,當局部入射角(Local incident angle)角度為0時,為正向入射,此時有最大背向散射值。
The original integral equation model (IEM) under few simplifying approximations leads to a relatively simple solution, and yet reasonably accurate estimation for the rough surface scattering. However, these approximations also cause the accuracy degradation under some conditions. Attempts to relax some simplifying assumptions have been made in order to improve the accuracy and to extend its validity region, and leads to advanced IEM, called AIEM model.
In reality, there exists surface slope that tilts the mean surface away from the sensor and causes the change of microwave scattering and emission. In order to understand the relief effect on microwave scattering and emission of rough surfaces, this thesis uses the AIEM to simulate the scattering and emission from sloping surfaces. The relief effect includes the tilting and rotating. Tilt angle and rotate angle effectively change the local incident angle and thus generate depolarization effects. In this study, we also consider the impacts of different surface parameters such as correlation function, correlation length, and dielectric constant.
論文摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目標 3
1.3 章節簡介 4
第二章 積分方程模型理論 5
2.1 簡介 5
2.2 介質表面切面場 6
2.3 遠場散射 11
2.4 單散射散射係數 13
2.4.1 平均散射功率 13
2.4.2 單散射之散射係數表示式 14
2.5 反射係數轉換模型 17
第三章 傾斜效應於背向散射之影響 26
3.1 簡介 26
3.2 傾斜效應原理 27
3.3 修改方法及流程 31
3.3.1 傾斜角度影響 31
3.3.2 旋轉角度影響 42
第四章 傾斜效應於輻射率之影響 49
4.1 簡介 49
4.2 輻射率原理 50
4.3 修改方法及過程 51
4.4 修正後模型模擬及討論 53
第五章 結論與未來展望 66
5.1 結論 66
5.2 未來展望 67
參考文獻 69
附錄A 克希荷夫場係數 72
附錄B 補償場係數 74
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