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研究生(外文):Tat-wa Chao
論文名稱(外文):Wide-scoped Top-view Monitoring and Image-based Parking Guiding
指導教授(外文):Din-chang Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Parking assistanceParking guidingWide-scoped top-view monitoringFeature matchingCamera calibration
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本研究就以上問題,建立了一組影像徑向的非等比縮放函數,把失真的影像處理成可利用的有效影像,為駕駛提供更廣範圍的全周監控,並建構3D 模型,把現有2D的視覺輔助提升到能任意改變監控視角的3D環場視覺監控。經過一連串的影像轉換及合成處理,得到三個不同的監控模式給駕駛者使用。
To improve the current surrounding monitor systems, we enhance the 2-D visual assistance into a wide-scoped 3-D visual assistance and provide a serviceable method to obtain the trajectory of vehicle without utilize any steering sensor on steering column.
In the wide-scoped surrounding top-view monitor system, four wide-view cameras are mounted on front, rear, and the both sides of the vehicle to capture sequential images; then each four images are composed into a single surrounding top-view image. According to the quality of visual assistance, those current parking assistance systems can have better approach. In accordance with the monitor area of top-view image, the monitoring range of current top-view parking assistance systems are between 1.5 to 3 meters long outward from the vehicle, this monitoring range of those assistance systems were too limited to understand the whole surrounding traffic.
Different from the current parking assistance systems, the improved approach also provides the surrounding top-view monitoring, there are also provide the effective wide-scope surrounding top-view, surrounding title-view monitoring and image-based parking guiding based on the same equipment. The guiding technique is unnecessary to mount a steering sensor on the steering column, it only utilizes the images to calculate the vehicle trajectory and provide to the driver for reference. It reduces costs and increase products efficiency.
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 System overview 3
1.3 The thesis organization 7
Chapter 2 Related Works 8
2.1 Vehicle surrounding monitor systems 8
2.1.1 Nissan around view monitor 9
2.1.2 Honda multi-view camera system 10
2.1.3 Bird’s-eye vision system for vehicle surrounding monitoring 12
2.1.4 Omnidirectional cameras for backing-up aid 13
2.1.5 Monitoring surrounding areas of truck-trailer combinations 15
2.1.6 Omni video based approach 16
2.2 Image fusion 17
2.2.1 Recognising panoramas 18
2.2.2 Interactive digital photomontage 19
2.2.3 Poisson image editing 19
2.3 Parking guiding 20
2.3.1 Development of advanced parking assistance system 21
2.3.2 Odometry calibration of a Car-Like Mobile Robot 22
2.3.3 Light stripe projection based parking space detection for intelligent parking assist system 23
Chapter 3 Seamless Top-view Monitoring 24
3.1 Camera’s parameter calibration 24
3.1.1 Estimating internal parameters 29
3.1.2 Estimating external parameters 30
3.1.3 Calculate the maximum likelihood estimation 30
3.2 Wide-angle lens distortion correction 31
3.2.1 Distortion model 32
3.2.2 Estimation of distortion parameters 33
3.2.3 Estimation of optimal solution 34
3.3 Elimination for vignetting effect 35
3.3.1 Vignetting model 35
3.3.2 Parameter estimation for vignetting effect 36
3.3.3 Adjust the brightness 37
3.4 Top-view transformation 38
3.4.1 Top-view transformation with camera internal and external parameters 39
3.4.2 Top-view transformation with homography 40
3.5 Image registration 42
3.5.1 Geometric transformation 43
3.5.2 Calculation of rigid transformation 44
3.5.3 Interpolation and tabulation 45
3.6 Brightness uniformity 47
3.7 Color blending 48
Chapter 4 Wide-scoped Top-view Monitoring 50
4.1 Expand the useful images 50
4.1.1 The weakness of the traditional top-view monitoring 51
4.1.2 Improvement of top-view monitoring 52
4.2 Dual-camber modeling 55
4.2.1 The transformation from plane to camber surface 55
4.2.2 Smoothing the dual-camber model 56
Chapter 5 Image-based Parking Guiding 59
5.1 Trajectory model 59
5.2 Detecting feature points on the top-view image 60
5.3 Feature matching 63
5.3.1 Apply scale-invariant feature transform for feature matching 63
5.3.2 Apply sun of squared difference for feature matching 65
5.4 Calculation of geometric transformation 67
5.5 Calculate vehicular trajectory with property of centroid 69
Chapter 6 Experiments 73
6.1 Developmental environment 73
6.2 Camera calibration 76
6.3 Top-view transformation 78
6.4 Three selectable monitoring views 80
6.5 Image-base parking guiding 86
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future works 89
7.1 Conclusion 89
7.2 Future works 91
References 92
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