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研究生(外文):Ching-Fan Su
論文名稱(外文):Design of a single-lens stereoscopic camera based on a micro-tetrahedron prism array
指導教授(外文):Wen -Shing Sun
外文關鍵詞:micro-tetrahedron prism arraystereo imagessingle lens
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本篇論文以一組微型角錐陣列板數位鏡頭取代舊有攝影方式,透過此微型角錐陣列板產生4個影像,更真實的顯示出立體現象。本研究同時利用Zemax及Light tools等光學模擬軟體,設計一組30萬畫素、焦距4.88mm、視角為58.98°的定焦鏡頭,與微型角錐陣列板結合成為有立體拍攝功能的光學系統,最後以模擬方式分析成像效果。
With the increasing popularity of the stereoscopic movies, 3D technology has become a craze all over the world. The more advanced 3D display technology is getting, the more convenience and the realism of taking stereoscopic images has become. Therefore, in the present day, the use of the traditional dual-lens or biprism digital lens doesn’t meet the demand anymore, since it costs a lot and takes too much space.
In this study, a digital lens with a micro-tetrahedron prism array plate is used to replace the traditional capture method. The four images taken from different angles and showed through the micro-tetrahedron prism array plate are able to be formed more realistically. In addition, the lens designed by optical software (Zemax and Light Tools) is 300,000 pixel, focal length (4.88mm), field of view (58.98°). Integrated with the micro-tetrahedron prism array plate, the lens forms a system with a function of taking stereoscopic images. Finally, the researcher uses the method of simulation to analyze the result of the system.
論文摘要............................................................ i
Abstract........................................................... ii
誌 謝 辭.......................................................... iii
目錄............................................................... iv
圖目錄............................................................. vi
表目錄........................................................... viii
第一章 前言......................................................... 1
1-1 立體顯示器的發展背景 ........................................ 1
1-2 現今立體顯示器的技術發展 .................................... 2
1-3 裸眼式3D 立體顯示技術 ....................................... 9
1-4 立體影像拍攝 ............................................... 12
1-5 研究動機 ................................................... 12
1-6 論文架構 ................................................... 13
第二章 稜鏡原理應用與成像品質分析簡介.............................. 14
2-1 稜鏡原理 ................................................... 14
2-2 成像品質分析 ............................................... 16
第三章 鏡頭之成像系統光學設計...................................... 24
3-1 導論 ....................................................... 24
3-2 鏡頭之設計規格 ............................................. 24
3-3 設計流程 ................................................... 26
3-4 設計結果 ................................................... 29
第四章 公差分析.................................................... 36
4-1 公差介紹 ................................................... 36
4-2 鏡組公差分析 ............................................... 36
第五章 立體影像擷取系統設計與模擬結果.............................. 40
5-1 立體鏡頭之初階設計 ......................................... 40
5-2 微型角錐體陣列板結構設計 ................................... 42
5-3 立體影像模擬 ............................................... 44
5-4 影像亮度探討 ............................................... 47
第六章 結論與心得.................................................. 51
參考資料........................................................... 52
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