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研究生(外文):Ying-hsiu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Business Model and Brand Value Creation of The Enterprises:The Case of Acer Computer, Co.
指導教授(外文):Hung-Neng LaiHann-Tarn Jeng
外文關鍵詞:HRIOSEBusiness ModelBrand ValueAcerValue network analysis
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電腦業界經由創新商業模式崛起之蘋果電腦以及戴爾電腦,於2009年榮獲Millward Brown評選其品牌價值列居全球第四及第十二位,而宏碁集團(以下簡稱宏碁)於同年被Interbrand評選台灣國際品牌價值第一名。商業模式及品牌價值創造之間似乎存在一種特殊的關聯。宏碁自創業以來其營商業模式經歷三次的轉變,宏碁的品牌價值也隨著商業模式的轉變而有顯著的增加。本研究主要的目的在於探討三個問題:一、宏碁在三個不同發展階段價值網絡如何演變?二、宏碁在三個不同發展階段策略重心為何?三、宏碁在三個不同發展階段品牌價值創造成效為何?
本研究首先利用施振榮(2001)提出兩次企業再造之時間點1992年及2002年作為商業模式轉變的時間點,1976年至1991年為創業品牌奠基期,1992年至1999年為第一次再造期,2000年至2009年為第二次再造期。再引用Shafer et al.(2005)發表之商業模式四要素及鄭漢鐔(2009)提出田字價值網絡分析法來描繪宏碁從創業至2009年之價值網絡、策略選擇、價值創造、捕捉價值之轉變。最後利用HIROSE品牌評價模式,計算在不同商業模式下其品牌價值累積之情形。
Apple Computer Co. and Dell Computer Co. use innovative business models to build up their empire, whose brand value were ranked at the 4th and 12th place in the word for the year of 2009 by Millward Brown. In the same year, Interbrand ranked the brand value of Acer Computer, Co. (hereinafter referred to as Acer) the first place in Taiwan. This suggests that there seems to exist an interrelation between the changes of business models and brand value creation. This study explores the changes of business models and the brand value creation in the three periods that Acer has experienced. The main purpose of this study is to explore three questions: (i)How did Acer’s value network evolve in three different stages? (ii) What were the Acer’s core strategies in these three periods? (iii) How much the brand value was built up through the changes of business models?
This study takes on Acer’s founder, Mr. Stan Shih’s (2001) argument of two timing of restructuring Acer in 1992 and 2002, respectively, and uses these two time point as the starting point of changing business models. Then, it uses the four key elements of business induced by Shafer et al. (2005), and the technique of value network analysis proposed by Hann-Tarn Jeng (2009) to examine Acer’s value network, strategic choices, create value and capture value in the three periods. Finally, it calculates the brand value created by Acer using the HIROSE brand valuation model.
Conclusions are as follows: First, in the first restructure period, the most dramatic changing in value network were supply chain and investors’ relationship: complete 3C product line, client-server organization, fast food value chain model; build multi-channel financing and steady financial structure for investor relations. In the second restructure period, the value chain was still changing most. Acer separated the brand and OEM business and the new Acer is successful transformation which is focus on brand name managing and marketing. Second, the main strategies in the period of 1976~1991, Acer sated up complete value chain and pay attention on smile curve’s left and right hand side, including research, development and marketing; in the period of 1992~1999 Acer fulfilled the goal of global brand and local operating; in the period of 1992~1999 Acer separated the brand and OEM business working on enhancing brand positioning, changing the management style from local operation to central management. Third, base on value chain strategy change successfully, brand position well, global product channel, outstanding management group and corporate governance let today Acer’s brand value is 102 times of the beginning one.
中文摘要 ......................................... i
英文摘要 ......................................... ii
誌謝.............................................. iii
目錄.............................................. iv
圖目錄 ........................................... vii
表目錄 ........................................... ix
一、緒論 ......................................... 1
1-1 研究背景 ..................................... 1
1-2 研究動機 ..................................... 4
1-3 研究目的 ..................................... 6
1-4 研究架構 ..................................... 7
1-5 研究流程與方法 ............................... 8
二、文獻探討 ..................................... 9
2-1 商業模式定義與要素 ........................... 9
2-1-1 財務觀點 ................................... 9
2-1-2 內部流程觀點 ............................... 9
2-1-3 學習與創新觀點 ............................. 10
2-1-4 顧客觀點 ................................... 13
2-2 品牌之源貣及進程 ............................. 15
2-2-1 品牌之源貣 ................................. 15
2-2-2 品牌之進程 ................................. 15
2-3 品牌之定義 ................................... 16
2-4 品牌權益 ..................................... 17
2-5 品牌價值的評估方法簡介與比較 ................. 17
2-5-1 財務觀點 ................................... 18
2-5-2 行銷觀點 ................................... 19
2-5-3 綜合觀點 ................................... 19
2-5-4 品牌價值的評估方法比較 ..................... 26
2-6 過去研究宏碁相關文獻 ......................... 29
2-6-1 國內期刊 ................................... 29
2-6-2 自傳式陳述 ................................. 29
2-7 文獻探討小結 ................................. 30
三、研究方法 ..................................... 31
3-1 研究目標及研究標的重申 ....................... 31
3-2 資料來源與研究期間 ........................... 31
3-2-1 資料來源 ................................... 31
3-2-2 研究期間 ................................... 32
3-3 研究方法 ..................................... 32
3-3-1 商業模式選用之原因 ......................... 32
3-3-2 品牌評價模式選用原因 ....................... 33
3-4 樣本選取之詳細步驟 ........................... 33
3-5 模型變數的選取與意涵 ......................... 35
3-6 個案研究流程 ................................. 36
四、個案分析 ..................................... 37
4-1 宏碁集團簡介 ................................. 37
4-2 宏碁集團的企業文化 ........................... 38
4-3 創業品牌建立奠基期(1976~1991)商業模式分析 .... 39
4-3-1 價值網絡分析 ............................... 39
4-3-2 策略選擇 ................................... 43
4-3-3 價值創造 ................................... 44
4-3-4 捕捉價值 ................................... 47
4-4 第一次企業再造後(1992~1999)商業模式分析 ...... 51
4-4-1 價值網絡分析-成長受限I ..................... 51
4-4-2 策略選擇 ................................... 54
4-4-3 價值創造—1992年第一次企業再造 ............. 55
4-4-4 第一次企業再造成果 ......................... 60
4-4-5 捕捉價值 ................................... 62
4-5 第二次企業再造後(2000~2004)商業模式分析....... 64
4-5-1 價值網絡分析-成長限制II .................... 64
4-5-2 策略選擇 ................................... 67
4-5-3 價值創造-第二次企業再造 .................... 68
4-5-4 第二次企業再造成果 ......................... 71
4-5-5 捕捉價值 ................................... 75
4-6 宏碁三階段商業模式與捕捉價值比較 ............. 77
4-6-1 宏碁三階段商業模式比較 ..................... 77
4-6-2 宏碁三階段捕捉價值比較及分析 ............... 78
五、結論與建議 ................................... 83
5-1 研究結論 ..................................... 83
5-1-1 宏碁集團在三個不同發展階段價值網絡如何演變? 83
5-1-2 宏碁集團在三個不同發展階段策略重心為何? .... 84
5-1-3 宏碁集團在三個不同發展階段品牌價值創造成效為何? 84
5-2 研究貢獻 ........................................ 85
5-3 研究限制與後續研究方向 ....................... 85
5-3-1 研究限制 ................................... 85
5-3-2 後續研究方向 ............................... 86
參考文獻 ......................................... 87
中文文獻 ......................................... 87
英文文獻 ......................................... 88
相關網站 ......................................... 89
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