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研究生(外文):Chih-yuan Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A High Performance Video Controller based on Multi-cameras Imaging and Digital PTZ
指導教授(外文):Ching-han Chen
外文關鍵詞:Multi-cameras ImagingDigital PTZVideo Controller
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此一數位PTZ系統整合了I2C取像控制器、AHB高速匯流排系統及DMA控制器等三個模組構成一個可對多個影像感測器平行取像的高速取像控制器,結合高性能的數位PTZ控制器核心,可透過PELCO D/P通訊協定,遠端對攝影機進行X、Y及Z三軸的即時運動控制。
In terms of video surveillance application, PTZ surveillance camera has the capability in capturing extreme angles as well as dynamic surveillance of moving objects. Therefore it’s still widely used in the video surveillance industry today. Traditional PTZ camera is made up from a single camera, three or more stepper motors and a complex mechanical structure combined together. Due to its size and power consumption, maintenance cost is considerably huge and impractical. This research aims in achieving a digital PTZ camera system that will improve such weaknesses and enhance its functionalities.
The PTZ digital camera system compromises module mode based I2C image controller, AHB high-speed bus system and DMA controller integration into a high speed multi imaging sensors controller capable in parallel image capturing. Through PELCO D/P communication protocol, it can distance control the camera’s X,Y and Z axis moving direction making it a high performance digital camera.
Using the MIAT designed methodology in creating the digital PTZ camera system and hardware, it enables us to have a hierarchical and module-mode structure allowing integration verification and future alterations. Pipeline controller is also used in order to maintain the hardware module mode integration.
Finally, this research aims to conclude by operating the system on top of FPGA, while installing two 5-megapixel cameras, a VGA display module and forming a PC simulation control panel. Research proven, the system can process up to 320 VGA frames (640x480) per second and PTZ real time control performance. The end result is a high performing digitized multi camera video surveillance system.
摘要 ··········································································································· i
ABSTRACT ································································································ ii
誌謝 ········································································································· iv
目錄 ·········································································································· v
圖目錄 ····································································································· vii
表目錄 ······································································································ ix
第一章 緒論 ······························································································· 1
1-1 研究動機與目標 ··············································································· 1
1-2 論文結構 ························································································ 4
第二章 CMOS影像感測器原理及控制 ······························································ 5
2-1 影像感測器 ····················································································· 5
2-2 影像感測的原理 ··············································································· 9
2.3 數位影像取像控制 ·········································································· 11
2.4 多重影像感測器系統 ······································································· 13
第三章 高性能多重影像感測系統 ·································································· 15
3.1 多重影像感測系統架構 ···································································· 16
3.2 多重CMOS感測器高速取像 ····························································· 17
3.2.1主控制流程 ············································································ 18
3.2.2 I2C控制器 ············································································· 20
3.2.3 直接記憶體存取(DMAC) ·························································· 26
3.2.4 Multi-layer advanced high-performance bus(MAHB)··························· 28
3.2.5 Advanced peripheral bus(APB) ····················································· 29
3.2.6 Advanced peripheral bus bridge(APB bridge) ···································· 31
3.3多重影像感測控制器設計 ·································································· 32
第四章 基於多重影像融合的數位PTZ ···························································· 36
4.1 Pelco P/D協定 ················································································ 37
4.1.1 Pelco D協定 ··········································································· 38
4.1.2 Pelco P協定 ··········································································· 41
4.2單一影像的數位PTZ ········································································ 43
4.3影像插補 ······················································································· 44
4.4 多重影像融合的數位PTZ ································································· 45
第五章 系統實作與驗證 ·············································································· 55
5.1實驗平台 ······················································································· 55
5.2多重影像感測控制器電路合成 ···························································· 57
5.3 數位PTZ系統實作與展示 ································································ 60
第六章 結論 ····························································································· 65
參考文獻 ·································································································· 66
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