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研究生(外文):Bo-Ren Tian
論文名稱(外文):IT/IS professionals'' core self-evaluation on the effect of superstition
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Ming Lin
外文關鍵詞:Paranormal BeliefsSuperstitionCore Self-EvaluationGeneral Self-Efficacy (GSE)Self-EsteemLocus of ControlNeuroticism
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  In case of problems, IT/IS professionals often dominated by logical thinking and supplemented by experience, trying to deal with problems. However, when computer systems crash, IT/IS departments in Taiwan''s enterprises often attributed to superstition factor. For example: In order to avoid the computer no reason behind the crash, IT/IS departments will put some green packaging “Kuai Kuai” (A kind of snack, means obedient or well-behaved) nearby computers. But other color packaging will have the negetive effect. Another similar example is that: Don’t put “Want Want” (Means flourishing) Senbei nearby computers, because the computer will often go wrong, resulting in a flourishing population room.

  Based on the above phenomenon, researchers had the research motivation: To place food in the room will easy breeding animals and increase the damage risk on equipments in the generator room. It should be common sense for IT/IS professionals, but why IT/IS departments in Taiwan''s enterprises have this superstition behavior?

  The main samples of this research are IT/IS professionals, and non-IT/IS professionals is in the control group. The study uses questionnaires to collect data, and use core self-evaluation theory to evaluating the personality characteristics of samples. The results showed that: Core self-evaluation have a significant effect on superstitious; Men, older age, higher management proportion job and longer working years, the core self-evaluation scores relatively high. Interestingly, although the superstition of IT/IS professionals than non-IT/IS professionals are low, IT/IS professionals have higher superstition level than non-IT/IS professionals for this superstitious behavior “put some green packaging Kuai Kuai nearby computers.”
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1.1   研究背景與動機....................................1
1.2   研究目的..........................................4
1.3   研究流程..........................................5
第二章 文獻探討...........................................6
2.1   迷信..............................................6
 2.1.1  迷信的定義......................................6
 2.1.2  迷信的種類......................................8
 2.1.3  迷信的量表與正面迷信...........................10
 2.1.4  迷信的相關研究.................................12
2.2   核心自我評估.....................................14
 2.2.1  自我效能.......................................14
 2.2.2  自尊...........................................16
 2.2.3  控制源.........................................17
 2.2.4  神經質.........................................18
第三章 研究方法..........................................20
3.1   研究架構.........................................20
3.2   研究變數與操作化.................................21
 3.2.1  自我效能.......................................21
 3.2.2  自尊...........................................22
 3.2.3  控制源.........................................23
 3.2.4  神經質.........................................25
 3.2.5  迷信...........................................27
3.3   研究假說.........................................28
3.4   資料蒐集方法.....................................33
3.5   資料分析方法.....................................34
 3.5.1  樣本基本資料分析...............................34
 3.5.2  信度與效度檢定.................................35
 3.5.3  各構念間實質關係檢定...........................35
 3.5.4  資料分析流程...................................35
第四章 資料分析..........................................37
4.1   問卷回收情況.....................................37
4.2   整體核心自我評估的分數計算.......................40
4.3   樣本基本資料分析.................................41
 4.3.1  敘述統計與單因子變異數分析.....................41
 4.3.2  單因子變異數分析──事後檢定...................49
 4.3.3  獨立樣本 t 檢定................................52
 4.3.4  資訊工作者與一般工作者在迷信題項上的分數差異...55
4.4   信度與效度檢定...................................56
 4.4.1  信度檢定.......................................57
 4.4.2  表面效度與內容效度.............................57
 4.4.3  因素分析──針對迷信測量工具...................58
4.5   各構念間實質關係檢定.............................60
 4.5.1  模式與假說檢定.................................60
 4.5.2  主要研究變數相關係數檢定.......................63
4.6   小結.............................................65
第五章 結論與建議........................................67
5.1   結論.............................................67
 5.1.1  核心自我評估存在的組間差異.....................67
 5.1.2  迷信存在的組間差異.............................69
 5.1.3  核心自我評估影響迷信...........................70
5.2   研究貢獻.........................................71
 5.2.1  學術貢獻.......................................71
 5.2.2  管理實務意涵...................................72
5.3   研究限制.........................................73
 5.3.1  樣本來源.......................................73
 5.3.2  抽樣方式.......................................73
5.4   未來研究方向.....................................74
第一節 中文部份..........................................75
第二節 英文部份..........................................77
附錄一 本研究問卷........................................83
附錄二 超自然信念量表改良版..............................87
[第一節 中文部份]

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