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研究生(外文):Ya-chun Hung
論文名稱(外文):Effects of the Meetings Flow Approach on Teamwork Quality of Software Capstone Projects – An Experimental Study
指導教授(外文):Chung-Yang Chen
外文關鍵詞:ExperimentTeamwork QualityMeetings FlowSoftware Capstone Project
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為因應軟體產業所面臨的顧客偏好與科技發展的快速變動,現代軟體公司無不以專案團隊的型式來解決大小不一的軟體開發任務。因此,團隊合作的學習成為軟體工程的關鍵教育目標之一。在各大專院校資訊相關科系,即普遍設有「畢業專題」課程,目的是讓學生體驗真實的軟體開發,並發展團隊合作所需的能力。有鑒於團隊合作相關的問題,仍持續存在於畢業專題的專案開發當中,本研究應用會議流方法(Meetings Flow Approach, MFA)引導學生畢業專題的進行,並認為此方法能帶給學生團隊一些正面的效益。我們採用實地實驗法,來驗證會議流方法是否對團隊合作品質(teamwork quality),以及團隊來源學習(team-source learning)產生影響。研究結果顯示會議流方法對此兩個構面皆有顯著的影響。此外,在影響團隊合作品質的結果中,我們發現會議流方法能加強團隊的溝通、協調、均等貢獻、相互支援,與努力程度。最後針對此結果,本研究也提出相應的管理與教育意涵,提供管理學生軟體開發專案的指導者作為參考。
Nowadays, software organizations often utilize project teams to handle increasingly complex software development tasks. Therefore, it is important for software engineering students to experience a real-world software development and develop teamwork related skill in their capstone course. However, the issues come from team’s collaboration are still critical in capstone projects. In this study, we apply the Meetings Flow Approach (MFA) for conducting the software capstone projects, and suppose that the MFA would bring some good effects to student teams. We design a field experiment to examine effects of the MFA on two team-related constructs, teamwork quality and team-source learning. The results indicate that the MFA has significantly positive effects on these constructs. Moreover, regarding to the teamwork quality, our findings show that the MFA significantly enhance team’s communication, coordination, balance of member contribution, mutual support, and effort. Finally, this paper provides corresponding managerial and educational implications as a reference for an instructor to direct the student software project development.
Keyword: Software
摘要 ....................................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................................... II
誌謝 ..................................................................................................................................... III
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... IV
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... VI
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................ VII
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Literature Review ............................................................................................................................ 6
2-1. Capstone projects in software development education ................................................. 6
2-2. Meetings and meetings flow approach ....................................................................... 10
2-3. Teamwork quality ..................................................................................................... 15
2-4. Team-source learning ................................................................................................ 19
3. Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 21
3-1. Participants and experimental setting ........................................................................ 21
3-2. Treatment .................................................................................................................. 23
3-3. Measures ................................................................................................................... 27
3-4. Control variables ....................................................................................................... 28
3-5. Reliability and validity .............................................................................................. 29
4. Results .............................................................................................................................................. 30
5. Discussion and Implication ......................................................................................................... 34
5-1. Effects of MFA on TWQ ........................................................................................... 34
5-2. Effects of MFA on team-source learning.................................................................... 34
5-3. Implications .............................................................................................................. 37
5-4. Limitations ................................................................................................................ 39
6. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 42
References ................................................................................................................................................ 43
Appendix: Questionnaire ..................................................................................................................... 51
TWQ questionnaire .......................................................................................................... 51
Team-source learning questionnaire ................................................................................. 52
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