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研究生(外文):Hung-Chih Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Improvements and Applications of Particle Swarm Optimization
指導教授(外文):Yau-tarng Juang
外文關鍵詞:Particle Swarm OptimizationFuzzy
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In this thesis, in order to enhance each variable particle’s searching ability and efficiency, a fuzzy logic control is implemented to adapt the acceleration parameters of particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO). The important condition of fully utilizing the particle swarm optimization algorithm is to keep advance between extensive searching and exploring global optimal. This method has two advantages. One is that it is flexible to integrate with other PSO techniques to enhance the searching performance further. The other is that it is only used three simple fuzzy inference rules to adaptively adjust the acceleration parameters of the standard PSO and results in certain improved searching ability and efficiency. In addition, the simulation is tested by using 16 benchmark functions. The results show that our proposed methods can efficiently improve the performance of original PSO and outperform the five compared PSO algorithms for most of benchmark functions.
Chapter1 Introduction.....................................1
1.1 Research Motivations and Background...................1
1.2 Literature Reviews....................................3
1.3 Organization..........................................4
Chapter2 Introduction to Computational Intelligence.......6
2.1 Introduction..........................................6
2.2 Fuzzy System..........................................8
2.2.1 Basic definition....................................8
2.2.2 Species of membership function......................9
2.3 Swarm Intelligence...................................11
2.4 Artificial Neural Networks...........................13
2.5 Evolutionary Computing...............................13
Chapter3 Adaptive Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimizatio Algorithm................................................15
3.1 The standard PSO algorithm...........................15
3.2 Adaptive Fuzzy optimization strategy of PSO........19
3.2.1 Adaptive Fuzzy scheme..............................19
3.2.2 Procedure of the adaptive Fuzzy PSO Algorithm......21
3.3 Membership Function..................................25
3.3.1 Triangular and Trapezoidal membership function.....25
3.3.2 Experiments........................................29
Chapter4 Adaptive Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization with Quadratic Crossover Operator.............................33
4.1 AFPSO with quadratic crossover operator..............33
4.2 Experiments..........................................35
4.2.1 Experimental Settings..............................35
4.2.2 Results for the 10-Dimension minimization problems.40
4.2.3 Results for the 30-Dimension minimization problems.46
Chapter5 Particle Swarm Optimization for Stabilization of a Singular Linear Time-Varying System....................53
5.1 Introduction.........................................53
5.2 Particle Swarm Optimization with a constriction factor...................................................54
5.3 Preliminaries for a singular linear time-varying system...................................................54
5.4 Stabilization problem transformed from time-varying to time-invariant...........................................56
5.5 Experiments..........................................60
5.5.1 Experimental Settings..............................60
5.5.2 Experimental Results...............................61
5.5.3 Analysis of Adaptive Fuzzy Experimental Results....64
Chapter6 Conclusions and Feature Work....................66
6.1 Conclusions..........................................66
6.2 Feature Work.........................................67
A. Wilcoxon matched paired signed rank test..............68
Publication List.........................................78
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