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研究生(外文):Chen-chang Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:entry modellogistics industryindustry analysisindustrial strategy matrix
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本研究經由個案分析進行探究,以Kotler & Keller (2003)「企業進入國際市場的模式」做為理論基礎進行深入分析。個案公司在進入大陸市場前先進行物流產業環境的評估與調查,而後在當地政府的協助下以獨資的方式進入市場;針對各地區所採取不同的營運方針,先後在長三角、珠三角以及閩南地區,配合各地區的經濟環境進行適宜的開發:以深圳作為發跡地、在珠三角發展以運送山寨品做為主要貨源;在長三角一帶以台商做為主要服務客源;伴隨小三通的開放,在閩南一帶進行兩岸小額貿易運輸。此三地區的運貨量以珠三角、長三角一帶為高,但由於內部人事管理方面,其獲利以珠三角為最高,在閩南地區一帶由於無法發揮快遞優勢故無法達到明顯的經濟規模。
Under the recent trend of globalization, many of Taiwanese companies have started to relocate, thus impacting the imports and exports of Taiwan to a certain degree. As the logistics market in Taiwan has become saturated with significantly declining market growth rates, many companies involved in the supply chain businesses have begun to leave Taiwan for the international markets. In the process, they have combined their production and marketing strategies with information systems and have taken the overall national development into consideration.
Although there was an international financial crisis in 2008, the logistics industry in China still grew by 20%, with the express delivery market growing by more than 30%, because the Chinese government has pushed forward some policies to promote the construction of infrastructure and paid much attention to the logistics industry. Many Taiwanese logistics service providers have thus stepped into the China logistics industry to explore the business opportunities there.
The purpose of this study is mainly to discuss the external environment and the industrial development that the Taiwanese logistics industry has to face in China. A Taiwanese company is chosen for in-depth analysis on its motivation to enter into the China market and the business models it has adopted in different areas of China. The case is then carefully evaluated on how competitive its strategy is and what direction it should head for its future development in China. It is hoped that the research results of this study can be a good reference for those companies which would explore the international markets.
This study adopts the case-study method and the "business model for international market entry" proposed by Kotler & Keller (2003) as a basis for theoretical analysis. It is found that the S Company has first investigated and assessed the environment of logistics industry in China before entering into the markets. It has then founded a 100% owned company with the assistance of the local government. It has adopted different market development strategies to fit the needs of economic environments of different regions, such as Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and southern Fujian region. In the process, the S Company has first established its base in Shenzhen. It has then developed its main business in the Pearl River Delta by delivery of “Shan-zhai” goods — products copied from internationally known brands. In the Yangtze River Delta area, the main customer base of the company is mainly composed of Taiwanese companies. Since the opening of the so-called “three mini-links”, the company has been engaged in the cross-strait transportation and delivery of goods for trades in the Fujian region. Among the three areas, the company has enjoyed good business in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta areas. However, its business in the southern Fujian region has been slim because it has not owned any advantage in express delivery and has not yet reached significant economies of scale. In terms of profitability, the Pearl River Delta has made the highest contribution due to better internal personnel management.
This study used the “industrial strategy matrix” to evaluate the corporate-level strategies of the case company. The results show that the case company should actively develop breadth and depth of its products and find niche markets for them to build up a comprehensive logistics center. It should also use its advantages in advanced information technology in Taiwan to improve its competitiveness and to expand to other Southeast Asian markets.
第一章 緒論................................................................................................................ 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ...................................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的 .................................................................................................................. 3
第三節 研究流程 .................................................................................................................. 4
第二章 文獻探討........................................................................................................ 5
第一節 產業分析 .................................................................................................................. 5
第二節 國際化 .................................................................................................................... 33
第三節 經營模式 ................................................................................................................ 54
第三章 研究方法...................................................................................................... 75
第一節 研究架構 ................................................................................................................ 75
第二節 研究方法 ................................................................................................................ 77
第三節 研究對象 ................................................................................................................ 78
第四章 產業分析與個案研究.................................................................................. 79
第一節 產業分析 ................................................................................................................ 79
第二節 個案公司概況 ........................................................................................................ 95
第三節 進入大陸市場的動機 .......................................................................................... 100
第四節 進入大陸市場地區的選擇 .................................................................................. 105
第五節 大陸市場的進入模式及地區經營規劃 .............................................................. 111
第六節 評估與未來發展策略 .......................................................................................... 119
第五章 結論與建議................................................................................................ 129
第一節 結論 ...................................................................................................................... 129
第二節 建議 ...................................................................................................................... 131
第三節 研究限制 .............................................................................................................. 133
參考文獻.................................................................................................................... 134
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