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研究生(外文):Guo-tong Fang
論文名稱(外文):Self-Constructing Fuzzy Neural Network-based Decision Feedback Equalizer Robust to the Effect of Frequency Offset and Phase Noise
指導教授(外文):Chia-lu Ho
外文關鍵詞:frequency offsetAdaptive filteringneural networkphase noise
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為了解決這些問題,我們提出自我建置模糊類神經網路決策回授等化器(SCFNN DFE)一個低複雜度的調適性非線性等化器。它包含架構和參數學習階段,以訓練SCFNN DFE。而前饋輸入向量集合的分類,與梯度坡降法皆被用在此線上學習演算法中。
In communication links, a frequency offset due to Doppler effect, and a phase noise due to distorted transmission environment and imperfect oscillators exist. Phase noises usually accompanie the problem of timing error. These errors need to be compensated at the receiver to avoid a serious degradation.
To solve three difficulties, we propose a self-constructing fuzzy neural network-based decision feedback equalizer (SCFNN DFE) with a online learning algorithm containing the structure and parameter learning phases. Both the feedforward input vector classification and a gradient-descent method are for the learning algorithm.
Simulations show that the proposed SCFNN DFE improves the traditional DFE in the presence of estimation errors caused by frequency offset, phase noise and timing error.
摘 要......................................i
目 錄......................................iv
圖 目 錄......................................vi
表 目 錄......................................viii
第一章 緒論..................................1
1-1 前言 .....................................1
1-2 調適性等化器.............................3
1-3 自我建置調適等化器.......................5
1-4 本篇論文組織.............................7
第二章 模糊類神經網路........................8
2-1 類神經網路...............................8
2-2 決策回授等化器...........................10
2-3 模糊系統.................................12
2-4 模糊類神經網路...........................15
2-5 模糊類神經網路等化器.....................18
第三章 學習演算法 ............................21
3-1 自我建置模糊類神經網路決策回授等化器.....21
3-2 自我建置學習演算法.......................25
3-2-1 架構學習演算法.....................26
3-2-2 參數學習演算法.....................30
第四章 模擬結果與分析........................35
4-1 非線性失真通道模擬.......................35
4-1-1 位元錯誤率:.......................38
4-1-2 複雜度:...........................40
4-2 頻率偏移、相位雜訊環境模擬...............41
4-2-1 位元錯誤率:.......................44
4-2-2 複雜度:...........................45
4-3 時序誤差、相位雜訊環境模擬...............47
4-3-1 位元錯誤率:.......................50
4-3-2 複雜度:...........................51
第五章 結論..................................53
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