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研究生(外文):Jen-shian Jeng
論文名稱(外文):Signal Capture and Analysis of DVB-T On-Air Signal in Stationary Environment
指導教授(外文):Yih-Min Chen
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The Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial (DVB-T) has adopted the Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) that exhibit many features in terms of anti-multiple-access interference, superior efficiency of spectral utilization, high speed transmission and against inevitable frequency-selective fading.
Many researchers have hypotheses of interference, and they need to generate sources of interference to simulate signals in the surroundings. This research is to setup a platform of DVB-T signal recording for analyzing various signals. It could be applied to the road test, environment test and so on. In this research, it would also present the process of platform establishment and program procedure. The recorded files from this platform could be adopted by MATLAB to analyze characteristics of signals in different environments. This research is purposed to analyze the difference and performance of static environment and dynamic signal. The platform uses business Tuner, ADC and FPGA to convert the data to Binary code, and then transmit the data to PC through USB.
中文摘要............................ i
英文摘要............................ ii
致 謝.............................. iii
目 錄.............................. iv
圖 目 錄.......................... vi
表 目 錄........ ..................xi
第一章 緒論........................ 1
1.1 簡介....................... 1
1.2 研究動機................... 2
1.3 各章提要................... 2
第二章 數位電視地面廣播系統簡介.... 4
2.1 OFDM簡介.................. 4
2.1.1 OFDM調變原理................. 5
2.1.2 保護區間(Guard Interval)與循環延展(Cyclic extension) ...........................9
2.2 DVB-T 系統簡介............ 11
2.2.1 DVB-T系統架構................ 12
2.2.2 訊框結構..................... 14
2.2.3 DVB-T參考訊號................ 16
2.2.4 DVB-T接收機架構.............. 18
第三章 DVB-T訊號錄製平台製作........ 19
3.1 DVB-T訊號錄製平台製作過程....... 19
3.1.1 Tuner Board開發............... 20
3.1.2 FPGA開發板介紹................ 23
3.2 硬體Layout設計.................. 24
3.2.1電源規劃....................... 25
3.2.2 ADC簡介和Layout設計........... 26
3.2.3 DAC簡介和Layout設計........... 28
3.3 Tuner介紹....................... 30
3.3.1 IIC控制....................... 32
3.4 平台軟體開發.................... 35
3.4.1 FPGA程式設計.................. 36
3.4.2 USB程式設計................... 37
3.4.3 Visual Studio程式設計......... 38
3.5 平台操作說明.................... 40
3.5.1 Tuner Board I/O pin設計....... 40
3.5.2 Tuner Board半可調設計......... 41
3.5.3 Tuner Board Jump設計.......... 42
第四章 靜態環境實錄訊號分析......... 44
4.1 固定地點比較各電視台訊號觀測.... 49
4.2 不同地點在同頻道上訊號的觀測.... 55
第五章 結論與未來發展.............. 59
參考文獻............................ 60
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