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研究生(外文):Shin-kai Tasi
論文名稱(外文):Wavelength-modulated circular heterodyne interferometry for SPR detection
指導教授(外文):Ju-yi Lee
外文關鍵詞:circular heterodyne interferometrywavelength-modulatedifferential phasesurface plasmon resonance
  • 被引用被引用:3
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A novel optical measurement technology“Wavelength-modulated circular heterodyne interferometry for SPR detection”is proposed. This study combined with heterodyne interferometry of high precision, real time measurement, and surface plasma resonance of high sensitivity and high resolution. This study uses direct modulation of a diode laser wavelength to produce heterodyne light source to reduce the costs, and proposes the concept of differential phase detection, which effectively remove the environmental impact on the system. Thus, this study can reach high-sensitivity and high resolution system effectiveness, to meet the needs of biomedical testing.
According to the results, the sensitivity of the system is 1.21 × 104 (°/RIU) and the long time stability of differential phase is 0.048 degree, so the resolution of refractive index is up to 4 × 10-6 (RIU). This resolution is sufficient to detect the interface of biochemical reactions.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2文獻回顧 1
1-2-1表面電漿共振感測術 2
1-2-2波長調制外差干涉術 6
1-3研究動機、目的與方法 7
1-4論文架構 8
第二章 基礎理論 9
2-1表面電漿共振原理 9
2-1-1表面電漿共振之電磁理論推導 9
2-1-2激發表面電漿波的方式 13
2-1-3 反射光強度與相位推導 15
2-2干涉術 21
2-2-1一般干涉術 21
2-2-2外差干涉術 22
2-3波長調制旋光外差干涉術 24
2-3-1雷射二極體 24
2-3-2波長調制旋光外差干涉術 25
2-4相位解調 28
2-5小結 31
第三章 實驗架構 32
3-1 元件儀器介紹 32
3-2光學架構 35
3-2-1系統光學架構 35
3-2-2系統相位解調 39
3-3旋轉台控制及程式設計 40
3-3小結 43
第四章 結果與討論 44
4-1實驗準備 44
4-2近紅外光源實驗模擬 46
4-3近紅外光源實驗結果 50
4-3-1尋找最大靈敏度所對應入射角實驗 51
4-3-2交叉酒精水溶液實驗 53
4-3-3不同酒精水溶液實驗 54
4-3-4系統對折射率解析度計算 55
4-4紅光光源實驗模擬 56
4-5紅光光源實驗結果 60
4-5-1交叉酒精水溶液實驗 61
4-5-2不同酒精水溶液實驗 62
4-5-3系統對折射率解析度計算 63
4-6小結 64
第五章 實驗誤差分析 66
5-1系統誤差 66
5-1-1共振角誤差 66
5-1-2相位對折射率靈敏度誤差 70
5-2隨機誤差 72
5-2-1環境擾動 72
5-2-2溫度 73
5-3小結 74
第六章 結論與未來展望 75
6-1結論 75
6-2未來展望 76
參考文獻 77
附錄 81
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