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研究生(外文):Oscar Rodriguez
論文名稱(外文):Establishing a Municipal Recovery Facility in Tegucigalpa City, Honduras
指導教授(外文):Wan-Li Liao
外文關鍵詞:Municipal Solid WasteRecyclingMunicipal Recovery FacilitySolid Waste Management
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本研究提出的MRF廠處理量可達1600 噸 / 天,占地面積 1.73 公頃,將回收德古西加巴都市垃圾中的紙類、玻璃類、金屬類、紡織品、塑膠類和鋁罐等廢棄物;於2010年,上述可回收廢棄物種類約占該城市垃圾量的36%。本MRF廠預計可處理德古西加巴都市垃圾達15年產量。成本分析結果本MRF廠造價估計為美金$11,240,000元;根據本研究所收集的回收廢棄物的市場價格及推估的年產率,投資MRF廠的內部報酬率(IRR)可達到50.26%。本研究為評估不確定因素是否會影響投資建廠的財務吸引力而進行敏感度分析,結果發現:投資報酬率將強烈受到回收廢棄物的市場價格及MRF廠有價值廢棄物的回收率之影響。分析結果顯示,當下列變數將使投資的內部報酬率將降至10%以下:(1)當回收廢棄物市場價格較本研究所收集的價格減少47%,且MRF廠的有價值廢棄物的回收率較預期減少11.9%時,;或者(2)回收廢棄物之市場價格較本研究所收集的價格減少27.5% 且MRF廠的回收率較預期減少16.5%時。
Tegucigalpa city, which is the capital of Honduras with 1.01 million inhabitants in 2010, is expanding continuously and suffering from the unscientific and inappropriate ways of waste treatment and disposal. The city government still has not established an effective waste recycling program to save many recyclable materials in this municipality. The main objective of this paper is to propose a solution in establishing the garbage separation and recovery plant, Municipal Recovery Facility (MRF), including the plant’s planning and design principles, and sorting processes that are suitable for Tegucigalpa city. An economic analysis was also performed using a model developed in Microsoft® Excel of an integrated MRF treatment system including construction and operation costs. The resulting economic analysis is expected to provide a basis for Tegucigalpa government in analyzing decisions of MRF establishment.
The proposed MRF for Tegucigalpa city is designed to recover mixed paper, glass, metals, textiles, plastics, and aluminium cans from municipal waste which are 36% of generated municipal wastes of Tegucigalpa city in 2010. The proposed MRF is with treatment capacity of 1,600 tons per day standing on 1.73 hectares of land. This treatment capacity of MRF was chosen to enable the city to bring in generated garbage to the plant for 15-years. The construction cost of this plant is estimated to be US $ 11,240,000.
Based on the proposed conditions of generation rate of recyclable wastes as well as its market price, the MRF’s internal rate of return (IRR) can reach 50.26%. This paper also presented an approach for determining the sensitivity of maximum net profits to uncertainty, and examining whether the conclusion regarding the financial attractiveness of the project are robust. It is shown that all solutions of the sensitivity problem lie on the market price and recoverable rate of solid waste in the MRF plant. However, the IRR of MRF’s investment will be decreased to 10% when the market price is decreased 47% and the recoverable rate is decreased 11.9%, or market price decreased 27.5% and also recoverable rate decreased to 16.5%.
Abstract -------------------------------------- i
Abstract (中文) ------------------------------- iii
Acknowledgement ------------------------------- iv
Index ----------------------------------------- v
Index of Figures ------------------------------ ix
Index of Tables ------------------------------- x
CHAPTER I ------------------------------------- 1
Introduction ---------------------------------- 1
1.1 Objective --------------------------------- 2
1.2 Research Methodology ---------------------- 3
1.3 Information Processing -------------------- 4
CHAPTER II ------------------------------------ 5
Identifying the Problem ----------------------- 5
2.1 Technical Constraints---------------------- 6
2.2 Financial Constraints---------------------- 7
2.3 Institutional Constraints------------------ 7
2.4 Economic Constraints----------------------- 8
2.5 Social Constraints ------------------------ 9
CHAPTER III ----------------------------------- 12
Theoretical Framework ------------------------- 12
3.1 Brief History of the Trash ---------------- 12
3.2 Integrated Solid Waste Management --------- 14
3.3 Common Forms of Pollution ----------------- 15
3.4 The Recycling ----------------------------- 17
3.5 Advantages of Recycling Facilities in Society ---- 19
3.6 Material Recovery Facilities MRF ----------------- 21
3.7 Awareness of Society ----------------------------- 22
CHAPTER IV ------------------------------------------- 25
Actual Situation of Solid Waste Management in Tegucigalpa--------- 25
4.1 Current Situation of Honduras ---------------------- 25
4.1.1 Geography of Honduras ---------------------------- 25
4.1.2 Demographic Situation of Honduras----------------- 26
4.1.3 Economic Situation of Honduras-------------------- 27
4.2 Current Situation in Tegucigalpa ------------------- 28
4.3 Waste Management in Tegucigalpa -------------------- 29
4.4 Analysis of waste in Tegucigalpa ------------------- 33
4.5 Waste Generation in Tegucigalpa -------------------- 34
4.6 Political Factors ---------------------------------- 35
4.7 Actual Situation of the Landfill in Tegucigalpa----- 36
CHAPTER V ---------------------------------------------- 37
Municipal Recovery Facility Design --------------------- 37
5.1 Planning/Design Principles of MRF Plant for Tegucigalpa City----------- 38
5.1.1 Raw Material from Municipal Solid Waste Collection------------- 40
5.1.2 Units Processes----------------------------------- 40
5.2 Design of Non Engineering Considerations ----------- 43
5.2.1 Design Conditions and Considerations-------------- 43
5.2.2 Selection of the Materials to Be Separated ------- 43
5.2.3 Materials Specifications ------------------------- 45
5.2.4 Development of Separation Process Flow Diagrams -- 45
5.3 Design of Engineering Considerations --------------- 49
5.3.1 Determination of Process Loading Rates ----------- 49
5.3.2 Layout and design of the Physical Facilities ----- 57
5.3.3 Environmental Controls Due Operation of MRF ------ 64 Noise and Vibration Controls------------------- 64 Wastewater Controls---------------------------- 65 Suspended Particulates Controls----------------- 65 Odors Controls---------------------------------- 66
5.3.4 Adaptability of Potential Changes ------------- 67
CHAPTER VI---------------------------------------------- 68
Economic Analysis -------------------------------------- 68
6.1 Increase of Useful Life of landfill ---------------- 68
6.2 Impact on the Employment --------------------------- 73
6.3 Market for Recovered Materials --------------------- 77
6.4 Additional Benefits of Recycling Materials --------- 83
6.5 Benefit- Cost Analysis Comparisons ----------------- 86
6.6 Financial Analysis --------------------------------- 89
6.6.1 Direct Flow Amounts ------------------------------ 89
6.6.2 Sensitivity Analysis ----------------------------- 91
CHAPTER VII--------------------------------------------- 97
Results and Discussions -------------------------------- 97
CHAPTER VIII------------------------------------------- 102
Conclusions and Recommendations ----------------------- 102
8.1 Conclusions --------------------------------------- 102
8.2 Recommendations ----------------------------------- 104
BIBLIOGRAPHIES----------------------------------------- 106
APPENDIX A -------------------------------------------- 110
APPENDIX B -------------------------------------------- 111
APPENDIX C -------------------------------------------- 113
APPENDIX D -------------------------------------------- 115
APPENDIX E -------------------------------------------- 116
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