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研究生(外文):Chung-yin Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Semantic Mapping Strategy Training on Taiwanese EFL Junior High School Students' Reading Comprehension
指導教授:黃聖慧 博士
指導教授(外文):Dr. Sheng-hui Huang
外文關鍵詞:English reading comprehensionsemantic mappingreading strategystrategy training
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Reading is an essential skill in people’s everyday life. Meaningful reading should be based on readers’ background knowledge and actively engages readers in the learning process. However, researchers have pointed out that some junior high school students’ English reading in Taiwanese EFL classrooms is not optimal and the students tend to passively receive the information. Previous studies have shown that semantic mapping, a reading strategy based on students’ prior experience and background knowledge to show how a key concept is related to one another through graphic representations, can be used as an effective reading strategy that actively involves readers and facilitates comprehension. Researchers have also indicated that strategy training is beneficial in a Taiwanese EFL context. Nevertheless, there has been a paucity of studies on semantic mapping instruction or training at a junior high school level in Taiwan. Few studies have been done on the investigations of the students’ willingness and ability to use semantic mapping after strategy instruction or training.
This study applied a questionnaire and four qualitative techniques to investigate the effects of semantic mapping strategy training at Taiwanese EFL junior high level in terms of the students’ willingness and ability to use the strategy. An intact class of the ninth graders in central Taiwan was asked to keep learning diaries while training and fill out a questionnaire about semantic mapping after training. Four participants also finished two English reading tasks with think-aloud and received reflective interviews both before and after the training.
The results showed that students’ willingness to use the semantic mapping strategy was stronger in areas other than English reading. Although most students gained knowledge of the strategy after training, few students were able to identify the lower level of the text structure in a semantic map. Students’ difficulties in semantic mapping strategy use were their insufficient vocabulary and poor ability to identify the text structure. In addition, the results also revealed that semantic mapping strategy training did change the students’ reading strategy use and reading process.
Thus, it is suggested for Taiwanese junior-high-school instructors to design a semantic mapping strategy-training plan embedded in their regular reading classes for a long-term effect. Instructors should pay special attention to helping students learn how to identify different text structures and further guess word meanings. Moreover, instructors should develop students’ intrinsic motivation for a better English reading comprehension to promote the willingness of semantic mapping strategy use. Finally, limitations of this study and suggestions for further research are also provided.

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION..................................1
Background of the Study....................................1
Rationale for the Study....................................6
Overview of the Study......................................9
Significance of the Study.................................11
Definition of Some Key Terms..............................11

CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW............................14
Reading Instruction.......................................14
Comprehension Processes and Reading Instruction...........14
Principles of Reading Instruction.........................18
Problems in Current Reading Instruction...................18
Possible Ways of Solving the Problems.....................21
Reading Strategies........................................22
Studies on Reading Strategies.............................23
Strategies that have been Identified and Recommended......23
Studies on the Effects of Reading Strategy Instruction....25
Reading Strategy Training.................................28
Strategy Training Methods.................................28
Training principles.......................................28
Training types............................................31
Training steps............................................32
Reading Strategy Training Studies.........................33
Strategy training studies in the L1 context...............33
Strategy training studies in Taiwanese EFL context........35
Semantic Mapping..........................................37
Basic Concepts of Semantic Mapping........................38
Historical and Theoretical Perspectives...................38
Definition of Semantic Mapping............................41
Types of Semantic Maps....................................43
Instructional Procedures of Semantic Mapping..............46
Studies on Semantic Mapping as a Reading Strategy.........49
Studies in the L1 Context.................................49
Studies in the EFL Context................................51

CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY...............................................56
The Training Program......................................60
The Criteria for Selecting the Reading Passages...........61
The Instruction on the Main Idea Identification...........62
The Instructing Principle and Procedure for Semantic Mapping Strategy Training.................................63
Introduction to Semantic Mapping..........................63
Instruction and Practice of Semantic Mapping..............64
Think-Aloud Technique Training............................65
Data Sources..............................................67
Post-Treatment Questionnaire..............................67
The Instructor’s Field Notes.............................69
Students’ Learning Diaries...............................70
English Reading Tasks with Students’ Think-Aloud.........70
Students’ Reflective Interviews..........................71
Data Collection Procedure.................................71
Data Analysis.............................................73

Results from the Questionnaire............................75
Ability to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy..............75
Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy..........79
Summary of Quantitative Results...........................85
Results from the Qualitative Method.......................86
Participant A: Henry......................................87
Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy..........87
Actual Strategy Use in Pre-Training and Post-Training Reading Tasks.............................................87
Pre-training strategy use.................................87
Post-training strategy use................................88
Self-Reported Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy..................................................89
Ability to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy..............92
Appropriateness in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use......92
Difficulties in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use.........94
Participant B: Angela.....................................95
Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy..........95
Actual Strategy Use in Pre-Training and Post-Training Reading Tasks.............................................95
Pre-training strategy use.................................95
Post-training strategy use................................98
Self-Reported Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy..................................................99
Ability to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.............102
Appropriateness in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use.....102
Difficulties in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use........104
Participant C: Peggy.....................................106
Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.........106
Actual Strategy Use in Pre-Training and Post-Training Reading Tasks............................................106
Pre-training strategy use................................106
Post-training strategy use...............................108
Self-Reported Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.................................................110
Ability to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.............113
Appropriateness in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use.....113
Difficulties in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use........114
Participant D: Joe.......................................115
Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.........115
Actual Strategy Use in Pre-Training and Post-Training Reading Tasks............................................115
Pre-training strategy use................................115
Post-training strategy use...............................116
Self-Reported Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.................................................118
Ability to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.............120
Appropriateness in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use.....120
Difficulties in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use........122
Discussion of the Results................................124
Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.........124
Semantic Mapping Strategy Use in English Reading.........124
Future Use of Semantic Mapping...........................125
Ability to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.............126
Quality of Semantic Mapping Strategy Use Ability.........126
Difficulties in the Semantic Mapping Strategy Use........128
A Comparison with Previous Research on Semantic Mapping as a Reading Strategy.......................................130

CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY, IMPLICATIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS..............................................132
Summary of the Major Findings............................132
Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.........132
Ability to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy.............133
Educational Implications.................................135
Suggestions for Future Studies...........................137


Appendix A Introduction to Semantic Mapping…………………164
Appendix B Teaching Plan -Introduction to Semantic Mapping……171
Appendix C Sample Teaching Plan -Instruction and Practice
of Semantic Mapping……………………………………… 173
Appendix D Semantic Mapping Post-Treatment Questionnaire
(Chinese Version)………………………………………… 175
Appendix E Semantic Mapping Post-Treatment Questionnaire
(English Translation) ………………………………… 178
Appendix F Students’ Learning Diary Guidelines ………… 181
Appendix G English Reading Tasks………………………………… 183
Appendix H Think-Aloud Protocol -Participant C: Peggy
-Pre-test 1………………………………………………… 185
Appendix I Think-Aloud Protocol -Participant C: Peggy
-Pre-test 2…................................ 186
Appendix J Think-Aloud Protocol -Participant C: Peggy
-Post-test 1………………………………………………… 187
Appendix K Think-Aloud Protocol -Participant C: Peggy
-Post-test 2…............................... 189

Table 3.1 Background of the Four Participants…………… 60
Table 3.2 Tasks for Think-Aloud Technique Training……… 67
Table 3.3 The Post-Treatment Questionnaire Sample Questions................... 69
Table 3.4 Data Collection Procedure…………………………… 73
Table 4.1 Results on Students’ Ability in terms of Knowledge of Semantic Mapping Strategy Use………………… 76
Table 4.2 Results on Students’ Ability in terms of Actual Semantic Mapping Strategy Use Ability………………………… 79
Table 4.3 Results on Students’ Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy in terms of Motivation…………81
Table 4.4 Results on Students’ Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy in terms of Attitude…………… 83
Table 4.5 Results on Students’ Willingness to Use the Semantic Mapping Strategy in terms of Anxiety and Confidence…………………… 85
Table 4.6 Reading Strategies Used in Pre-and Post-Training Reading Tasks: Participant A……………………………………… 89
Table 4.7 Reading Strategies Used in Pre-and Post-Training Reading Tasks: Participant B……………………………………… 97
Table 4.8 Differences between Passages One and Two in Participant B’s: Angela’s Pre-and Post-Training Reading Task………………… 99
Table 4.9 Reading Strategies Used in Pre-and Post-Training Reading Tasks: Participant C……………………………………… 110
Table 4.10 Reading Strategies Used in Pre-and Post-Training Reading Tasks: Participant D……………………………………… 118
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