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研究生(外文):Chuan-ping Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Semantic Mapping Strategy Training in EFL Reading Instruction
指導教授(外文):Dr. Sheng-hui Huang
外文關鍵詞:English reading comprehensionsemantic mappingreading strategystrategy training
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Reading is an important skill for everyone to master. Some researchers advocated that semantic mapping is beneficial for readers’ comprehension. Some researchers conducted studies and gained positive results of semantic mapping strategy training on readers’ comprehension in EFL contexts. However, little attention was placed on readers’ abilities and willingness to actually use semantic mapping strategy. The study aims to investigate EFL vocational high school students’ willingness and abilities to use semantic mapping strategy in English reading after the strategy training. An eleventh-grade class from a vocational high school in central Taiwan received the four-week strategy training. Four students from of this class voluntarily participated in the study as cases. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed.
From the questionnaire, gaps exist between the intermediate-low willingness self-reported by students in the class and the intermediate-high or high willingness self-reported by four participants in the case study. Synthesizing quantitative and qualitative data, there were gaps as well among participants’ self-reported willingness, actual strategy use, and self-reported future use. Possible factors for their low willingness in strategy use include: anxiety, unskillful ability, negative view of the strategy value and application, difficulty level of texts, the troublesome characteristic of strategy use, and preference of using familiar reading strategies.
As for the strategy use ability, students in class self-reported intermediate-high level, as did the participants in the case study. Nevertheless, those in case study demonstrated some inappropriate strategy use in terms of element identification, element illustration, structural links, and text content reflection in the semantic map. They demonstrated higher quality of strategy use in the last posttraining interview. Two male participants presented higher quality of strategy use than the two females. Students adequately exerted internal strategy use in exerting metacognitive awareness, critical thinking, activating prior knowledge, synthesized strategy use, and conceptual mapping, which might result in higher strategy use quality. In utilizing the target strategy, participants encountered difficulties in identifying key points, recognizing text structure, illustrating elements, presenting text content, and applying the strategy with poor comprehension.
Based on the results, more attention is suggested to place on element identification, text structure recognition, students’ awareness of strategy use quality and internal strategy use in designing the strategy training. Strategy trainers’ observation and responses play an important role in the strategy training. Students’ vocabulary size, their apprehension, text difficulty level, time factor, and strategy use efficiency should be noted for facilitating semantic mapping strategy use.

Background…………… 2
Rationale…………… 7
Purpose and Research Questions……………10
Significance of the Study……………10
Operational Definitions of Terms……………11

Studies in Reading and Reading Strategy Training……………13
Models of Reading……………13
Difficulties Encountered by Readers……………15
Reading Strategy Training……………18
Reading Strategy Taxonomy……………19
Claim for Reading Strategy Training……………21
Strategy Training Methods……………22
Reading Strategy Training Studies……………28
Studies in Semantic Mapping Strategy……………31
Basic Concepts of Semantic Mapping……………31
Definition of Semantic Mapping……………31
Background and Rationale of Semantic Mapping……………33
Types of Semantic Maps……………35
Procedures to Develop Semantic Maps……………36
Semantic Mapping as a Reading Strategy……………37
Semantic Mapping Strategy Studies……………38
Semantic Mapping Strategy Studies in L1 Context……………38
Semantic Mapping Strategy Studies in L2 Context……………41

The Semantic Mapping Strategy Training……………47
Selection of Reading Materials……………48
Instruction Phase……………50
Practice Phase……………53
Quantitative Methods for Data Collection……………55
Student English Reading Questionnaire……………55
Post-training Questionnaire……………57
Qualitative Methods for Data Collection……………60
Think Aloud……………60
Students’ Reflective Interviews……………63
Students’ Learning Diaries……………64
Teacher’s Observation…………….65
Data Collection Procedures……………66
Pre-Training Phase……………66
Training Phase……………66
Post-Training Phase……………67
Data Analysis……………68

The Whole Class……………71
Students’ English Reading……………71
Students’ Willingness to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………73
Students’ Ability to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………83
Discussion on the Results of the Whole Class……………97
Self-reported Intermediate-low Willingness……………97
Revealed Willingness……………102
Self-reported Difficulties……………103
Revealed Abilities……………107
The Four Participants……………108
Mark’s English Reading……………108
Mark’s Willingness to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………109
Mark’s Ability to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………113
Jeff’s English Reading……………118
Jeff’s Willingness to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………119
Jeff’s Ability to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………123
Yesica’s English Reading……………130
Yesica’s Willingness to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………131
Yesica’s Ability to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………135
Emily’s English Reading……………140
Emily’s Willingness to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………141
Emily’s Ability to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………146
Discussion on the Results of Four Participants……………152
Little Willingness Regarding Actual Strategy Use and Self-reported Future Use……………152
Intermediate-high Level of Self-reported and Revealed Willingness……………157
Intermediate-high or High Level of Self-reported Ability and Different Quality of Strategy Use……………159
Internal Strategy Use……………160
Difficulties of Strategy Use……………164
Discussion on the Results of the Whole Class and the Four Participants……………168
Willingness to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy……………168
Ability to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy……………170
Students’ Learning in Semantic Mapping Strategy Training……………172
A Comparison between Previous Studies and This Study……………173

Summary of Findings……………175
Willingness to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………175
Ability to Use Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Reading……………176
Other Findings……………177
Educational Implications……………178
Suggestions for Future Study……………181


Appendix A Consent Sheet.. 204
Appendix B The Semantic Mapping Strategy Training Material 206
Appendix C Lesson Plan for Instruction Phase.. 215
Appendix D Sample English Reading Task for Guided Practice..218
Appendix E Sample English Reading Task for Independent Practice ..220
Appendix F Lesson Plan for Practice Phase..222
Appendix G Student English Reading Questionnaire..225
Appendix H Post-training Questionnaire..231
Appendix I Students Interview Questions..239
Appendix J Guided Questions for Students’ Learning Diaries..241
Appendix K Descriptions of Participants’ Reading Strategy Use..242
Appendix L Idea Units of Recall Protocols..244
Appendix M Summary of Descriptive Statistics of Student English Reading Questionnaire..247
Appendix N Reading Strategies Four Participants Used in Pretraining and Posttraining Tasks..251
Appendix O Time Four Participants Spent in Reading Tasks and Recall Performance..254


Table 3.1 Information about the Think Aloud Participants..47
Table 3.2 Articles Used in the Present Study..50
Table 3.3 Three Practice Cycles..54
Table 3.4 The Student English Reading Questionnaire Sample Items ..57
Table 3.5 Design of the Post-training Questionnaire..58
Table 3.6 The Post-training Questionnaire Sample Items..59
Table 3.7 Think Aloud Tasks ..62
Table 3.8 Data Collection Procedure..68
Table 4.1 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Willingness to Use Semantic Mapping..74
Table 4.2 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Motivation to Use Semantic Mapping..75
Table 4.3 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Attitude to Use Semantic Mappingy..76
Table 4.4 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Ease to Use Semantic Mapping..78
Table 4.5 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Confidence to Use Semantic Mapping..79
Table 4.6 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Abilities to Use Semantic Mapping..84
Table 4.7 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Declarative Knowledge to Use Semantic Mapping..85
Table 4.8 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Procedural Knowledge to Use Semantic
Table 4.9 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Conditional Knowledge to Use Semantic Mapping..88
Table 4.10 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Implementation Ability to Use Semantic Mapping..89
Table 4.11 Frequencies and Descriptive Statistics of Students’Self-reported Application Ability to Use Semantic Mapping..90
Table 4.12 Four Participants’ Self-reported Willingness in the Post-training Questionnaire..109
Table 4.13 Four Participants’ Self-reported Ability in the Post-training Questionnaire..113


Figure 3.1 The Gradual Release of Responsibility Model 53

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