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研究生(外文):Chih-sung Wu
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of English Writing Strategy Perceptions on Chinese Writing Strategies by Chinese College EFL Writers
指導教授:黃春騰 博士
指導教授(外文):Dr. Chuen-teng Huang
外文關鍵詞:writing strategywriting instructionL1 and L2 writing experiencesbackward transfer
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檢核表和問卷的交叉比對,再輔以訪談的結果,發現寫作策略的反向遷移。其中,英語寫作經驗對於中文寫作策略最顯著的影響有兩項:反向遷移模式(類似跟不同的模式) 和影響(正面、負面和沒差別的影響)。中英文系學生都會傾向使用溝通和社會情意策略,而不同處在於修辭策略的運用。受訪者中,英文系學生大多表示修辭、認知和社會情意策略會有正面的影響,但中文系學生幾乎都認為英文策略對中文寫作沒太大影響。其結果可能與他們中英文寫作經驗的不同、英文能力的差別以及對於中英文寫作知識的態度有關。兩組研究對象接受訪談的結果,更進一步地顯示了他們的中英文寫作經驗的分歧點,主要是在大學之後,英文系學生擁有較多英語寫作經驗,使他們的英文寫作技能發展階段可能進入了Anderson (1983) 所指的自動化階段(autonomous stage),所以英文系學生較有可能反向轉移他們的英文寫作策略至中文裡。另外,本研究也發現研究對象對於中英文寫作知識的概念或態度和是否達到英文寫作能力的門檻,也會影響他們是否會在寫作時有反向遷移的現象發生。

Unlike most previous L2 writing inquiry which directly addresses the influences of L1 literacy skills on L2 writing processes, this study purposed to account for the effects of English (L2) writing strategy perceptions on the Taiwanese college EFL learners’ Chinese (L1) writing strategy use. The analyses of the data from the pre-writing strategy checklist, L1 and L2 writing tasks, the post-writing strategy questionnaire and the semi-structured interview were directed to unveil how English-majored (N=36) and Chinese-majored (N=34) seniors mediated writing strategic knowledge with their previous L1 and L2 writing experiences.
Results from the checklists and questionnaire scrutiny revealed some traces of backward writing strategy transfers in which the effects of L2 writing experiences on L1 composing strategies seems much more demonstrable in transfer patterns (similar and different) and in transfer effects (positive, negative or indifferent). Both groups tended to employ communicative and socio/affective strategies, while differing in the use of rhetoric ones. Among interviewees, the English majors mostly reported that rhetoric, cognitive and socio/affective strategies would exert beneficial influences on their L1 writing, whereas the Chinese majors could barely detect any effects of L2 writing strategies on their L1 writing. Factors closely associated with these findings pointed to the subjects’ the differences of L1 and L2 writing experiences, L2 writing proficiency levels and preconceptions of L1 and L2 writing knowledge. The results from the interviews (N=12) indicated the striking distinction of both groups’ college composition training. English-majored students’ L2 writing skill development, with more L2 writing experiences, may enter Anderson’s (1983) referred autonomous stage and makes them quite possibly transfer L2 writing knowledge reversely to L1. Also, the perceptions or attitudes toward L1 and L2 writing knowledge and the L2 writing ability threshold could to some extent influence their backward transfer.
Based on the contemplation of major findings, this study proposed pedagogical implications, including the importance of delving into students’ educational background, the development of solid L1 writing competence for laying foundation for L2 writing, the similarities and differences between their L1 and L2 writing skills, and the effective way to bridge the gap between declarative and procedural knowledge. To conclude, this study has achieved to broaden the empirical evidence on the effects of L2 on L1 in an EFL setting, to deepen the awareness of recognizing students’ previous educational background, and to understand the role of writing proficiency levels in influencing EFL learners’ transferability of writing competence.


Background of the Study 1
Motivation and Rationale of the Study 3
Purposes of the Study 6
Research Questions 8
Significance of the Study 8
Definition of Terms 10
The Organization of the Thesis 12

A Conceptual Overview of Second Language Writing Research15
Research on English and Chinese Writing Strategies 20
Research on English Writing Strategies 20
Research on Chinese Writing Strategies 24
Comparison of English and Chinese Writing Strategies 29
Educational Considerations of Second Language Writing 32
The Official Guideline of L1 and L2 Writing Instruction
in Taiwan 33
Studies on Prior L1 Writing Instruction and L2 Writing
Development 35
Research on Taiwanese EFL Learners’L2 Writing Problems 39
Linguistic Considerations in L2 Educational Contexts 45
Theoretical Foundations of Cross-linguistic Transfers in
L2 Writing 45
L2 Writing Research on Unidirectional Transfers 47
L2 Writing Research on Bidirectional Transfers 49
Summary 54

The Methodological Framework of the Study 56
Subjects 57
Instrumentation 58
Pre-writing Strategy Checklist (PSC) 58
Chinese and English Writing Task 60
Chinese Writing Strategy Questionnaire (CWSQ) and
English Writing Strategy Questionnaire
(EWSQ) 61
Semi-structured Interview 63
Data Collection 64
Data Analysis 65
The Pilot Study 67
Summary 70

RQ1: The Perceived Occurrences of Backward Writing
Strategy Transfer 72
Results 72
Discussion 75
RQ2: The Perceived Most Easily Backward Transferred
Writing Strategy 77
Results 77
The Subjects’Perceived Backward Transferred Writing
Strategies 77
The Subjects’Perceived Effects of Backward
Transfer 79
Discussion 83
Similar and Different Backward Transfer Patterns 83
Positive, Negative or Indifferent Backward Transfer
Effects 88
RQ3: The Effects of Previous Writing Experiences on
Backward Transfer 92
Results 92
Discussion 98
The Development of L1 and L2 Writing Skills 99
The Perceptions of L1 and L2 Wring Knowledge 101
RQ4: The Effects of Writing Proficiency Levels on Backward
Transfer 102
Results 103
Discussion 106
Summary of Chapter Four 109

Summary of the Major Findings 111
Pedagogical Implications 113
Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further
Research 116
Concluding Remarks 118


APPENDIX A Pre-writing Strategy Checklist (PSC) 140
APPENDIX B Distribution of Writing Strategies in PSC 142
APPENDIX C Chinese Writing Strategy Questionnaire (CWSQ) 144
APPENDIX D English Writing Strategy Questionnaire (EWSQ) 146
APPENDIX E Interview Questions of Chinese and English
Writing Experiences—Chinese Version 148
APPENDIX F Interview Questions of Chinese and English
Writing Experiences—English Version 150
APPENDIX G The Sample of the Interview Transcription 152
APPENDIX H Summary of the Subjects’L1 and L2 Subscale
Scores 158
APPENDIX I The Sample of the Evaluated Chinese Essay 160
APPENDIX J The Sample of the Evaluated English Essay 161

Table 2.1 Summary of Historical Developments of L2 Writing
Research 19
Table 2.2 Summary of the Taxonomy of English Writing
Strategies 23
Table 2.3 Summary of the Taxonomy of Chinese Writing
Strategies 28
Table 2.4 Comparison of English and Chinese Traditional
Writing Strategies 30
Table 2.5 Summary of Studies on Taiwanese L2 Writers’
Problems 44
Table 2.6 Summary of Research on Bidirectional Writing
Transfers 52
Table 3.1 Taxonomy of ESL Writing Strategy Inventory 59
Table 4.1 The Number of Perceived Occurrences of Backward
Writing Transfers 73
Table 4.2 The Tendency of the Subjects’Most Easily
Transferred Strategies 78
Table 4.3 Summary of Chinese-majored Interviewees’
Backgrounds 80
Table 4.4 Summary of English-majored Interviewees’
Backgrounds 80
Table 4.5 Chinese-majored Interviewees’Backward Writing
Strategy Transfer 81
Table 4.6 English-majored Interviewees’Backward Writing
Strategy Transfer 82
Table 4.7 The Similar and Different Backward Transfers of
the Two Groups 87
Table 4.8 The Positive, Negative and Neutral Backward
Transfer Effects of the Two Groups 91
Table 4.9 Prior Senior High School and College L1 and L2
Writing Experiences 98
Table 4.10 The Subjects’Writing Performance in L1 and L2
Written Essays 103
Table 4.11 The Inter-rater Reliability of Evaluating
Subjects’L1 and L2 Essays 104
Table 4.12 Scores of the Three L2 Writing Ability Groups of
the Chinese and English Majors 105
Table 4.13 The Interviewees’L1 and L2 Writing Abilities 106

Figure 2.1 The Components of Literature Review 14
Figure 3.1 The Flowchart of the Data-collecting Phase 65
Figure 4.1 Threshold Hypothesis 107

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