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研究生(外文):Shu-Fen Wu
論文名稱(外文):International Competitiveness Evaluation Model for Taiwan Sputtering Target Industry
指導教授(外文):Fan-Yun PaiWei-Ming Wu
外文關鍵詞:International CompetitivenessAnalytic Network ProcessSputtering TargetTarget IndustryDiamond Model
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Firms in Taiwan enter the market of sputtering target manufacturing later than those in Western countries. Taiwanese firms are industry followers; however, Taiwan still become one of the most important production area in the world because the firms benefit greatly from the cluster and drawing effects created by relevant industries. In recent years, demand of sputtering targets and spirals due to the membrane technology and materials have been extensively used in all kind of high-tech industries and the global optoelectronics industry develops quickly and successfully and the energy industry is rising. How to improve the international competitiveness of Taiwan target industry in the face of global and free competition is the task of top priority.

Because there is very few research regarding industry''s relevant competitiveness of domestic targets, so this study is going to understand Taiwan target industry development status, characteristic and structure via data collection. Through Porter (1990) Diamond model and relevant literature to explore and study the influences of relationship between key elements and factors constructed Taiwan target industry international competitiveness. Moreover, using Analytic Network Process (ANP) to compare in pairs according to the structural models of network level of key element constructed built. Rank the key structures and factors by the weight to build up completed evaluation criteria of international competitiveness and globalization development for Taiwan target industry.

The result of this study reveals that the most important construct which influenced the international competitiveness for Taiwan membrane sputtering target industry is the production factor. The next is enterprise competitive strategy and demand condition. These are three key constructs. The most important factors, in order, are obtaining resources of natural mineral under the construct of production factor, product differentiation, innovation capability and quick response capability under the construct of enterprise competition strategy, and home country market growth demand and international market growth demand under the construct of demand condition. There are 6 key evaluation criteria. The result of this research provides industry decision makers references to build up international competitiveness and globalization development and government a basis to establish industry strategy for Taiwan target industry.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究範圍 5
1.4 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 競爭力與競爭優勢 7
2.2 產業競爭力 9
2.3 產業國際競爭力 11
2.3.1 鑽石模型之要素定義 13
2.3.2 鑽石模型之評論 16
2.3.3 產業國際競爭力之衡量基礎 - 鑽石模型 19
2.4 分析層級程序法與分析網絡程序法 22
2.4.1 分析層級程序法 22
2.4.2 分析網絡程序法 25
2.4.3 分析網絡程序法之優缺點 26
2.4.4 分析網絡程序法之相關研究 27
第三章 靶材產業介紹與模型建構 29
3.1 靶材產業介紹 29
3.1.1 薄膜、濺鍍與靶材之定義與應用 29
3.1.2 靶材產業特性 32
3.2 靶材產業結構與產業競爭力 34
3.2.1 靶材產業結構 34
3.2.2 靶材產業競爭力 36
3.3 要素層級模型建構 38
3.3.1 要素因子推論與篩選 38
3.3.2 要素相依關聯性分析 44
3.3.3 要素網絡層級架構模型 45
3.3.4 要素構面與要素因子定義 48
第四章 研究方法 50
4.1 研究架構 50
4.2 研究方法 52
4.3 研究設計 56
4.3.1 問卷設計 56
4.3.2 專家問卷發放與調查 57
第五章 資料分析與討論 59
5.1 要素成對比較與矩陣分析 59
5.1.1 ANP結構 59
5.1.2 問卷分析 59
5.1.3 成對比較矩陣與一致性檢定 60
5.1.4 超級矩陣形成 63
5.2 要素權重值比較與排序 68
5.2.1 構面權重值比較與排序 68
5.2.2 因子權重值比較與排序 69
5.2.3 整體權重值比較與排序 70
5.3 討論 72
5.3.1 構面權重值資料分析結果 72
5.3.2 因子權重值資料分析結果 73
5.3.3 管理意涵 76
第六章 結論與建議 79
6.1 研究結論 79
6.2 研究貢獻 80
6.3 建議 80
6.4 研究限制與後續研究 83
文獻參考 84
中文文獻 84
英文文獻 87
附錄一 90
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