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研究生(外文):Fang-Shiang Liu
論文名稱(外文):Full-Bridge Inverter With Dual-Linear Approximation MPPT To Process Photovoltaic Power
指導教授:沈志隆 吳毓恩
指導教授(外文):Chih-Lung ShenYu-En Wu
外文關鍵詞:and double-linear approximation algorithmMaximum power point trackingPV arrays
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In this paper, a double-linear approximation algorithm (DLAA) to achieve maximum-power-point tracking (MPPT) for PV arrays is proposed. The DLAA is based on that the trajectories of maximum power point varying with irradiation and temperature are approximately linear. With the DLAA, a maximum power point can be determined instantaneously. Moreover, complicated calculation and perturbation about an optimal point can be avoided. In the paper a corresponding circuit to complete DLAA is proposed as well, of which configuration is simple. As a result, the proposed circuit is cost-effective and can be embedded into PV arrays easily. An implementation example of PV power system with the proposed MPPT is carried out and the DLAA is compared with the perturb-and-observe method. From simulated and experimental results, the proposed MPPT algorithm has been verified and the feasibility of the proposed circuit is also demonstrated.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
符號說明 x
一. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 論文摘要 3
二. 太陽光電板原理與特性 5
2.1 太陽光電板電池原理與種類 5
2.1.1 單晶矽太陽光電板 7
2.1.2 多晶矽太陽光電板 7
2.1.3 非晶矽太陽光電板 8
2.2 太陽能電池特性簡介 8
三. 太陽光電板最大功率追蹤法則 15
3.1 電壓迴授法 15
3.2 功率迴授法 15
3.3 擾動觀察法 15
3.4 增量電導法 18
3.5 直線近似法 20
3.6 實際量測法 20
3.7 三點權位法 21
3.8 負載電壓或電流最大化法 24
3.9 各種追蹤法比較 24
四. 雙線性最大功率追蹤法原理與設計 26
4.1雙線性最大功率追蹤法原理 26
4.2雙線性最大功率追蹤器設計 43
五. 太陽光電板全橋換流器設計與製作 51
5.1系統架構介紹 51
5.2全橋電路架構分析與設計 52
5.2.1全橋式換流器之變壓器設計 55
5.2.2輸出電容、電感設計 58
5.3功率電晶體驅動電路 59
5.4電流偵測電路 60
5.5電壓偵測電路 61
5.6電壓保護電路 62
5.7數位轉類比電路(DAC) 63
5.8軟體規劃 64
5.8.1數位處理器dsPIC30F4011 65
5.8.2 MPPT電路 69
六. 模擬與實測結果 70
6.1系統規格 70
6.2模擬與實測結果 71
6.2.1各追蹤法模擬與比較 71
6.2.2系統實測結果 77
七. 結論與未來研究方向 83
7.1結論 82
7.2未來研究方向 82
參考文獻 84
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