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研究生(外文):Garrett Andrew
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Canadian Customers’ Attitude toward East Asian Products: An empirical study
指導教授(外文):Chao Ping-Yi
外文關鍵詞:selling effectivenessattitudesCanadian consumerimportationconsumer behaviorperception motivationCountry-of-Origin Effectretailcross cultural
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This thesis was concerned with the branch of Consumer Marketing known as Consumer Perception Reasoning, and focused on the reasoning behind the Country-of-Origin Effect and image framing on product selling and promotion effectiveness. The well-established research comprising Country-of-Origin was reviewed to establish a rapport for further research exploring reasons that shape existing consumer attitude. With regard to reasoning, different social, political and cultural variables were explored. It was hypothesized that that the majority of Canadians, separated by ethnic origin, are partial to the same reasoning motivating their appeal toward East Asian country-of-origin effects, and therefore, can be categorized into different ethnocentric buying groups. The primary rationale citied was consumer ethnocentrism between the participants and the images; country-of-origin was the basis of this research. An experimental design was performed, making use of real world political and economical issues present in mass media to form a post exposure questionnaire. Overall, the two-way interaction between perception reasoning and cultural values was upheld, albeit with interesting and notable secondary results. Although Western values did shape the majority of consumer opinion, there was a significant lack in country-of-origin knowledge and experience that caused inaccurate perception motivation. This lack created a greater dislike toward the Taiwanese COO tag resulting from image transferability from the Chinese tag. As well, consumer gender played a significant part in shaping perception motivation toward each of the real-time variables. This was the first study to explicitly the Country-of-Origin Effect to a cross-variable framework, thereby offering significant theoretical contributions to the consumer marketing literature.
Figures and Tables 7
Chapter One: Introduction 8
1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Research Motivation and Objectives 10
1.3 Research Goals 12
1.4 Hypothesis 14
Chapter Two: Literature Review 15
2.1 The Role of Country Images in Evaluation 15
2.2 Country-of-Origin Effect 17
2.3 Consumer Ethnocentrism 18
2.4 Image Transferability 20
Chapter Three: Conceptual Framework 22
Chapter four: Methodology 26
4.1 Site and Preparations 28
4.2 Questionnaire 29
Chapter Five: Results and Discussion 31
5.1 Overall Quality Images and Attitude Backgrounds 31
5.2 Attitude Factor Reasoning 33
5.3 Demographics and attitudes toward East Asian COO tags 35
Chapter Six: Conclusion 39
Bibliography 42

Figures and Tables
Figure 1: Framework for COO Effect Reasoning 24

Table 1: Ethnic-based Ethnocentrism, Ethnic-based Animosity, and Consumer Racism (Ouellet, 2007) 18
Table 2: Consumer Attitude and Knowledge of East Asian COO tags 31
Table 3: Positive/Negative consumer attitude reasoning 33
Table 4: Demographic comparison among existing consumer attitude 35
Table 5: Reasoning Factors by Gender variable 37
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