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研究生(外文):hao-sheng chung
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of External Stress on the Dispersion Characteristics of Photonic Crystal Fiber
指導教授(外文):Jau-Sheng Wang
外文關鍵詞:dispersionhollow core photonic band gap fiberpulse compressor
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This paper discussed a way of applied stress to control the photonic crystal fiber dispersion curve, so that it can act on the anomalous dispersion or normal
dispersion region area. By this way, we can design the pulse compressor and pulse stretcher for higher peak power laser system. Recently, high-power shortpulse laser has become an indispensable tool in many field, using short-pulse laser oscillator, combined with chirped-frequency amplification technology to produce high-power short-pulse laser system can be used for industrial or medical
applications. The all-fiber laser system not only provide better pulse quality and also increased pulse laser system on the stability of the environment.
第一章 緒論....................................................................1
1-1 研究目的與動機......................................................1
1-2 論文架構..................................................................3
第二章 實驗原理............................................................4
2-1.1 光纖通訊的發展...................................................4
2-1.2 光子晶體光纖.......................................................6
2-2 光在光纖中的傳輸...................................................8
2-3 色散量測設備與方式..............................................16
2-3.1 色散參數定義.......................................................16
2-3.2 色散量測方式與文獻整理...................................18
第三章 微結構光纖用於啾頻放大技術... .....................22
3-1 啾頻脈衝放大技術(CPA)........................................22
3-2.1 脈衝壓縮元件設計................................................23
3-2.2 脈衝壓縮元件製作................................................25
3-3 脈衝延展元件設計...................................................29
第四章 實驗過程與模擬................................................31
4-1 外應力對於光子晶體光纖傳輸特性的影響..........31
4-2 色散量測與模擬計算..............................................44
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