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研究生(外文):Chun-Yang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of Broad-band Quantum Structure Grown byMolecular Beam Epitaxy
指導教授(外文):Tsong-Sheng Lay
外文關鍵詞:molecular beam epitaxybroad band quantum structure
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本論文主要在研究利用分子束磊晶法成長非對稱多重量子井結構之發光特性,主要的樣品為本實驗室之分子束磊晶機台成長一系列具有不同寬度量子井群排列之樣品,並選定部分非對稱多重量子井樣品之主動層位置處加入型調變摻雜。實驗上我們利用光激螢光及電致螢光外加給樣品激發能量,使其激發出螢光,從上揭之光譜得知樣品光譜形狀、強度以及頻譜分布情形,並且探討在相似結構底下以及不同摻雜條件下每個樣品的差異,結合光電流及光調制反射光譜,得到量子能帶之特性,並使用磊晶樣品AMQ-100-70-40及AMQ-100-MD70-40製作雷射元件,量測其元件操作之特性,得到J臨界電流密度約為 2 kA/cm2 ,並得到AMQ100-70-40之ηi (內部量子效率)為 34.7%,α(吸收) 為9.47cm-1 。AMQ100-MD70-40之ηi 為22.2%,α為10.56 cm-1 。實驗中亦放入以MOCVD成長之InGaAsP非對稱多重量子井結構作為對照組,經過比對分析,了解實驗樣品中載子的躍遷及複合機制,從而改進設計出理想的元件。最後期望可以利用所設計磊晶成長出之非對稱多重量子井結構的寬頻帶特性,能夠使用在製作寬頻可調變雷射及寬頻帶的半導體光放大器,以應用在未來光通訊網路系統架構中,或是用於製作超寬頻光源,應用於Optical coherence tomography (OCT)之發射光源。
The thesis focuses on the study of asymmetric multiple quantum wells(AMQWs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) in the Riber Compact 21T MBE system. We investigate AMQW structures in which the well width is varied but the material compositions of the wells and the barriers are kept constant. Also, we have investigated AMQWs with p-type modulation doping at the barrier region and the AMQWs of different well widths without changing the well compositions. The AMQW samples are obtained the emission spectra by using photoluminescence (PL), electroluminescence (EL), photo-current and photoreflectance (PR) in the experiments. Also, The AMQW samples (AMQ100-70-40 and AMQ-100-MD70-40) are fabricated into laser diodes to obtain the characteristics of device in this study. The threshold current density Jth of laser diode is measured about 2 kA/cm2.The internal quantum efficiency ηi and the absorption α of AMQ-100-70-40 are 34.7% and 9.47 cm-1 respectively. The internal quantum efficiency ηi and the absorption α of AMQ-100-MD70-40 are 22.2% and 10.56 cm-1 respectively. Moreover, we present the InGaAsP AMQW samples grown by MOCVD to compare with the InGaAs/InAlGaAs AMQW samples. The broad-band property is valuable for application of optical communication. It is highly desirable to have broadly tunable lasers and broad-band semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) in the 1.3 or 1.55μm to handle more number of channels increasing the volume of information traffic for future optical communication networks. The band-band light source is also desirable in medical science for the optical coherence tomography (OCT).
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 論文架構 2
第二章 分子束磊晶基本概念及系統架構 3
2-1 分子束磊晶原理 3
2-1-1 晶格匹配與能隙 3
2-1-2 磊晶檢測及X光繞射 5
2-2 分子束磊晶系統架構 7
2-2-1磊晶成長腔體 (Growth Chamber) 10
2-2-2 磊晶成長週邊系統 11
第三章 磊晶結構設計與模擬及磊晶流程 14
3-1 InGaAs/InGaAlAs非對稱多重量子井結構 14
3-2 調變摻雜InGaAs/InGaAlAs非對稱多重量子井結構 18
3-3 分子束磊晶成長流程 21
3-4 InGaAsP非對稱多重量子井結構 24
第四章 量測實驗原理方法及相關製程 28
4-1 光激螢光量測 28
4-2 電致螢光量測 30
4-3 光調制反射光譜量測 32
4-4 光電流光譜量測 33
4-5 量測元件mesa-diode製作 35
第五章 實驗結果與分析 41
5-1 InGaAs/InGaAlAs非對稱多重量子井光譜分析 41
5-1-1 AMQ-100-70-40之測量光譜 41
5-1-2 AMQ-40-70-100之測量光譜 44
5-1-3 AMQ-100-40-70之測量光譜 45
5-1-4 AMQ結構光譜比較與分析 47
5-2 調變摻雜InGaAs/InGaAlAs非對稱多重量子井光譜分析 52
5-2-1 AMQ-100-MD70-40之測量光譜 52
5-2-2 AMQ-100-70-MD40之測量光譜 54
5-2-3 AMQ-40-MD70-100之測量光譜 56
5-2-4 AMQ-MD40-70-100之測量光譜 58
5-2-5 AMQ-100-40-MD70之測量光譜 60
5-2-6 AMQ-100-MD40-70之測量光譜 62
5-2-7 AMQ結構光譜與調變摻雜影響之分析 64
5-3 InGaAs/InGaAlAs非對稱多重量子井雷射元件分析 70
5-4 InGaAsP非對稱多重量子井光譜分析 75
5-4-1 AMQ-150-100-50之測量光譜 75
5-4-2 AMQ-50-100-150之測量光譜 76
5-4-3 InGaAsP非對稱多重量子井光譜分析及比較 77
第六章 結果與討論 80
參考文獻 82
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