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研究生(外文):Heng-tai Jan
論文名稱(外文):Stroboscopic point concentration in hyper-chaotic system
指導教授(外文):I-Min JiangChie-Tong KuoMing-Chung Ho
外文關鍵詞:Hyper-chaoticChaosPhase synchronizationInformation entropyStroboscopePhase locking
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The detection for phase locking in a forced oscillator with dual attractors and ill-defined phase structure is hard until a quantitative approach was constructed for detecting phase locking via stroboscopic method. We study the route to weak phase locking in a chaotic system “Chua oscillator” with complex attractor structure by analyzing the stroboscopic points. The onset of weak phase locking detected by using this statistical approach and the critical coupling strength calculated by conditional Lyapunov exponent are matched well. Detailed structure of phase locking intensity is described by the Arnold tongue diagram. Moreover, we apply this approach on three hyper-chaotic systems with multi-scroll attractor, including hyper-chaotic Rössler system, hyper-chaotic Lorenz system, and modified MCK oscillator. The weak phase locking between hyper-chaotic system and a periodic or a chaotic driving force is observable following the condition of stroboscopic point concentration.
摘要 1
Abstract 2

1.導論 6
1.1相位同步Phase synchronization 7
1.1.1相位角Phase angle 7
1.1.2同步Synchronization 12
1.1.3希爾伯特轉換Hilbert transform method 14
1.1.4濾波Band filter process 16
1.1.5相位曲率轉換法Curvature of phase track 17
1.1.6頻閃法Stroboscope 20
1.2相位鎖定Phase locking 23
1.2.1週期相位鎖定 Periodic phase locking 23
1.2.2高階鎖定 High order locking 28
1.2.3渾沌相位鎖定 Chaotic phase locking 29
1.2.4渾沌相位同步 Chaotic phase synchronization 31
1.2.5非完美相位鎖定 Imperfect phase lock 34
1.2.6頻閃點鎖定 Stroboscopic locking 39

2.弱相位鎖定Weak phase locking 43
2.1頻閃點群聚Stroboscopic point concentration 44
2.1.1 系統Model 44
2.1.2 受非線性週期力驅策的系統 53
2.1.3 頻閃點群聚行為 56
2.2頻閃熵比Entropy ratio of stroboscopic point distribution 63
2.2.1 頻閃點分布Stroboscopic point distribution 63
2.2.2 信息熵Information entropy 69
2.2.3 頻閃點統計 71
2.2.4 定義頻閃熵比 76
2.3穩定性分析 80
2.3.1 李雅普諾夫指數Lyapunov exponent 80
2.3.2 原本為零的李雅普諾夫指數Null Lyapunov exponent 84

3.超渾沌系統中的弱相位鎖定 87
3.1超渾沌Rössler系統 88
3.1.1 系統 88
3.1.2 頻閃點行為 95
3.1.3 分析結果 102
3.2超渾沌Lorenz系統 108
3.2.1 系統 108
3.2.2 頻閃點行為 116
3.2.3 分析結果 123
3.3修正型MCK系統 129
3.3.1 系統 129
3.3.2 頻閃點群聚 138
3.3.3 分析結果 145

4.結論 151
4.1成果討論 151
4.2未來展望 155

參考資料 156
作者資料 161
謝誌 163
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