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研究生(外文):You-Hua Ho
論文名稱(外文):Characteristics and origins of secondary chloritic minerals in the Tertiary basaltic rocks from Taiwan.
指導教授(外文):Yen-Hong Shau
外文關鍵詞:very low-grade metamorphismhydrothermal alterationbasaltic rocksmixed-layered phyllosilicatessmectitecorrensitechlorite
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Chlorite and corrensite are very common secondary minerals in very low-grade metamorphic or hydrothermally altered mafic rocks. Corrensite, although defined as a 1:1 regularly mixed-layered chlorite/smectite or chlorite/vermiculite, has been considered as a unique mineral phase and might thus be a potential index mineral for evaluating very low metamorphic grade. Many lenticular basaltic rocks, which are intercalated with unmetamorphosed to low-grade metamorphosed Tertiary sedimentary rocks, occur sporadically in the Western foothills and the Central Range in Taiwan. The lenticular basaltic rocks in the Western foothills (diagenetic zone) and the western flank of the Central Range (anchizone to epizone) were subjected to different degrees of hydrothermal alteration and/or metamorphism. However, only few occurrences of corrensite in these basaltic rocks were reported. In the present study, the occurrences and mixed-layering features of corrensite and coexisting chloritic minerals in the basaltic rocks were characterized by utilizing optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that most of these basaltic rocks contain abundant chloritic minerals occurring as replacements of mafic minerals or interstitial glass, or as vein- or vesicle-filling materials. The chloritic minerals include smectite, corrensite, chlorite, mixed-layered chlorite/smectite, or mixed-layered chlorite/corrensite. The compositions of chlorite, corrensite, and smectite are distinctive in terms of their Si/Al ratios, interlayer cations, and total cation numbers. Corrensite, chlorite, and mixed-layered chlorite/corrensite are common secondary mineral assemblages in the anchizone basaltic rocks, whereas only discrete chlorite occur in the epizone. The basaltic rocks in the diagenetic zone contain different assemblages, such as smectite only, chlorite + smectite + mixed-layered chlorite/smectite + mixed-layered chlorite/corrensite, or chlorite + corrensite + mixed-layered chlorite/corrensite. These different assemblages of chloritic minerals and other secondary mineral assemblages might reflect different stages of hydrothermal alteration. Corrensite was positively identified with TEM lattice-fringe imaging in the diagenetic rocks collected from Nangang, Poneikeng, Shanzijiao, Nanshihjiao, Hsiungkong, Shihsiouping, Fusing, and Northern Shihmen Reservoir areas, and in the studied anchizone rocks from Junghua, Kaopo and Baolai areas. The disappearance of corrensite clearly marks the boundary between the anchizone and epizone basaltic rocks. Corrensite, as a chemically and structurally unique mineral phase, is therefore a potential index mineral in very low-grade metamorphic rocks.

第一章 序論------------------------------------------------------------1
1-1 前言-------------------------------------------------------------------1
1-2 柯綠泥石與綠泥石質礦物----------------------------------------------1
1-3 膨潤石至綠泥石的轉變機制--------------------------------------------2
1-4 台灣的綠泥石質礦物分布----------------------------------------------3
1-5 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------4
第二章 地質背景-------------------------------------------------------8
第三章 研究方法------------------------------------------------------14
3-1 實驗流程-------------------------------------------------------------14
3-2 實驗方法-------------------------------------------------------------15
第四章 結果----------------------------------------------------------19
4-1 綠泥石質礦物的種類與組合統整--------------------------------------19
4-1-1 綠泥石-------------------------------------------------------------19
4-1-4 膨潤石--------------------------------------------------------------24
4-2 淺變質帶樣品---------------------------------------------------------26
4-2-2 中橫德基公益橋(GYC)-------------------------------------------29
4-3 近變質帶樣品---------------------------------------------------------48
4-4 成岩帶樣品-----------------------------------------------------------63
4-4-23澎湖縣西嶼鄉小門嶼(XMY1, XMY2)---------------------------140
第五章 討論---------------------------------------------------------143
5-1 各地火成岩之次生礦物群與蝕變程度--------------------------------143
5-3 綠泥石質礦物的種類變化--------------------------------------------145
5-3-1 單獨膨潤石相-----------------------------------------------------145
5-3-2 綠泥石、混層綠泥石/柯綠泥石、混層綠泥石/膨潤石與膨潤石-----145
5-3-3 柯綠泥石、綠泥石與混層綠泥石/柯綠泥石------------------------146
5-4 成岩帶中綠泥石質礦物的共生關係----------------------------------147
5-5 綠泥石質礦物的種類與區域變質度之關係---------------------------148
5-6 綠泥石質礦物之Si /(Si+Al)與Fe /(Fe+Mg)之關係性-----------149
5-7 柯綠泥石的獨特性--------------------------------------------------150
第六章 結論---------------------------------------------------------155
第七章 參考文獻----------------------------------------------------157
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