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研究生(外文):Yi-ting Huang
論文名稱(外文):the dilemma of the choice between dolphin sets and non-dolphin sets-the case of the eastern tropical pacific purse-seine fishery
指導教授(外文):Shan-Non Chin
外文關鍵詞:dolphins-bycatchEastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) purse-seine fisherydolphin setsnon-dolphin setstuna-discarding
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In the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), the operation mode of purse-seine fishing can be divided into dolphin sets and non-dolphin sets. Dolphin sets can catch more yellowfin tuna, but cause a lot of dolphin deaths. On the contrary, non-dolphin sets can catch more skipjack tuna, but discard a lot of tuna. Therefore, the choice of the operation mode to the ETP purse-seine fishery is very influential. If the fishermen use more dolphin sets, they are able to catch high quantity and more valuable yellowfin tuna. Conversely, if the fishermen use more non-dolphin sets, they will not hurt dolphins. But the tuna fish caught by this operation mode is smaller in size and the discarding rate is extremely high which will affect the overall profits of the fishermen. The research will investigate how the fishermen make the choice of the operation mode in the dilemma between dolphin sets which cause dolphins-bycatch and non-dolphin sets which result in tuna-discarding, In addition, if managers can ban dolphin sets or non-dolphin sets to maximize the profit of the fishermen and maintain the ecological balance between tuna and dolphins.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究方法與目的 3
第三節 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 東太平洋熱帶區(ETP)圍網漁業概況 6
第二節 海豚混獲與丟棄成本的相關文獻 9
第三章 理論模型 13
第一節 模型基本假設 13
第二節 開放式漁場模型 15
第三節 現值極大化漁場模型 18
第四章 實證結果與分析 24
第一節 東太平洋熱帶區(ETP)圍網漁業資料來源 24
第二節 在同時採用海豚群與非海豚群、只採用海豚群(禁止非海豚群)以及只採用非海豚群(禁止海豚群)情況下的均衡解比較............28
第三節 東太平洋熱帶區(ETP)圍網漁業實際數據與均衡值的比較 34
第四節 敏感度分析 40
第五章 結論與建議 65
第一節 結論 65
第二節 建議 66
參考文獻 68
附錄 71
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