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研究生(外文):Sung-lin Chen
論文名稱(外文):Measurement and Antenna Design of RFID Tags for Metallic Objects
指導教授(外文):Ken-Huang Lin
外文關鍵詞:RFID chipimpedance matchinductively couplingRFID metal tagslot antenna
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A measurement method for characterizing RFID chip has been proposed that can measure the approximate Read/Write threshold power and impedance of RFID strap with minimum operating procedures; furthermore, the complicated RF facilities are not required. Obtaining the specifications of RFID strap allows designers to estimate maximum read range of designed RFID tag in advance. Therefore, the implemented cost and design cycle times can be reduced substantially. For the verification of the final match condition of assembled RFID tag, a direct measurement technique has been developed, which not only can verify the final impedance match condition of the assembled RFID tags, but can also be used to identify the resistance and reactance mismatch condition between the RFID chip and antenna. The measurement data obtained from the verification method can also be used to estimate the assembly error introduced by different mounting methods. The use of the corrected circuit model of the RFID chip impedance, which includes the assembly error, helps improve the accuracy of the RFID tag design. In the RFID metal tag design, a series of low profile and miniature RFID tags, which is directly attached on metallic objects, has been developed. A series of low cost and easily produced RFID tag antenna structures also has been realized for RFID application on hanging metallic tag, which makes the RFID solution well suited for metallic tag of labeling system that requires integration of RFID technology. The attached RFID metal tag and the metallic RFID hanging tag cover most of the RFID application on steel products in the steel industry.
1. Introduction 1
2. Measurement Method for Characterizing RFID Strap 4
2.1 Conventional Source-Pull System 4
2.2 Single-Ended Probe Method 6
2.3 Enhanced RFID Source-Pull System 11
2.4 Measurement Results 15
3. A Measurement Technique for Verifying The Match Condition of RFID Tags 22
3.1 Verification Method for An Assembled RFID Tag 23
3.2 Setup of RF Output Power of The Measurement Equipment 28
3.3 Corrected Circuit Model of RFID Chip 30
3.4 Simulation and Measurement Results 32
4. RFID Tag Design for Attaching on Metallic Objects 44
4.1 Double-Mushroom Tag 45
4.2 Double-Mushroom with Capacitive Load Bar 51
4.3 Double-Mushroom with an Inner Conductive Layer 55
4.4 Double-Mushroom in Bowtie-Shaped 60
5. RFID Tag Design for Hanging Metallic Tag Applications 65
5.1 A Y-Y-Shaped Slot Antenna 66
5.2 A Multi-Feed Y-Shaped Slot Antenna 70
5.3 An Inductively Coupling Metallic Tag Antenna 76
5.4 A Miniature and Near-3D Omni-Directional Metallic Tag Antenna 88
5.5 A Multi-Feed and Near-3D Omni-directional Metallic Tag Antenna 93
5.6 A Small Dipole Coupling Metallic Tag Antenna 97
6. Conclusions 102
6.1 Summary 102
6.2 Future Research 106
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