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研究生(外文):Yi-Chuen Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Implementations of Splitting and Merging Mechanisms for SVC Streams on Mixed Wired and Wireless Networks
指導教授(外文):Tsang-Ling Sheu
外文關鍵詞:IPTVSVC StreamsBuffer
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本論文在混合的有線與無線網路環境中,建置了一部SVC影像串流控制閘道器 (SVC Streaming Gateway, SSG),我們提出了stream splitting與stream merging兩個機制,來因應網路上可用頻寬產生劇烈變化時,可以有效的使用頻寬。這兩個機制主要是利用SVC (Scalable Video Coding)影像編碼分層的特性。stream splitting是當有一部client發出要求觀看IPTV串流的request,若目前線上已在傳送,且SSG估算目前尚有可用頻寬,則根據可用頻寬split出適當的Layers數的串流。stream merging是P2P (Peer to Peer)網路上已經有兩條IPTV串流,內容相同但不同layer數、不同來源server的stream在傳送,當client端的可用頻寬變大,SSG則從layers數較多的stream中取出部分enhancement layer進行merge。另外由於網路上存在transmission delay,會造成兩條streams在通過SSG時,發生一條stream比另外一條stream快抵達SSG的現象,針對這個問題我們使用buffer做為緩衝,主要是buffer較快的stream,如果layers數多的stream比較快,則直接copy要merge的enhancement layer進入buffer,如果layers數多的stream比較慢,則delay已經抵達的且layer數比較少的stream。
  我們在Linux平台上實做這兩個機制,使得SSG可以定期量測網路的可用頻寬,以動態調整串流影片的SVC層級,最後經由實驗的數據證明使用stream splitting可以有效的節省IPTV Server至SSG間的WiMAX頻寬,並避免因網路壅塞所造成的影像停頓與馬賽克現象。在stream merging的機制中,我們針對buffer delay、queue length與merged packets做效能的分析比較。
In this thesis, we propose two mechanisms, stream splitting and merging, to fully utilize the bandwidth in a mixed wired and wireless network. The two mechanisms implemented on a SVC Streaming Gateway (SSG) mainly exploit the characteristics of multi-layer SVC (Scalable Video Coding). In the stream splitting mechanism, the available bandwidth can be calculated on SSG, so that an adequate number of layers of a SVC stream can be determined for splitting. In the stream merging mechanism, when the available bandwidth is increased, a stream with more number of enhancement layers can be extracted to merge onto a stream with less number of layers. Additionally, when two streams pass through SSG concurrently, one stream may arrive at SSG faster due to different traffic conditions. If one stream with more SVC layers is faster than the one with less SVC layers, we buffer the packets of the faster stream on SSG, so that the buffered packets can be merged to the top of SVC layers of the slow stream. On the other hand, if one stream with more SVC layers is slower than the one with less SVC layers, to effectively merge the enhancement layers of the slow stream onto the faster stream, SSG will delay the packets of the faster stream to wait for the packets of the slow stream. Finally, we implement these two mechanisms on the Linux platform. In the experiments, we measure buffer delay, queue length, and the number of merged packets to demonstrate that the two proposed mechanisms can effectively improve the picture freeze-up and mosaic phenominon.
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 章節介紹 3

第二章 WiMAX上的SVC影音串流 5
2.1 SVC技術介紹 5
2.1.1 SVC Encoding 5
2.1.2 SVC Bit Stream的結構 6
2.2多媒體網路的傳送協定 10
2.2.1 傳送層協定 10
2.2.2 應用層協定 10
2.3無線寬頻網路 11
2.3.1 LTE/4G 11
2.3.2 WiMAX 12
2.4 Stream Splitting與Merging 13
2.5 SVC影音串流的相關研究 14
2.5.1利用優先權調整Stream Bit Rate 15
2.5.2 利用中間節點調整Stream Bit Rate 15
2.5.3 其它SVC影音串流的相關研究 17
2.6 本論文提出的SVC影音串流機制 17

第三章 Splitting and Merging of SVC Streams 18
3.1 IPTV與SVC 18
3.2 RTSP-Lite 19
3.2.1 RTSP-Lite的Header設計 19
3.2.2 RTSP -Lite Protocol 20
3.3 IPTV Server與 Client流程 21
3.3.1 NAL與IP封包 21
3.3.2 IPTV Server 22
3.3.3 Client 22
3.4.1 Stream Splitting啟動時機 24
3.4.2 Stream Splitting的詳細流程 25
3.5 Stream Merging 機制流程 28
3.5.1 當Layer數較少的Stream比較慢 29
3.5.2 當Layer數較多的Stream比較慢 30

第四章 實作與結果分析 33
4.1 Linux平台上的實作 33
4.1.1 IPTV Server 33
4.1.2 IPTV Client 36
4.1.3 SSG 38
4.2實驗設備與環境設定 43
4.3 實驗結果與分析 45
4.3.1實驗一:Stream Splitting 45
4.3.2實驗二 : Stream Merging 47

第五章 結論與未來工作 54
5.1 結論 54
5.2 遭遇困難 56
5.3 未來工作 56

參考文獻(References) 58
Acronyms 64
索引 65
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