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研究生(外文):Yu-Dun Lin
論文名稱(外文):Popular Music Analysis: Chorus and Emotion Detection
指導教授(外文):Chia-Hung Yeh
外文關鍵詞:tempoMFCCsrhythmemotionneural network
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近年來隨著多媒體資訊的發展迅速,流行音樂的取得越來越方便,音樂檢索系統的需求也因應而生。此外自2007 年起,許多歌唱比賽與節目受到許多關注,其評斷參賽者好壞的依據變是評估其是否唱出與原唱相同的情緒並且與觀眾達到共鳴。在本篇論文中,我們提出了副歌偵測與情緒偵測來完成以情緒為分類的音樂檢索系統。副歌是一首歌的靈魂,也是表達主要情緒的部分,因此首先要偵測副歌的片段。副歌偵測是透過擷取各個音樂頻段並產生colormap,再透過色彩分類法colormap 切割成不同片段來顯示一首歌的音樂結構,最後分別計算各個片段的梅爾倒頻譜係數(MFCCs)與相關性(Similiarity)來決定其片段是否為副歌。偵測到副歌片段之後,基於Thayer 的情緒模型,我們在副歌片段擷取其強度、韻律以及節奏來表達此情緒模型。在本篇論文中,我們分別利用類神經網路分類器與Adaboost 分類器來訓練與測試情緒分類的準確率。實驗結果顯示副歌偵測部分準確率與情緒偵測部分皆達到88%以上,因此我們可以藉由副歌與情緒偵測達到以情緒為分類的音樂檢索系統。
In this thesis, a chorus detection and an emotion detection algorithm for popular
music are proposed. First, a popular music is decomposed into chorus and verse
segments based on its color representation and MFCCs (Mel-frequency cepstral
coefficients). Four features including intensity, tempo and rhythm regularity are
extracted from these structured segments for emotion detection. The emotion of a
song is classified into four classes of emotions: happy, angry, depressed and relaxed
via two classification methods. One is back-propagation neural network classifier and
the other is Adaboost classifier. A test database consisting of 350 popular music songs
is utilized in our experiment. Experimental results show that the average recall and
precision of the proposed chorus detection are approximated to 95% and 84%,
respectively; the average precision rate of emotion detection is 86% for neural
network classifier and 92% for Adaboost classifier. The emotions of a song with
different cover versions are also detected in our experiment. The precision rate is
中文摘要 ................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ................................................................................................................ ii
Contents .............................................................................................................. iii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................ v
List of Tables .............................................................................................................. vii
Chpater 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview of Music ................................................................................. 1
1.2 Music Retrieval System ......................................................................... 5
1.3 Motivation .............................................................................................. 9
1.4 Contribution ......................................................................................... 11
1.5 Organization ......................................................................................... 12
Chpater 2 Background Review .................................................................................... 13
2.1 Audio Signal Processing ...................................................................... 14
2.2 Audio Features ..................................................................................... 19
2.3 Chorus Detection and Emotion Model ................................................. 23
2.4 Adaboost .............................................................................................. 27
Chpater 3 Chorus Detection ......................................................................................... 33
3.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 36
3.2 Colormap Generation ........................................................................... 38
3.3 Chorus and Verse Designation ............................................................. 42
Chpater 4 Emotion Detection ....................................................................................... 49
4.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 49
4.2 Preprocessing ....................................................................................... 54
4.3 Neural Network Classifier.................................................................... 60
4.4 Adaboost Classifier .............................................................................. 62
Chpater 5 Experimental Results ................................................................................... 67
5.1 Chorus Detection .................................................................................. 68
5.2 Emotion detection ................................................................................ 73
5.3 Emotion Detection of Cover Songs...................................................... 78
5.4 Discussion ............................................................................................ 80
Chpater 6 Conclusions and Future Work ..................................................................... 83
Reference .............................................................................................................. 85
Curriculum Vitae .......................................................................................................... 90
Publications .............................................................................................................. 91
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