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研究生(外文):Chia-shiu Wu
論文名稱(外文):Content-aware Intra Prediction for H.264/AVC
指導教授(外文):Chia-hung Yeh
外文關鍵詞:video codingfinite state machineintra predictionmotion estimation
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This paper proposes new approaches to improve the coding performance of intra block coding in H.264/AVC via finite state machine and residual prediction. Grounding on high correlation between neighboring blocks, finite state machine is employed both at encoder and decoder to reduce the number of bits required for encoding to enhance coding performance. Two extra intra prediction modes are created in our proposed method. Through these two modes, the number of bits required to denote the current block is greatly reduced and low bit rate can be achieved. According to spatial correlation, intra-coded residual prediction reduces residual block by neighboring residual block. In this paper, we combine finite state machine with intra-coded residual prediction to achieve better coding performance. Experimental results show that the proposed method can greatly improve coding efficiency of intra macroblock coding in H.264/AVC.
List of Figures…v
List of Tables…vii
Chapter1 Introduction…1
1.1 Overview of Video Coding…1
1.2 Overview of H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard…3
1.3 Motivation…15
1.4 Contribution…17
1.5 Organization of the Thesis…18
Chapter2 Background Review…19
2.1 New Intra Prediction using Intra-Macroblock Motion Compensation...19
2.2 Finite State Machine in Vector Quantization Coding…22
Chapter3 New Intra Prediction with Finite State Machine for H.264/AVC...24
3.1 Combined FSVQ with H.264/AVC…24
3.2 Side-match for H.264/AVC…26
3.3 Combined Intra Motion Compensation with Side-match for H.264/AVC...28
3.4 New Intra Prediction with Finite State Machine for H.264/AVC…30
3.5 Flow of the Proposed System…32
Chapter4 Intra-Coded Residual Prediction…34
4.1 Residual Block...34
4.2 Intra-Coded Residual Prediction…38
4.3 Combined New Intra Prediction with Intra-Coded Residual Prediction…44
4.4 Flowchart of Intra-Coded Residual Prediction…46
Chapter5 Experimental Results…48
5.1 Testing Platform of Experimental Results…48
5.2 Objective Measurement…49
5.3 Experimental Results of the New Intra Prediction with Finite State Machine…50
5.4 Experimental Results of Intra-Coded Residual Prediction…56
5.5 Experimental Results of Intra-Coded Residual Prediction and the New Intra Prediction with Finite State Machine…60
Chapter6 Conclusions and Future Work…64
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