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研究生(外文):Nan-Hong Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Customer Satisfatory of Western Restantants in Cheng-du City of China-a Case Study of Y Restaurant.
指導教授(外文):Bih-Shiaw JawYu-Ping Wang
外文關鍵詞:Consumer SatisfactionCheng-du CityRestaurant Industry
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(二)「客觀滿意度」「顧客忠誠」(Y)兩者間呈正向線性關係,解釋變異能力(R square=23.5%)亦高。同樣地,主觀滿意度與顧客忠誠間也呈現正向線性關係。
(三)各個客觀滿意度的構面中,以「價格」與主觀滿意度的相關性最高(Pearson’s 相關係數=0.562),意味著價格滿意度愈高,其主觀滿意度也會愈高。


With China''s rapid economic growth, the turnover of restaurants also will correspondingly. In 2005, for example, the Chinese restaurant industry retail sales to $RMB 888.68 billion, a net increase of $RMB 133.6 billion over the previous year, the annual operating revenue 48.88 billion yuan, annual sales for 15 years to maintain 10% growth at least. Domestic retaurant sales of catering industry in 2009 was about $RMB 1.8 trillion, representing an increase of 16.8% than year 2008.
In the highly competitive environment, business model of restaurants are going to be more flexible and diversified.Under the large number of impacts of foreign cultures, thelocal consumers of China have more alternatives such Japanese food or Western cusines in addition to the traditional Chinese rice. Foreign entrepreneurs (especially Taiwan''s business) not only positively encounter with local restaurants, but also face the same competitive situation against other outsiders. Based on this, as Taiwan''s restaurant operators, how to how to effectively control the local consumer demand, taste preferences and build up the customer loyalty is coming to be an important subject of running local restaurants.
The study purpose is to understand the service quality and customer satisfaction of Y restaurant which is lacatedin Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, of China. In this study, the questionnaires were delivered by the proportion of meal-time of cluster sampling, and issued from April 25 to May 9.A total of 201 questionnaires are got back, 170 valid samples were gathered at the 95% confidence level with the sampling error of 3.3%.After the questionnaire data of statistically testing analysis, conclusions are followed as below,
1. In aspects of positive customer satisfactory,
A. The objective dimensions of satisfaction, the both of "message" and "convenience" are significantly lower than the overall average value of objective satisfaction. In the construct of "message", the Y restaurant is recommended to reinforce the message sufficiency, such as the way of consumption and prices, website information, external signs and so on. In the construct of "convenience", the study recommends that the Y restaurant be more easily found, such as clearer web map instructions and more obvious signs.
B. the "objective satisfaction,"(X value) "customer loyalty" (Y value) showed in a linear regression model, the significant linear relationship exsists (R square = 23.5%). Similarly, the subjective satisfaction and customer loyalty are also represented as positive linear relationship.
C. satisfaction of all objective dimensions, the "price" construct has the highest correlation (Pearson''s correlation coefficient = 0.562) with subjective satisfaction. And that means higher prices of satisfaction, the subjective satisfaction will be higher accordingly.
2. In aspects of demographics and consumer behavior,
A. in the frequency of consumption, 2nd consumption satisfaction, is significantly better than the "2-5 times" consumption customers.
(B) in the meal-time aspect, customer satisfaction of the weekday hours is better than holiday time satisfaction.
3. Other fators,
A.The holiday dinner customer emphasize significantly higher than "weekday lunch" customers’ in aspects of tastes of food.
(B) Of "The provision of parking spaces", the "income", and "age", there is a significant difference. The degree of emphasis of the consumers with more than $RMB 2000 of monthly income is significantly more than that of less than %RMB 2,000 of monthly income.; The degree of emphasis of consumers at the age of above 35 customers is significantly more than that at the age of below 35 years.

Key words: Consumer Satisfaction, Restaurant Industry, Cheng-du City

摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究背景與動機 - 1 -
第二節 研究目的 - 3 -
第三節 研究範圍與限制 - 4 -
第四節 研究流程 - 6 -
第二章 文獻探討 - 8 -
第一節 中國餐飲市場發展概況 - 8 -
第二節 成都市現況及發展 - 14 -
第三節 服務品質相關文獻 - 18 -
第四節 顧客滿意相關文獻 - 30 -
第三章 研究方法 - 35 -
第一節 研究架構 - 35 -
第二節 問卷設計 - 38 -
第三節 資料蒐集 - 43 -
第四章 資料分析 - 45 -
第一節 樣本分析 - 45 -
第二節 顧客滿意度分析 - 55 -
第三節 考量因素的影響變數之分析 - 77 -
第五章 研究結論與建議 - 89 -
第一節 研究結論 - 89 -
第二節 研究建議 - 91 -
參考文獻 - 93 -
英文部份 - 93 -
中文部份 - 96 -
附錄-問卷 - 97 -

圖2-1 PZB服務品質模式 - 23 -
圖3-1 研究架構 - 37 -
圖4-1 次數分配圖-性別 - 46 -
圖4-2 次數分配圖-年齡 - 47 -
圖4-3 次數分配圖-個人月收入 - 48 -
圖4-4 教育程度派狀圖 - 49 -
圖4-5 次數分配圖-職業 - 50 -
圖4-6 教育程度派狀圖 - 51 -
圖4-7 用餐目的分佈長條圖 - 52 -
圖4-8 用餐次數分佈長條圖 - 53 -
圖4-9 消費頻度分佈長條圖 - 54 -

表2-1 品質定義整理 - 20 -
表2-2 服務品質的影響構面 - 24 -
表3-1 服務品質構面與問卷題目設計 - 38 -
表3-2 問卷內容與設計-展店考量因素 - 40 -
表3-3 問卷內容與設計-個人基本資料 - 40 -
表3-4 問卷回收份數統計表 - 43 -
表4-1 餐點滿意度與客觀滿意度檢定分析 - 55 -
表4-2 服務人員滿意度與客觀滿意度檢定分析 - 56 -
表4-3 店內環境裝潢滿意度與客觀滿意度檢定分析 - 57 -
表4-4 訊息滿意度與客觀滿意度檢定分析 - 57 -
表4-5 便利性滿意度與客觀滿意度檢定分析 - 58 -
表4-6 價格滿意度與客觀滿意度檢定分析 - 59 -
表4-7 客觀滿意度與顧客忠誠的廻歸分析 - 60 -
表4-8 餐點滿意度與主觀滿意度的關連性分析 - 60 -
表4-9 服務人員滿意度與主觀滿意度的關連性分析 - 61 -
表4-10 店內環境裝修滿意度與主觀滿意度的關連性分析 - 62 -
表4-11 訊息滿意度與主觀滿意度的關連性分析 - 62 -
表4-12 便利性滿意度與主觀滿意度的關連性分析 - 63 -
表4-13 價格滿意度與主觀滿意度的關連性分析 - 64 -
表4-14 客觀滿意度與主觀滿意度的關連性分析 - 64 -
表4-15 主觀滿意度與顧客忠誠度的廻歸分析 - 65 -
表4-16 顧客滿意度敘述統計分析-性別 - 66 -
表4-17 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-性別 - 66 -
表4-18 顧客滿意度敘述統計分析-年齡 - 67 -
表4-19 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-年齡 - 67 -
表4-20 顧客滿意度敘述統計分析-個人月收入 - 68 -
表4-21 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-個人月收入 - 68 -
表4-22 顧客滿意度敘述統計分析-教育程度 - 69 -
表4-23 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-教育程度 - 69 -
表4-24 顧客滿意度敘述統計分析-職業 - 70 -
表4-25 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-職業 - 70 -
表4-26 顧客滿意度敘述統計分析-用餐目的 - 71 -
表4-27 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-用餐目的 - 71 -
表4-28 顧客滿意度敘述統計分析-用餐次數 - 72 -
表4-29 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-用餐次數 - 72 -
表4-30用餐時段多重比較-Bonferroni法 - 73 -
表4-31 顧客滿意度敘述統計分析-用餐目的 - 74 -
表4-32 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-用餐目的 - 74 -
表4-33 顧客滿意度敘述統計量分析-用餐時段 - 75 -
表4-34 顧客滿意度之單因子變異數分析表-用餐時段 - 75 -
表4-35 多重比較法-用餐時段-Bonferroni法 - 76 -
表4-36 人口統計變數與考量因素之關連性分析-性別 - 77 -
表4-37 人口統計變數與考量因素之關連性分析-年齡 - 78 -
表4-38 人口統計變數與考量因素之關連性分析-收入 - 79 -
表4-39 人口統計變數與考量因素之關連性分析-教育程度 - 80 -
表4-39 消費行為變數與考量因素之關連性分析-用餐目的 - 81 -
表4-40 消費行為變數與考量因素之關連性分析-用餐次數 - 82 -
表4-41 消費行為變數與考量因素之關連性分析-消費頻度 - 83 -
表4-42 消費行為變數與考量因素之關連性分析-用餐時段 - 84 -
表4-43 口味重淡的重視程度與顧客滿意度的廻歸分析 - 85 -
表4-44 服務人員態度的重視程度與顧客滿意度的廻歸分析 - 86 -
表4-45 服務人員態度的重視程度與顧客忠誠度的廻歸分析 - 87 -
表4-46 服務人員態度的重視程度與顧客忠誠度的廻歸分析 - 88 -

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